Chapter 16: Monster VS Monster


Just when I was finally able to regain almost complete control over my body, a giant purple laser beam shot from my mouth, completely eviscerating everything in front of me… And by everything, I meant everything.

King Kai had completely melted away the moment my blast made contact with his body. My burst of energy was so strong and destructive that it had enough wind pressure to lift Goku off of the ground.

He was already heavily damaged while his Kaio-Ken had dissipated, so his defensive capabilities were cut down tenfold. When Goku was picked up by my storm of energy, I watched as he went from a humanoid form, to that of a skeleton, and then to dust.

I had effectively murdered the main character of one of my favorite series without a moment of hesitation. I even blew up a large portion of Snake Way which I could see from the corner of my eye.

Because my head was aimed downwards, the planet that I once stood on was no more. Everything was gone. But there was one thing my berserker self didn't account for; self-preservation.

King Kai's planet was indeed, just that, a planet. It had plants, soil, and most importantly, a core.

Even though King Kai's planet was a minuscule size that couldn't even begin to be compared to planets rivaling the size of earth, the explosion of its core was so extreme and flared so intensely that I was severely burned by its scorching magma which shot in each and every direction. The eruption was powerful enough to propel me backwards to the point that I couldn't regain my footing, no matter how much I flailed my arms like a bird.


The scream that came from my mouth wasn't the same alien one as before, but my own. Although it was hard for me to feel any pain previously while in my berserker state, now, my mind and body were one.

I was in excruciating amounts of pain, even though my physical form may have presented otherwise.

Unlike normal people, my injuries from external trauma didn't show on the surface. That was due to the earlier wish I had made to Porunga. Rather, now, it appeared as if the sands of time had been reversed on my biological clock. For my skin, anyways.

All of the scarred tissue on my chest, arms, and stomach that I had acclimated through extreme amounts of training had been burned off of my body and had been replaced by brand-new layers of skin that was as smooth as a baby's bottom. However, internally, I felt an entirely new level of misery equivalent to being tossed into a deep fryer.

My transformation had disappeared so I was no longer a giant and had shrunk down to my original size. My skin had healed and I looked as if I was rebirthed… But with all the agony I was experiencing, I couldn't help but imagine that perhaps death wasn't so bad. Perhaps it was less painful.

As my body was soaring hundreds of feet above this realm's sky, I realized that the yellow clouds below were starting to get closer and closer as a weird gravity was starting to take a hold of my physical form.


Not only did I accidentally kill King Kai and Goku, but I was now diving straight down toward the yellow clouds which lead directly to this universe's version of hell.

I currently didn't have the capability of flight. I had no teleportation skills, so I already knew that there was a chance that I would be there for a while. When I arrived, I was also concerned with how in the literal hell was I gonna eat or drink?

As I continued to fall, I finally descended enough to phase through the clouds, and when I did, the gravity only increased more. No… It felt like I had completely lost my capability of flight as a whole. This concerned me, because looking down, I realized that I was on a direct collision course with a forest full of gigantic dead-looking blue trees… Pointy blue trees that were barbed on their branches.

With the passage of time, the ground only got closer. Normally, I wouldn't have been afraid of falling because I could fly. But now, I couldn't control my Ki the way I wanted to so my defensive aura couldn't activate, nor could I bother to change my trajectory because my body was so broken.

When I thought about it more, the forest had trees that had been formed supernaturally and looked extremely durable. They were more like steel coated bones which caused all of my instincts to scream danger.

'Shit-Shit-Shit!' I cried out internally.


Seemingly without any resistance, I was skewered like a shishkabob on a treetop.

Upon being impaled by the tree, I felt nothing due to shock. But that quickly changed.

"Ahhh!" I screamed in torment. These trees were really pointy. And when I moved in the slightest, my insides got cut up as if a blender had been shoved into my digestive system.


My arms were mangled. I barely had any strength in my fingers. My vision was becoming blurry. I couldn't even move my legs and barely had enough strength to lift my head up.

