Chapter 13: A New Super Saiyan



Slug screamed as his right arm was ripped off once more and tossed to a pile of body parts.


"Please, Lord Trunks... I recognize your benevolence."

Begged Slug with my arm impaled in his chest.

My white hoodie was covered in purple blood. So much that it was now dyed purple.


"Lord Trunks, I recognize my flaws-"


"And I shall eliminate them all for you, my lord!"


It was strange… every time I hit him, I had an overwhelming compulsion to do it again.


"You are a divine entity that I could never reach in my wildest dreams."


"I promise that after you have finished with your divine punishment, I will assure that whomever you deem unworthy shall bow to you!" Slug shouted with tears coming down his face.


A little voice in the back of my mind was screaming for me to stop. Slug had lost all his drive geared towards doing whatever he was planning. I could see it in his eyes. As things currently were, he was very much on the verge of losing his will to live.

His sanity was already lost. He had been repeating the same verses over and over again…


"Ahhh! You are righteous and virtuous, my Lord. I am undeserving of your grace!"

What I was doing right now was overkill in the most literal sense, but I couldn't stop myself. I knew he was most likely a terrible person, but the fear that I just saw in his eyes… it was real.

The scariest thing was the fact that I was enjoying every moment of it. I could even feel the corners of my mouth curve… No. This wasn't me. It was like I was held hostage in my own body.

I couldn't control myself… yet, I was cognizant of my surroundings. I was causing excessive amounts of damage to the environment. The mountain range we were on was reduced into a flat plane. The ground was reduced to a pool of blood.

Every time I punched Slug or ripped one of his limbs off, he'd regenerate. When he did heal, it only made me more angry and strengthened my compulsion to attack even more.

This wasn't normal. This wasn't me.

"You are my truth, Lord Trunks."


With that punch, I punctured his heart for the 17th time, making him spit blood in my face.

"I am a sinner."

Originally, I wanted to just test what I could now do. Now, I was slipping in and out of consciousness with no authority over my feelings. I was being possessed by a primal and sadistic rage monster that I didn't know existed.

"Shut up, bug."

Although those words came out of my mouth, they weren't from my right mind.

"Yes, my lord."




Even though his eternal organs had been flattened multiple times, his body rejuvenated like a sponge relieved of pressure.

[The Z-fighters]


Vegeta shouted from a distance.

Being a battle-hardened warrior, the scene that he witnessed was something Vegeta was used to. Looking at his son, he saw a mirror reflection of himself. He almost wanted to be proud of the sheer destructive output he displayed toward his enemy.

But a few things were stopping him from doing so.

Trunks… He looked a lot different than he did earlier on in the day. His hair was darker. His figure was more imposing. Lastly, he had a tail.

Scar, while still on the top of the mangled body of Lord Slug, stared at them all like a hunger-filled beast that unnerved the party.

"Kakarot! What's wrong with him? Why does he look like that, and why can't I sense his presence?" Vegeta demanded to know about the situation.

Goku looked on at the scene in shock. From his understanding, Scar was just supposed to spar the immortal. This… It wasn't sparring.

"Why is he beating on that innocent Namekian?"

Piccolo asked, enraged at one of his own kind being used like a child's toy.

Although Slug's Ki didn't exude the purest of intent, his Ki was far from evil at this point.

With violence, Scar had made the being submit in all totally.

"That guy Trunks is on top of… His Ki didn't feel like that earlier today. He felt eviler than Frieza. When Trunks and I got here, that guy had made a wish to be immortal."

"Immortal? Like Garlic jr?"

Piccolo questioned, alarmed, but Vegeta interrupted.

"I don't care about the Namekian or this garlic person. What's going on with that son of mine?"


"Don't ignore me, Kakarot. What happened when you two went off planet."

Vegeta demanded.

"I don't know, Vegeta. I wasn't paying that much attention to his wishes. All I know is that the new elder of that plant said that he had the power of his ancestors. Next thing I know, he grew a tail and got a lot taller. After that, he made a wish to get rid of his traces."

Before Piccolo could respond to Vegeta's snide remark, Scar interrupted.


Slamming Slug's head on the ground once more, Scar stood up straight, glaring at the group which caused all of them to freeze in place.

