A Wolf Wedding Proposal.

Caroline was standing on the terrace, she held a glass in her hand. It was cold, but she didn't mind. She looked around. It was beautiful, she could see almost the whole city from there.

"Hey…" Klaus appeared next to her, she smiled.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied, a little confused at the question. "Why?"

"Killed a wolf today, captured ten of them." Klaus noted all the things she did in the past few hours, "Gave one to Hayley. Turn into one yourself. A busy day."

She smiled.

"It's fine." She closed her eyes, "I'm fine,"

Both of them heard crying. The cries of the little baby were music to them. The fact that she was back was exhilarating for them, especially Hayley.

"Hold on." She stood up, "I'll get her."

Klaus Mikaelson sat next to the woman he had fallen for. She was holding the baby in her hands, she leaned against him. This was the calmest he had ever been. And he couldn't believe how much he was enjoying it.

Caroline and Hope fell asleep, her head on his shoulder. He smiled.

When Hayley Marshall learned that the way to unify her pact was to marry Jackson, who was one of the descendants of the Alphas.

She disclosed her plans to Caroline that she would marry Jackson and end her relationship with Elijah. Even though this was something she did not want to do. She loved Elijah.

"You don't have to do it!" Caroline told Hayley. "You don't love him,,..I know that!"

"If it'll fix our pack, I will." Hayley argued.

"You'll regret it!"

"I will not!"

Caroline stopped.

"I know how to fix it."

"How?" Hayley demanded.

"I am an alpha." Caroline started wandering around the room. "Klaus is an alpha…Technically."

"Your point being?" Hayley still didn't get it.

"You want the unification ceremony! You'll get one!" Caroline told her. "Just not by breaking it off with Elijah."

"I'll tell you I am going to do something I never thought I would never do!"

"What?" Hayley asked. Curious.

"I am going to ask Klaus to marry me."

"Wait, what?" She looked at her. "You are going to do it?"

Caroline nodded.

"You do know you have to spill everything!" Hayley told her. "You have to tell the truth about everything, and Mary will make you go through some rituals."

"It's fine."

It wasn't. It wasn't fine. At all. She was already dreading some things.

One thing Caroline didn't know was Klaus was already planning something.

She walked in the Bayou, looking for Mary. She needed all the ritual information before she told Klaus about anything.


She turned around.

"Who is it?" She murmured. It was dark, she couldn't see anything.

"Ouch.." Klaus Mikaelson appeared in front of her. "Can't even recognize me?"

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same question...It's almost the middle of the night and you are here."

"I own the whole place. I can be here any time." She shrugged. "Seriously, why are you here?"

"Just something I have to do!"

"In the Bayou?" Caroline asked.

"It's your favorite place in the city, isn't it?" He asked her, "And I needed you to be in the place you liked the most to be answering this question."

"What?" Caroline asked.

"Let me show you!" Klaus took her hand, and pulled her towards the lake.

"What is it….?"

She stopped. She couldn't finish her sentence. She was mesmerized.

It was a moonless night.

She could see something was spread out on the lake.


Caroline stared at the lake. Candles floated in the lake. She couldn't figure out how they were floating.

Klaus took a match from his pocket and threw it in the water.

She looked at the fire moving in the water, one candle lit after the other. Suddenly the whole lake lit up, as if it was on fire.


She was frozen. This was her favorite spot in the city and this was going to be her all time favorite moment in all eternity.

"That is amazing!" Caroline's hand clasped to her mouth.

He was on one knee, holding the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. She turned out.

"Oh My God…" She had forgotten she was standing at the edge of the lake. It was so unexpected. She took a step back.

"Caroline, look out!" Klaus yelled.

She slipped and fell in the lake. She hadn't anticipated any of this. Someone swam up behind her. Before she could do anything. Her neck snapped, and she was unconscious.

"Caroline!" Klaus yelled.

She didn't come up,

"It's not funny, Caroline…" He said stiffly.

Klaus Mikaelson waited for Caroline to come out of the water, it was strange.

Three people came up the water. One of them was holding Caroline by the neck.

He took a step back.


"You are never going to see her again." It was a vampire. Klaus could sense it.

"I will not be ordered about by lesser men!"

He growled.

"You are the lesser man now!" One of them laughed, "The Great Klaus Mikaelson! Falls for the beautiful wolf alpha…..who is just using him!"

"She's not us…" He didn't get to complete the sentence.

"We cannot afford the unification ceremony, she and her sister will take over the city and throw you out like garbage!"

He murmured.

"I am going to kill…"

"Ladies!" The other one shouted, interrupting Klaus.

Klaus's face changed, his fangs came out.

Klaus felt a piercing headache and fell down.