"You are a beginner at this, I started this by age 12."


Chapter 23- "You are a beginner at this; I started this at age 12."

Author: Ede David

"How did you find out?" Unlike the other three that were shivering with fear and trepidation, Chacha was very calm and asked back.

"When a wine bottle is shook, it causes a release of liquid alongside the normal effervescence, but why was it shook in the first place? Only when poison was put inside, so that it can circulate around the

entire bottle…" Midoriya stared at her calmly while he vividly explained, "It can be put through injection, by pressing the toxin into the wine bottle, maybe through a syringe or needle, but it has to be pierced in the bottom because it isn't visible to us, if it was pierced in the side, then without doubt, small streams of liquid will leak out, and you have to patch it up… if the patch isn't exactly identical to the color and smoothness of the area, then it might be seen through Hunters' keen eyesight, so it had to be pierced from under, and then patched, because of that patch, the bottle wobbled because it wasn't exactly leveled with the base of the bottle."

Chacha sat down there, and along the course of the explanation, her eyes kept on widening and widening, and finally at the end, it widened like plates; full of shock and incredulity.

"You are just a beginner at this, I started this at age 12."

Chacha stayed unmoving for a minute before turning over to Zernon and asking, "Surely, you wouldn't have read the situation

like he did, how did you find out?"

"Well since you are going to die anyways, I guess it's okay to waste a little time…" Zernon gazed at her, as he continued, "The way you placed the cups were too convenient for you, you and your friends could easily pick up yours quickly and we will be forced to pick the first front two, so I assumed that the whole wine bottle was poisoned and you had already sprinkled in some antidote in those four cups, giving yourself a way out."

"… *sigh* please, don't humiliate me in anyway, just kill me directly." Resolutely, Chacha spoke.

"No! please spare us! It was all a misunderstanding!"

"Yes, it was just a misunderstanding, it was her!-"

They all pointed at Chacha instantly causing the 9th ranking Purple Rose to stare at them; her beautiful eyes expanded with the aid of disbelief, shock and doubt.

She didn't believe that although she was the mastermind, her friends would quickly rat her out like this in matter of seconds, she was stunned speechless.

"It was her-"

Who knew that amidst explaining, the 12th ranker instantly pounced on Zernon, a small dagger already present in her right hand.

The young lady, like her badge, possessed only skill of a five star Jade Rank, which was already quite impressive a lady of her age.

Zernon instantly betrayed the showed rank on his badge and with a quick spin, his hand twisted around

her hand like a coiling snake, and tightened explosively, clamping her hand and with one simple twist,

the dagger fell off.

"I wonder how you got this Rank, maybe you are a faker yourself." Zernon gazed at her, the same way

some Hunters faked that they were weaker, just to eat a tiger while masquerading like a pig, was also

the same way, some Hunters, akin to dogs, dressed like lions just to roar whereas they can only just

bark; but it served to intimidate many people with this 'roar'.

The 12th ranker felt very helpless and glared at his face with enmity and savagery.

She wasn't a faker, it's just that their strength was too disperse from each other.

'You bastard, don't you know how to treat a girl right?, I will make sure you and your entire family pay

for this.' Her thoughts were malicious, even though she was in a very precarious situation.

Zernon unsheathed a knife and studied her face closely, she was indeed very beautiful, a type of

exquisite young lady that will turn many heads and hook many tongues- a center of utmost attraction.



Immediately, she screamed hysterically because of the sudden stab of the knife in her beautiful face.

The knife wasn't too deep, only in the epidermis of the skin but it was sure guarantee, that her face

would be forever scarred.

Zernon moved the knife upward, tearing more flesh and leaking more blood.

Blood covered her face like a red mask, mixing with her sorrowful tears, as she wailed that her once

beautiful face, the face that made her a purple rose, was now disfigured beyond repair.

It twisted her heart with agony, rage and hatred.

But with the strong hand clamped on her neck, she couldn't do anything but endure helplessly.

Zernon was smiling and like an artist drawing up the canvas, he moved the knife all over her face with

slow vividity and some sort of finesse.