"Kakarot…What do you mean by the power of his ancestors?"

Vegeta said in a panic.




"I told you everything I know! That Mari guy said that you would probably know!"

"Who the hell is Mari!"

"It's pronounced Moori."

Piccolo inserted himself.

"Is it really the time for that!?"

Vegeta shouted.

They couldn't feel Scar's energy. But what they knew was that he was a lot stronger than them.

As Scar approached, all got into a combative stance.

"All of you. Fight me. Same time."

He grumbled with a psychotic smile.


Vegeta grumbled as he realized the person Scar had his eyes locked on first was none other than himself.

Before he could move, his son's hand was around his neck, lifting him up in the air.

As Vegeta's oxygen was cut off, he began to kick and punch at Scar with no effect. Goku and Piccolo couldn't react. In their eyes, they were still looking at Scar. In reality, it was only his afterimage that they could capture. If they were able to sense his energy, perhaps things would have been different.

"Y-you… imbeciles. Grab… his…tail."

Vegeta pointed to the new limb while trying to loosen his son's grip.

A profuse and contagious cold sweat made its way down both Goku and Piccolo's backs. They couldn't sense Scar. They could barely even hear him. The half-Saiyan hadn't even left any footprints on the blood-soaked snow.


Vegeta screamed with all his willpower, breaking his allies out of their spell.

Quickly, Goku powered up to Super Saiyan while Piccolo reached for Scar's tail, successfully grabbing a hold of it.

Scar then slowly turned his head to Goku, who was now glowing yellow and holding on to his waist, then, to Piccolo who had a hold of his tail.


Scar chuckled.

Vegeta then channeled Ki into both of his hands, pulling them behind his head, preparing his ultimate attack.

Purple Ki started to build up intensely in his hands, but Scar only cocked his head to the side, as if confused.

"Weak. Be stronger."

Scar mumbled.

"Shut up, brat. It's time your father disciplined you. Galick Gun!"


Vegeta knew how strong Scar was roughly. He witnessed the scope of what he would have to reach multiple times already, so he was certain that he wouldn't kill his son from such a blast.

His goal was to get free of his grasp… And that, he did, causing an updraft of bloody Snow which blinded everyone around.

Falling to the ground, Vegeta gasped for air.

As he gained clarity, he realized something… Goku, Scar, and Piccolo were in the same positions.

As the atmosphere cleared, Vegeta realized that Piccolo no longer had both arms.

Goku still remained unharmed, with his arms still wrapped around Scar.


Scar grumbled in disappointment.

"P-piccolo! What happened to your arms!?"

Goku shouted while staring at his comrade whose blood was pouring on the floor.

"He… Cut them off with his tail."

The Namekian said, grinding his teeth with a mixture of pain and fear.

Goku's eyes widened. He saw none of this happen.

It was then that Goku had a flashback to the time he had failed to depower Vegeta using the same plan that Piccolo had just used.

"Vegeta! His tail isn't his weakness! He can control it just like-"

Before Goku could finish, Scar turned around and grabbed him by the waist, lifting him up to his shoulders, then body slamming him onto the ground which folded him like a lawn chair.


The impact caused Goku's eyes to roll to the back of his head, momentarily dazing him.

Seeing this, Vegeta didn't cower. He had a single objective and that was to cut his son's tail off so that he could end this madness.

Focusing his Ki into his palm, Vegeta, created a yellow-bladed disk that quickly expanded in size. It was thinner than any man-made blade with an infinite amount of cutting power.

He had taken inspiration from an earthling that almost used the technique on him.

'Damn it, boy! You're making me resort to using an attack created by that pathetic baldy? I swear, the moment you regain consciousness, I'll neuter you.'

With all his might, Vegeta launched himself forward with the disk in hand, intending on ending all of this before things got out of hand.

But… Scar saw this coming. They couldn't sense him, but the same couldn't be said vice versa.

Dodging the saw blade, Scar grabbed his Vegeta by the wrist with ease.

Picking the short man up once more, Scar snapped his wrist like a dry twig.

"Aghhh!" Vegeta roared.

Before more sound could escape his vocal cords, Scar headbutted Vegeta so hard that the bridge of his nose shattered, dropping him to the ground like a hundred-pound dumbbell.

