'However Long It Takes.'

Hayley smiled,

"Thank you, Caroline! For killing her." Her jaw was rigid, "One bitch down, one to go."

"Francesca Guerrera?"

Hayley nodded,

"She'll come to you..Hayley!" Caroline told her, "I promise you will get Francesca to kill and Hope back by tomorrow."

She looked so surprised,


"Count it as a wedding present from me!"

Caroline smiled.

"How?" Hayley yelled. She didn't know how Caroline would do anything to fix this all. "HOW?"

But she didn't answer. Like Klaus, she flew solo.

The hour Caroline Forbes was dreading was here.

"Ready?" Klaus asked her.

She and Klaus were alone, together in the same place for the first time in five months.

"I am, if you are." She said vaguely.

"Caroline.." He stopped her, they were walking towards the Bayou. "I have been through hell in the past few months."

He took her hand, this time she didn't resist. They started to walk again. She didn't say anything.

"For what I did to you." He whispered.

But it didn't matter, she could hear everything clearly.

"I'm sorry."

They were now walking through the Bayou.

"Are you okay?" Caroline talked for the first time during the conversation. "With twelve people weakening you?"

She stopped in front of the lake.

"The moonlight rings...and all?"

"Anything for you, love!" He nodded.

She smiled at him for the first time in months. He felt blood rushing inside him.

That smile! The smile he yearned for. The smile that froze his entire world. The smile that he wanted to see all the time. The smile that killed him. The smile that made him alive.

"Caroline...!" He took her hands, and pulled her towards himself. "I am going to…"

He didn't know what to say. He kissed her.

"I'm falling for you, Caroline."

She smiled.

"Don't take it away from me."

"It's time, Klaus" She took his hand, as the moon rose to its apex. "It's time!"

She shook his hands away.

Caroline Forbes woke up, she had survived. She had survived the kill. She had survived the first moon night. She never had to turn again, not if she didn't want to. She took the clothes she had brought.

A few minutes, she realized she had come to the Bayou with Klaus. Who was nowhere to be seen.

"Klaus!" She shouted. "Where are you?"

She shouted. "Klaus!"

He wasn't there.

"KLAUS!" She yelled.

She couldn't see him anywhere. She closed her eyes, and used her vampire hearing. She heard breathing. In the lake. In the water.


She jumped into the lake, there he was, at the bottom of the lake. She swam down. She took him up.

"Klaus…" She gasped for air, as she laid beside Klaus on the ground.

She breathed heavily. She sat up,

"Are you okay?" She shook him softly, "Talk to me!!"

She shouted. She could hear his heart, his breathing. But he was weak.

She had done this to him. He turned for her…..and just for her. For the worst night possible. She bit her arm, and gave it to him.

After a few seconds, he gasped.

"Oh My God!" Caroline looked at him, "What the hell happened?"

"I..I don't…know." He shook his head.

"You scared the hell out of me!"

She was holding his hands,

"Nice to know you care, love." He sat up.

"Oh, shut up!" Caroline sighed exasperatedly. "What the hell happened? A hybrid just doesn't faint and fall into the lake!"

"We can ask Freya about it." He stood up, "We should head back, celebrate...three hybrids in the Mikaelson Family!"

"I am not in the Mikaelson family!" Caroline pointed out.

"For now!" He smirked.

"Are you for real, Klaus?" She laughed. "You just fainted and fell into the lake which has never happened in over a thousand years and all you can talk about..."

"I will persuade you, love." Klaus took her hand, "However long it takes. And, a day will come when you might love me. Not as much as I love you...But, even a little would make me happy."

She smiled.

"We'll see about that!" Caroline told him.

She couldn't admit that she was already persuaded.

She moved ahead, and started to walk down the path, and out of the Bayou, several people greeted her on the way.

She smiled, and chatted with every one of them. Some even congratulated her on finally turning into a wolf.

"You really are something!" Klaus snickered.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, indignant.

"Why are you stopping to talk to all of them?"

"I don't know...Good manners, something you never knew!" She retorted.

As soon as she stepped out of the bayou, she screamed.

"What happened?" Klaus appeared behind her quickly.

Ahhh! I don't know…." Tears came to her eyes. "But, it hurts."

"Hold on." He told her, "Blood…"