I hadn't felt this helpless since my fight with the tigers when I was younger. And just like when I was younger, I was hanging on to life by a thread. A thread that was just about ready to snap.

Everything was getting darker. I felt my warmth slowly starting to leave my body as my blood was slowly halting its circulation. I was in such a terrible state that I genuinely felt fear in closing my eyes because I was uncertain whether or not I would be able to open them again.

What was I supposed to do in such a screwed-up position?

My subconscious actions had killed Goku, the only person who could get me out of this situation.

The Gohan of my time told me that through training with Kami, his dad learned telepathy and could communicate his thoughts to people that were extreme distances away. Goku could also supposedly read the memories of other people by simply placing his hand on their heads. Unfortunately, Goku couldn't sense my energy at this present moment, which meant he couldn't provide a telepathic link. I couldn't create one either.

The Goku and the Piccolo of my time had died before Gohan could obtain all of their non-combative abilities. As one could conclude, this meant that those abilities weren't passed down to me either.

I was screwed.

I had initially planned on learning more abilities like the telepathy skill once opportunity presented itself. I mean, I already had telekinesis like the majority of the Z-fighters. The problem was, I never had the time to learn anything that I hadn't created myself. Everything just kinda happened at once.

I had only just stepped foot into this timeline a few days ago.

I hadn't built up any meaningful relationships with anyone, so the Z-fighters handing over their techniques was a long shot.

Now, I had to come up with a solution to my problem on my own.

'This hurts so fucking bad… and I'll die with this thing in me if I don't figure something out quick. Shit…I'll probably die even if I somehow were to manage to get down from here.' I was bleeding out, and quickly.

With my hands being immobile and my jaw being the only thing I could move, I realized that if I had any chance at survival, then I'd have to emulate the great ape blast from earlier. It was the best way and only way to escape this death trap.

Opening my jaw, I began to focus my energy at the mouth in hopes of forming a blast, but doing so proved impossible now.

My Ki… It wasn't listening to me. It was now acting like a disobedient dog who didn't listen to commands from its owner. Every Time I tried to form something, my energy would just disbrust throughout my body, even though I should have been capable of manipulating it.

The tiniest little ki ball of energy would just assimilate back to me as if I was new to the concept of Ki, frustrating me more and more.

Not being able to control something as fundamental as Ki was like losing access to breathing to me. My lack of capability almost put me near a state of hysteria… But before I began to panic, I remembered something monumental in terms of saving my life.

I was effectively in an entirely new and different body now. That meant that my Ki was different. Metaphorically, I was on a different operating system.

I was no longer a regular Half-Saiyan. I was something far more primal.

With that line of thinking, I began to ponder on my primal aspect, like what it meant to be a Saiyan of my lineage.

'Okay… Ancient Saiyans were barbarians who destroyed any adversity that got in their way. They were assholes that knew nothing but war, so of course, their Ki works differently. They were rage monsters… I guess that's what I am now. Using the same calm-minded foundation I used up to control my Ki like before probably isn't gonna get me anywhere. So what if instead of being calm, I got angry?'

I was effectively now a monster. Or at least, my Ki reflected as much. With that being said, monsters didn't like being caged. They roamed freely as they saw fit. I needed to let my proverbial monster roam.

Opening my mouth once more, I channeled my anger, distress, and hardships, allowing them to boil within me. Almost instantly, results began to manifest.

Unlike before when I wasn't able to control my Ki, I was grabbing the bull by its horns, controlling the direction in which it moved its head.

My new technique of controlling this new Ki was unorthodox, but if it worked, it worked. Because my mind wasn't clear while controlling this Ki, I would probably be disqualified from learning a few techniques in the future, but that didn't matter now.

Actualizing this new Ki method, I realized that I now had something within me that I would have to overpower constantly… Otherwise, it was fate that it would someday overpower me.

letting off my built-up malice, I opened up my mouth and allowed my Ki to run loose, shooting a familiar large purple beam, capable of destroying a planet.