While that was happening, Goku gained stability once more while Piccolo focused every ounce of Ki he could to regrow his arms.

"Ha!" Shouted Piccolo.

With his exclamation, two new limbs shot out of his body, causing a major siphoning of his energy.


"Boring! All of you, now!"

Scar shouted visibly angry, flaring his tail.

He then flew into the air without notice, waiting for the Z-fighters to recover.

Goku looked at Piccolo and Vegeta, noticing that they were both still able to move.

"At this rate… We're all gonna die."

Piccolo mumbled.

"Yeah… He broke a few of my ribs with that attack."

Goku chuckled.

He then limped over to the crater that Vegeta was planted in and saw that he was still breathing with blood coming down his face, staring at his berserker of a child.

"Kids, huh?"

Goku quipped.

Vegeta was in no mood to joke around with his fellow Saiyan. His mind was completely elsewhere.

Scar… He was an unstoppable force. Vegeta had used his strongest attack, but didn't even leave a scratch on the boy. Was he truly this pathetic?

'First Frieza, then Kakarot, and now, my own child. I don't think my pride can take this level of humiliation for much longer..' He thought, wiping the blood away from his nose.

Struggling to get up, Vegeta looked at Goku with intensity.



"Did you bring more of those magical beans?"

"Huh? You mean, Senzu? Yeah. I bought some with me a little while ago. I thought I was gonna be able to fight that strong guy over. I knew I wasn't gonna be able to take him in one go, so I went to Korin's." He remarked, pulling out a brown bag.

Tossing Vegeta a bean, Vegeta consumed it regaining all of his lost strength, healing from his injuries, feeling stronger than he ever had before. His wrist was healed. His arm was fixed. He was ready for battle.

Getting up, he dusted himself off, feeling his muscles pulsate with energy.

"How many more do you have?"

If his son was too strong for him to discipline, then all he had to do was get stronger. He would do that by using the same method that allowed him to temporarily go head-to-head with Frieza 1 year ago.

"About 6."

Goku stated, about to hand one over to Piccolo.

"Wait!" Vegeta shouted, then thought to himself for a moment.

'Damn it…would 6 be enough? No… It has to be. This is my fight. He is my son. I have to handle this on my own. If I rely on Kakarot, then I'll always be one step behind.'


"Don't give that to him, Kakarot."

Vegeta commanded.

Piccolo immediately shot a dirty look at Vegeta while Goku gave a confused one.

"What are you talking about? We need to work together to cut off his tail! Don't let your ego be the reason why we all die!"

Piccolo shouted.

To that, Vegeta gave one final statement.

"You wouldn't understand Namekian. My ego is all that I am. It is my pride. Give me the beans, Kakarot. My son looks like his patience is running thin." He said, pointing upwards to a very disgruntled Scar.

His words made Goku think for a moment. Vegeta could barely be considered a friend. But the words that came from his mouth, it felt like something Goku could relate to on some level.

Looking down at the senzus in his hand, Goku began to contemplate.

"This idiot. Goku, you aren't seriously considering giving them to him, are you?"

To his comment, Goku smiled.

"Well, it is his son when you think about it. On top of that, if Vegeta loses, then I could try going Kaio-Ken again."

"You almost died last time! What are you talking about?!"

Piccolo rebutted. But Goku had already tossed the Senzus to Vegeta.

"Too loud! Fight!"

Shouted Scar.


"That brain-dead barbarian."

"What did you say?"

Grumbled Scar as he clenched his fist.

"I-I said that we were almost ready."

Piccolo said, scrambling for words.


Vegeta spat.

"Screw you. Enjoy your father-son bonding while we wait and die."

Piccolo said, taking off his training weights, preparing for what was most likely his last day on earth.

Vegeta then flew into the air to where his son was.

[In the sky]

As Trunks hovered in the air, his father approached, uncertain of the outcome of his upcoming battle.

"Trunks…I don't know what you did to end up in that form, but I will not let you continue on with your tantrum. It stops here."

"I wanted all of you."

"You get me."


"Is that all you have to say?"


With that, Vegeta got into his combative stance while Trunks.