The other three stared at him in complete shock and horror, and the screams of their dear friend,

echoed in their heart and resounding in their hearts, booming terror and trepidation into their very


But at least, he wasn't going to kill them, because he wouldn't be going through all this stress, just to kill

her in the end but what happened a minute later, shocked and froze them.

Like a spoiled drawing, the artist squeezed and threw away, Zernon's hand blurred by lower, slashing

her neck into a streaming gorge of red.

Some of the blood splashed on his cloth, but he seemed unruffled, mostly because of too many

experiences in this kind of situation.

The girls, even the calm and serene Chacha had an expression of complete terror, this kind of torture

before death was way too much, and the most helpless and cursed part of it all, was that they were still

going to be killed in the end.

Chacha's eyes suddenly turned resolute, as she pulled out a knife out of her waist, and slashed it

towards her neck.

She wasn't going to suffer that kind of pain and disgrace before dying.


Another knife collided with it, before Midoriya appeared next to her and held her hand, after he had

halted the speed.

Chacha's heart sank, but that was then she heard Midoriya's words, "Zernon, let's not kill them, at least

not this one…"

"Have you forgotten that she is the mastermind for all this, she wanted to kill us for no good reason."

Zernon's smile lessened significantly, accompanied with a soft frown of reluctance and disobedience.

"Just, for my sake, let it slide." Midoriya pleaded causing Chacha to look at his handsome face in surprise

and shock, very confused why the person she wanted to kill, would beg for her.

"…..Okay." Zernon hesitated for a long time before complying, but he followed up with, "Leave all the Oral Gold you have."

"Have a nice day, hope you will not try to poison us, next time, haha…" They were outside and Zernon waved to them happily, as he carried the enormous sack bag on his shoulders, "Hope to meet again."

The girls forced out a smiles not coming from hearts and replied back with cracked smiles and strained cheeks; an expression that looked even more ugly than crying.

In their minds, they were praying never to see this psychopath ever again.

"Why did you allow that girl to go?" Zernon turned to look at Midoriya; he wasn't unwilling anymore,

but he was very curious.

"…Maybe because I kinda saw my younger self in her." Midoriya replied.

"Well, that's dumb." Zernon shook his head.

"The way you treat girls, are you even going to fall in love with one?" Midoriya tilted his head over.

"That's very… I don't treat girls anyway, I just treat people that want to kill me that way, I don't show

mercy… and plus, being in love is quite useless in my opinion." Zernon answered, and his tone pitched

lower when he reached the latter part of his sentence.

"How?" Midoriya's face turned strange, gazing at him with intense incredulity.

"Look at this," Zernon and Midoriya were at the foot of a valley, before they continued downwards,

"Love distracts this mind and heart, it makes even the strongest men become invulnerable and soft, the

more feelings you have for someone, the greater the pain when it is lost or not reprisocated, and let's

say, she develops feelings for you too and you enter a relationship, then that is even worse… you have

to care for her, provide for her, protect her and love her, all these are too much stress and wastes one's time; preventing someone to do more important things,"

"So, in my opinion, love is a burden and it is useless." Zernon and Midoriya reached a cave, and after his

whole speech, Midoriya was very surprised but didn't say anything.

It was his life and it was his choice how he wanted to live it.

But who knew that one day, to his glee and satisfaction, he would mock Zernon for these words when he finally came across that girl.

They passed through the long, narrow cave, encountering very few people along the way.

After passing through the whole tunnel, Zernon and Midoriya busted out in a forest, which was something that had surprised Midoriya in his first time of being here.

They then leapt across surfacing stones over a calm lake and made their way in the other side.

Before them, was a small mansion which they walked into.

"Oh, you two lovebirds are back." Taniyah grinned at them, but even though she said this, her eyes carried faint dread, when she looked at Zernon.

"Damn you!" Midoriya smiled at her, he really liked this girl; even though it wasn't romantic, he still enjoyed her quirkiness and casual behavior.

Zernon slumped on the couch and said, "Let's start with some preparations."