The ape blast was so overwhelming that the trees around it disintegrated, erasing all of the hell forest, turning the area into a desert with dark red sand covering the surrounding area as far as the eye could see. Unfortunately, I was in a slightly compromised position.

The tree that I had been impaled by was also victim to my destructive force, meaning that it had been erased like the others, leaving me victim to the forces of gravity.


The sand was much-much harder than I expected, so when I slammed my head on the surface of it, it felt like I hit my head on metal.

I was already weary and a wreck. Although I had managed to recreate my Ki aura shield with my new Ki circulation method, as soon as my head touched the ground, I was out for the count.

The world, it went dark. The sound of the wind breezing disappeared. While I could feel my heart rate lowering.

I opened my eyes in the same place where I had lost consciousness originally. But… something was incredibly wrong with my situation.

My body… It was healed and not in the screwed-up condition it was just in. And honestly, I would have preferred it broken.

'Shit…' Sitting up, I looked around but no one was in sight.


'This doesn't make sense. Who healed me?'

My arms, they were healed. My ribcage, its bones were mended. My fingers, I was able to articulate them.

Although I was slightly grateful for not dying, I was more nervous right now than anything. That's because my pants were even somehow repaired along with my mom's red bandana that was around my neck. Shockingly, I even still had my tail.

Who was capable of doing something like this? Why would they do something like this? It just didn't make sense to heal a complete stranger. Especially one that was a Saiyan on the cusp of death. They essentially strengthened me.

Closing my eyes, I attempted to feel for the energies around me, but I felt nothing… Literally, nothing, which was alarming considering that I could sense a person from 3 planets away.

It was like I was under some kind of invisible dome that suppressed outside energy.

"Who are you? Why did you heal me?" I asked. I couldn't sense anyone, but there just had to be someone who planned this. I felt it in my soul.

As those words escaped my mouth, the sand beneath my feet began to ripple, rhythmically. Then, a sinister energy began to approach. One that was stronger than my own.





Turning around, I saw that there was nothing behind me… But I damn sure felt something. Infact, I had never felt such an evil Ki in my entire life, nor had I ever felt such a high power level.

Just what the hell was this thing?

The invisible entity began approaching me, kicking up waves of sand with every footstep.

No matter how hard I tried to focus my eyes, I couldn't lock onto anything. My vision was far beyond 20/20, yet in this situation, I was blind.




The creature stopped approaching when it was mere feet away from me. It appeared to be so heavy that it separated the sand beneath it, creating sinkholes that were as wide as a city block. Whatever it was, it held no good will towards me.

Getting into a combative stance, I prepared myself for whatever was to come.


The being screeched so intensely that I couldn't help but cringe at the blood-curdling cry, reflexively covering my ears with my hands before quickly blocking out the noise with my Ki.

While I was audibly suffering, thick gray smoke started to manifest from the pits the invisible monster created from its presence.

The smoke began to climb up the being, revealing a strange silhouette that looked humanoid, strategy enough. Or at least, it looked bipedal, anyway.

As quickly as the smoke enveloped the entirety of its body, the smoke disbursed, revealing the monster's strange 3 taloned feet … Which oddly looked familiar for some reason.

As more of the smoke vanished, I discovered why the monster was starting to look familiar… Because I had seen it before.

Beyond the smoke screen, the creature… It had a yellow, purple, and black exoskeleton. It had 5 fingers on each hand with razor-sharp claws on each hand. Its eyes were glowing red and it had a strange open infinity insignia on its forehead that I didn't quite recognize. At least, not right now.

Its tail was long and scorpion-like, and it had two horns atop its head. And like a Hercules Beetle, it had wings strong and durable enough to lift its gigantic mass.


My heart began to beat rapidly in anxiety. I hadn't seen the monster in front of me for over 25 years, but since Dragon Ball was so ingrained into my mind going all the way back to my first childhood, I remembered almost all of Its villains, although their backstories may have been a little foggy now.