Flying towards his son, Vegeta launched a fist directly at his face that moved faster than the speed of light, but to Scar, it looked as if he was being attacked by a man moving at a snail's pace.

And so, Trunks didn't move a single inch and took the attack head-on.


Not surprised at all by the outcome of his attack, Vegeta then threw a flurry of punches to Trunks' abdomen while his combatant stayed motionless.


Trunks frowned at the impacts, but not because he was angry, but because he felt as if his time was being wasted.


Vegeta punched and kicked with his full power. Yet, these attacks only felt like gentle pats to the Saiyan.

Getting fed up with holding back his bloodlust, Trunks grabbed Vegeta by the ankle, slamming him to the ground from hundreds of feet in the air.



Vegeta shoveled a hole into the earth once more, causing his spine to fragment into pieces and a few blood vessels to pop in his eyes.


The injured man grunted.

'Damn it. He's crippled me and pierced my lungs with my own ribs with just that single attack.'

With shaky hands, he reached into his pocket, popping a senzu into his mouth.

In seconds, Vegeta's body was recovered, pushing him beyond his fighting peak to the amusement of Trunks.

"You got stronger… Fun. Do it again."

He said, displaying a twisted grin which sent danger signals to the father's brain immediately.

Before Vegeta could respond, Trunks jumped up in the air and came crashing down like a meteor, which landed straight on top of Vegeta's stomach, ripping a hole through his body, and brutally tearing his stomach lining.


Vegeta hollered in pain due to his now exposed entrails.

"Too Loud!"

Trunks shouted, stomping on Vegeta's head, nearly splitting his skull open.

In the state that was currently in, a regular person would have succumbed to their injuries. But through sheer willpower, he lifted his palm up to Trunks, firing a yellow Ki blast.


Vegeta was at death's door. Luckily, he had a way out.

Some of his teeth had been knocked out.

He was barely able to move his jaw.

But that wasn't gonna stop him from prevailing.

With an infeasible amount of willpower, Vegeta forced all of his organs into his body as a safety precaution to ensure his body healed correctly.

Putting the senzu in his mouth, he swallowed it whole.

As the power flooded through his veins, he felt his power level double in power.

The problem was… He knew it wasn't enough.

Trunks knew this as well, which is why he was still smiling.

"How many more do you have?"

Trunks chuckled.

"What does it matter to you?"

Vegeta stated, standing tall in the face of danger with his armor destroyed and his chest exposed.

"I want to know how many times I can almost kill before the novelty wears off."

As Trunks said those words, Vegeta realized something was off as he stared in the eyes.

'Those yellow eyes… They're not looking at me. They're looking through me. It's like looking at the savage eyes of a Great Ape.'



"Trunks… Tell me, are you even conscious right now, you long-haired oaf?"

From the short bonding time he spent with his son, he obtained a general understanding of his personality. Depending on Trunks' response, he would receive the answer to his question.

"Shut up and fight me."

"Then it's as I thought… You've lost control."

Trunks usually would have replied to his insult with a witty remark, but Vegata hadn't received one. Although he didn't know his son well, he was certain of his capability in judging character.

With no other choice, Vegeta sprinted toward Trunks, jumping up and sledgehammering the top of his head.

This time, Trunks actually moved, ever so slightly.

"That tickled."

He uttered.

Swiftly, Trunks grabbed Vegeta by the hands using only one of his own to restrain him.

Panicking, Vegeta struggled to break free, kicking Trunks repeatedly in his face, neck, and shoulders. Through his efforts, all he managed to do was nudge parts of his son's body.

As he continued, blundering to pry himself free, Trunks placed his palm on Vegeta's chest.

"Get stronger, ant."

Dark purple Ki began to formulate around his hand. As it did, Vegeta's flesh began melting as a Ki formed.


He shrieked in despair.


"Too. Loud."

Vegeta's entire torso from his ribs down disappeared, leaving his spine the only thing that connected him to his legs.


His entire body trembled and convulsed as Trunks watched his own father's exposed lungs slowly start to deflate.

"You're not done yet. Eat and have more fun with me."

Trunks grumbled in his berserker state.

He dug into Vegeta's pockets, taking out a Senzu bean, then forced it down his throat.

Trunks then dropped the limp body, waiting for its magical properties to kick in.

