Chapter 6- Fatty Zhen


Chapter 6- Fatty Zhen

Author: Ede David

"How are you doing, Zernon?" the middle aged man smiled as he stared at Zernon, but deep in his eyes was concealed caution.

"I am okay, sir," Zernon replied before turning to the mature woman and bowed in greeting. "Madam, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, my son." Like a mother, the mature woman gently rubbed his head.

This casual, intimate action caused Zernon to subconsciously remember when he was about eight years old, when his own mother would rob his head in the same manner, but she had disappeared all of a sudden and a year after, he was in a dungeon being tortured immensely as a child.

Those horrible events had scarred his childhood, but had made his will very strong that few things could actually shake him, but this made melancholy surface secretly in his eyes.

"Oh, why don't I get a bow?" the middle aged man frowned in displeasure.

"Haha, because madam is more important." Zernon smiled.

But when the middle aged man saw that smile, he stepped back a little and didn't say anything else.

The mature woman's eyes widened like crescents, smiling happily at his words, she ushered him to another room.


Zernon walked in a room and saw the miserable looking fatty sprawled on the ground, looking like he had lost his soul.

"Haha, fatty Zhen, it's been a long time," Zernon laughed slightly, seemingly taking delight in his misfortune.

"Screw you! you dare come here and laugh, you better go back to where you came from!" Fatty Zhen's face turned furious as he angrily barked at Zernon.

"Why are you so scared of him?" the mature woman sat down on a couch next to her husband in the parlor and asked with confusion.

"…that Zernon boy is very creepy and very scary, there is something seriously wrong with that boy," the middle aged man had a slightly horrified expression as he spoke.

"I just can't understand, he looks like a nice boy to me." the mature woman furrowed her brows in doubt.

"Remember that time an assassin nearly killed Zhen?" the middle aged man asked in a calm voice.

"Yes and it was precisely this Zernon boy that saved our son." the middle aged man concurred.

"When we were torturing the assassin for leads which later proved to be futile, when that boy decided to kill the assassin… he cut that assassin into tiny bits of mincemeat and while he was cutting him, he will have that same gentle looking smile on his face, while the assassin screamed in pain, he would laugh in response… darling, I don't really like our son staying close to that boy." the middle aged man's calm

voice wavered with lingering fear.

If people saw his current appearance, they will surely be very curious about the person that could bring this one sword hunter king expert, Cole Lage such amount of fear.

The mature woman's face slowly turned dreadful as she imagined the scene of that seemingly gentle boy cutting that assassin.

Even she began to feel small pity for that assassin.

"Well, he doesn't do all these things indiscriminately, he has some psychological and mental problems, I agree, but he has a baseline, if you can understand him, then there will be no problem," the mature

woman said after a while.

"Well whatever, that boy still gives me the creeps" Cole Lage shook his head.

"What are you going to do about the upcoming Northern Region Trials?" the mature woman asked, worry evident in her eyes.

" *sigh* this boy is really a disgrace, if that my brother's son occupy a good position in this trial, then these bastards can use this to vote me out,"


"Zhen is my only son and thus, my only heir, if he misses this trial to show he can lead the clan when he ascends after me, then he will be voted out of being the heir and will be replaced by the most talented

hunter to be the heir instead, the most talented hunter in the junior generation is my second brother's son, if he attends and does very well, then that bastard of my second brother will use that to influence

the whole cabinet of elders, and with the momentum he has been showing just this year, will be enough for them to vote his son as the next heir,"

"And although I will still be the clan leader, my prestige and influence will naturally drop significantly while my second brother will continue to gather more momentum from there."

"Hmph, why don't you just subdue him, after all, he is at the five star Elite rank while you are a one sword hunter king?"

"That would have worked before, but now I heard that he has taken the hunter ranking test and has pushed through the last bottleneck, and is now in the same level as me." Lage sighed.

The mature woman frowned, lost in thought.


"Should I help you finish it?" Zernon asked as he sat opposite Fatty Zhen.

"No, it's not like I'm being stingy, but my father will know that you are the one." Fatty Zhen lay on the floor before sighing, "Why am I caged up like this? I wish I could be like you, just travelling as you wish."

"You better be grateful, you are caged up with love and affection and you still have a father and mother as for me… I was caged out of hatred and revenge while my father is no more and I am only travelling

because my own clan doesn't accept me." Zernon frowned in annoyance, this was the first time in ages he had frowned.

Even when undergoing hellish training and pain, wouldn't have made him feel this kind of negative emotion.

He was just very angry, angry that someone was feeling so sad because of his parents while he was here wishing to be in a similar state.

Familial rebukes and affection was something he longed for but couldn't have.

Fatty Zhen just sighed before asking "Why do people live?"

Zernon was slightly stunned, this was the first time he had heard such seemingly profound words from this spoilt fatty.

"We live because we have no choice but to live." he gave a short reply.

"Then what are goals in life?" Fatty Zhen asked again.

"We live because we have no choice, goals are just something that make the normally boring aspect of life a little lively,"

"Then is having no goal, a goal?" Fatty Zhen followed up with this question.

Visioning where this fatty was going with this, he couldn't help but chide, "You just want to decorate your hedonism by asking all these questions."

"No no, seriously, is having no goal, a goal?" Fatty Zhen had a solemn face as he gazed at the ceiling.

"Looks like the food torture has dafted your head, you are beginning to spout nonsense."

"Every time, parents want you to achieve something great, they want you to take the path they select for you and want you to be perfect, they want no mistakes from you and want you to continue error-free because that is the way they were trained and so the cycle continues,"

"This our Village is a place where the strong prey on the weak and so, many people train endlessly so as to become stronger and not be prey… but because of that, they miss out on many things in life,"

"In this our northern region, there is the Mystic Sea, in the southern region, there is the Freezing-Hot path, there is also the Reverse Zero Area and yet many Hunters hasn't ventured out to experience this,

because of their mindless pursuit of strength."

"Nature has provided us with numerous things, yet we miss out on them because we want to achieve something very great, we aim for a dream that we will most likely never reach in our lives, reach old age

with some unaccomplished goals or no accomplished goals at all and then we die without experiencing anything worthwhile..."

"So why put too big of a goal on yourself? Why don't you take it easy and relax while awaiting impending death? If after everything, we still die, whether or not we accomplish our goals, then why not

live an exciting life and experience many pleasures, because we will still die anyways." Fatty Zhen had a

grave look on his face.

Zernon just sat down and pondered for a while before hearing a loud bang and the door was blasted away as Cole Lage strode in with a livid expression.

"I was passing and hearing your question earlier, I stopped to see how Zernon will reply but who knew that you will be here spouting nonsense and justifying your laxity!!!" Cole Lage thundered and with a

swift flashstep, he appeared in Fatty Zhen's front and fiercely dragged his ear.


The serious, contemplative atmosphere was now changed to an atmosphere of painful wails and begging.

"Daddy, please stop!!!"

"I will strangle you today, you brat!" Cole Lage seemed to be venting all his past and current frustrations on the poor fatty.

"Our ancestors, why did you give me a son like this?! Which sin have I committed in this life?!" Cole Lage howled in anguish and bitterness as he increased the pull on Fatty Zhen's ear.