And within a few seconds, Vegeta healed from yet another near-death incident.

Standing at a comfortable distance away, Goku and Piccolo watched the skirmish between father and son.

"I told you not to give the Senzus to him! Now, look! He's being tortured out there. All because of you and your horrible decision-making skills!" Piccolo shouted.

"Stop. Don't give up on Vegeta yet. He's still fighting hard out there. Trunks is his son. Whether you like it or not, it's his fight."

"What we're watching isn't a fight. It's slaughter. How could you not see that, Goku? You're an idiot. A blind, idiot."

"No, I'm not blind. Don't you see what's happening?"

Goku argued.

"At least you didn't dismiss the fact that you're a fool. But yes. I do see what's going on. Vegeta is getting brutally beaten and has a hole in his chest, while we sit here, waiting for our turn like it's some sort of sick tournament. That's what I see. That's all there is to see!"

At his words, Goku frowned.

"That's not true. Although it doesn't look good for him right now. Look closer. Pay attention to Vegeta's energy."

As they watched the fight, Trunks force-fed Vegeta a Senzu.

When he did, Goku and Vegeta felt a wild spike in energy.

"What the hell is happening? How did a Senzu bean make him so much stronger?!" Piccolo exclaimed in awe.

"I told you… it's his fight. He'll handle it the way he knows how."

Throughout the duration of the fight, Piccolo watched the berserker Trunks be Vegeta over and over again without any regard or care for his life… But just now, Vegeta grew once more.

Piccolo had failed to realize it, but Goku hadn't lost focus.

Vegeta was almost a completely different person than when he started the fight.

His power level had skyrocketed, surpassing the suppressed Frieza on Namek, absolutely shocking the Namekian.

'How? This doesn't make any logical sense.'

Getting up, Vegeta looked angered.

'This little bastard! How dare he nearly end my life that easily. At this point, the disrespect has gone too far. I'm gonna rip that tail off of him if it's the last thing I do!'

Hopping backward, Vegeta put his hands together and began to shoot Ki rapidly, causing Trunks to budge from the grand amounts of force that impacted him.


Walking through the blast with holes in his hoddie, Trunks charged at Vegeta like a rampaging bull.

"Come here, you tail-less rat!"

Seeing that Trunks was attempting to grab onto him once more, Vegeta swiftly clasped his hands together, commuting to another Galick Gun, this time, with far more power.

"Galick Gun!"


As Vegeta shot his long and continuous beam, the enraged Trunks' moment halted momentarily.

Guarding face, Trunks slowly took step after step, walking through the wave as if it was nothing but an intense breeze to him.

Noticing that his attack had very little effect, Vegeta charged up even further, increasing the potency of the attack, pushing and halting Trunks in place once more.

"This won't stop me! I'll kill you once I get my hands on you!"

Trunks shouted, marching forward with more strength.

Understanding that his attack wasn't leading him anywhere, Vegeta then propelled himself backward, exerting more energy, getting a safe distance away.

'Damn it. I still haven't managed to even scratch him.'


Vegeta needed to think of something quick. The rapidly approaching Trunks wouldn't allow him a second of rest.

Attempting to tactically retreat by flying into the air, Vegeta was grabbed by the arm and jerked to the ground.

"Don't run from me!" Trunks screamed.

Taking advantage of his short bursts of rage, Vegeta created a Ki orb and condensed it down to the size of a pea, shooting it into Trunks' mouth which caused a fiery explosion that Knocked the Berserker backward.

Instead of bragging as he would with any other enemy he had a 1 up over, Vegeta decided to take advantage of Trunks' first sign of weakness, focusing all of his Ki into his right fist, aiming straight for his weakest point… the weakest point for any male mammalian species.



With that attack, Trunks dropped to his knees whaling in agony.

While he apishly screamed in pain, Vegeta created two additional Ki orbs in both of his palms, then slapped them onto Trunks' ears.

Throughout the fight, he had heard the berserker continuously complain over noise. He had already deduced that Trunks must have had a weakness to sound in his current state, he just needed the opportunity to capitalize upon said weakness.


Trunks screamed in pain, as ears began to bleed internally.

"You fucker! I'll kill you!"

Trunks screamed while rolling on the ground.

For a moment, Vegeta looked at the boy in pity. This was his son, and yet he had to stoop to such low tactics. It upset him. He hadn't fought this dirty since his younger days. But he convinced himself that he needed to in order to survive.

Although Vegeta had managed to hurt his son, it was only possible by being an opportunist.

But, Like father, Like son.

Trunks', noticing that Vegeta wasn't attacking, he seek revenge.

While Vegeta stood over him, He jumped up, Slamming his skull into Vegeta's chest, sending him flying through the air.

In pain, from having his ribs broken once more, Vegeta was about to pop another Senzu, but before he could, Trunks was already underneath him, with the same haunting smile.

"You thought that was enough to stop me? It wasn't" Trunks spoke.

Wrapping his arms around Vegeta, Trunks held on tightly, Flying up high in the sky while Vegeta kicked and flailed, trying to break free. After 1 full minute of struggling, he realized there was no hope.

"Damn you. Damn you to hell." Vegeta muttered as he was being carried through the skies, ascending so high that he could see the curvature of the earth.

Once they Got high enough, Trunk flipped them both vertically and began to rapidly spin 360 degrees in a downward spiral.

As the earth got closer and closer, the more Vegeta panicked.

Trunks' hold was just too strong.

They descended faster and faster, igniting the oxygen around them.

And before he knew it,


All the snow in the area melted on upon their landing while a 3-city block crater had formulated with Vegeta being at the epicenter.

His neck was broken. His skull was split open, but he still remained conscious. Paralyzed, but conscious.

Getting up, Trunks looked at Vegeta, whose head was in the ground like a cowering ostrich.

He was still alive, but just barely.

Walking up to his body, Trunks kicked Vegeta's body, making him skip across the pit like a skipped stone on top of the water.

He couldn't talk. He could barely breathe; he had never been beating this badly in the entirety of his life.

Vegeta was no longer feeling humiliation, he was feeling anger. Pure anger. This anger wasn't directed at Trunks… he had no control over his body. He knew this for a fact. No. The anger that the prince of all Saiyans was feeling was sheer, unrelenting self-hatred.

He watched as Trunks slowly took step after step, giggling at him the entire time. Although it was Trunks, he could barely recognize the figure and was hallucinating. Perhaps it was because of blood loss or maybe it was his head injury, but the being in front of him was the embodiment of his past in a single entity.

With Trunks' nonsensical laughter, painful memories were triggered.

Over Trunk's face was overlapped Lord Beerus, The God of destruction. The Divine deity who stripped his father of humanity, turning him into a footstool. After Beerus, came Frieza. The man that destroyed his home planet and stripped him of everything he had, including his family and friends. Overlapping Frieza's face Kakarot. The man who had achieved the state of power that he had always dreamed of. A power that would finally allow him to stand above everyone else that ever looked down on him. A power that no one could ever snatch away. The power of a Super Saiyan.

All of these faces combined into one. That one belonging to his son who was fueling his inferiority complex past its threshold.

Trunks then picked up his broken father and forced another Senzu down his throat.

"More. I want more! Get stronger, pathetic worm!"

He shouted, dropping Vegeta's body on the ground and kicking him a few feet away.

Vegeta's broken body mended itself once more… but there was something different about him.

Something that Trunks noticed immediately.

"Ha. Are you mad? Get madder. Give me a challenge!"

Vegeta's power… began to rise dramatically. His muscles began to bludge uncontrollably. While his hair began to shift colors.

"I won't allow this. I refuse to lag behind others. I refuse…"

As he mumbled those words, the veins responsible for carrying blood throughout his body were inflamed. With every breath he inhaled, lightning pulsated off his body. The very air around his body began to pressurize. The sky itself darkened as if to announce the presence of a transcendent being.

Vegeta felt like his insides were on fire. But the flames that burned within him were not average flames… they were flames of passion… pride… and rage.

"Trunks… I'm sorry I have to do this to you. In the process of ripping off that tail of yours, I hope that you don't end up dying. And If I kill you, I hope that you can forgive me once I the Dragon Balls of this planet."

"Hahaha. Kill me? Try it."

"You asked for this."


With an explosion of power, Vegeta blew up with power, exuding a golden aura that illuminated all of his surroundings.