The monster in front of me… His name was Hirudegarn. A giant alien bug demon that was supposed to be sealed inside of a hero by the name of Tapion and his younger brother, split into two different halves… Yet, here he was… Not sealed, but in front of me who was currently in hell.

Why? It just didn't make sense? His presence transcended all logic. This was neither the time nor place in which he should have arrived. It was way too early in the timeline.

I didn't know much about hell, but I did know that Frieza was locked in his own section of it, forced to live out his nightmares for eternity. Was this my nightmare world?

No. That just didn't make sense. It was impossible that this was my hell illusion. I wasn't scared of Hirudegarn. I had never even seen him in person, nor was he the thing I feared most.

But that didn't change the fact that he was real and in front of me.

While the monster stood idle, I took the chance to analyze my environment once more.

The ground was still sand, and certain parts of it were still molten, providing me evidence that I had indeed destroyed the hell forest, so this was in fact reality.

Hirudegarn was drooling, and I could see his chest collapsing as he exhaled. His dark purple aura was so oppressive that he made me understand how Goku and Dad felt when I powered up… I was certain that he was real too.

All signs seemed to be pointing at the fact that this wasn't a hell illusion. I was gonna have to fight this monster..

"This stupid fucking beetle…" I muttered, grinding my teeth and swaying my tail nervously at the unfairness of my situation.

Seemingly offended by my words, Hirudegarn's face scrunched up in anger, raising his power level higher than it already was. And frankly, I wanted to vomit.


He was just about ready to pounce at me.


The reality of the situation was, I couldn't run from him. Although he was large in size and appeared too bulky to actually be perceived as a threat, his sheer amount Ki was otherworldly.

There was no place for me to hide. He wouldn't have been able to find me if I hid in the forest of hell trees, but I had blown it up to save my own life.

Of course, I would have been more precise with the blast radius if I'd known there was something out to kill me, but how the fuck was I supposed to guess that!? Nobody in the universe would be able to predict that a gigantic real-life version of a cartoon character would chase them down.

Arriving in the Dragon Ball world, I knew that my previous knowledge of this place could only take me so far. This was the real world. And although I had a basic blueprint of how things of the past should've occurred, I knew the multiverse didn't give a damn about my plotting.

If it wanted to, it would throw obstacle after obstacle at me. That's just how things were, just like how they were now.

'If I'm gonna die today, I'm not going out like a pussy.'

With that thought, channeling my anger, I jumped up and charged at the monster at full speed, not giving it the chance to attack me first.

But the moment my knuckles were about to make contact with its face, the creature disappeared into smoke.

Immediately after I missed my attack, Hirudegarn popped up behind me, out of thin air, slamming his gigantic fist into my back with immense ferocity causing me to slam into the sand face first.

As I tried to pick myself up, I sensed from behind me a large that was geared towards taking my life.

Not allowing Hirudegarn to kill me so easily, I formed a Kamehameha wave in my hands, aiming it dowards, thrusting myself out of harm's way, tumbling a great distance away.


Missing his attack, Hirudegarn screamed in anger.

That was when he began shooting thousands of pink Ki blasts from his fingertips, individually having the capability of injuring me severely.

As he shot, I flipped and rolled out of the way of his attacks, which caused huge sand spouts to rise up from the ground.

His assault continued, unrelentingly, as if his pool of Ki was unlimited… But I noticed, as he shot, he was beginning to have a dramatic effect on the environment. The sand spigots from his attacks only grew larger and larger as time went on, slowly creating a sandstorm. A sandstorm that I noticed was causing an immense decline in his accuracy.

I could sense his energy… But he couldn't sense mine, meaning he needed his eyes.

He was stronger than me and faster than me, but I had a head on my shoulders. He was proving that he didn't.

The more I dodged, the angrier and more persistent Hirudegarn got, causing the sandstorm to grow to such an extent that I had to fight with my eyes closed. Obviously, it wasn't a problem for me and didn't make much of a difference in terms of my combat capabilities, for him, that wasn't the case.

Strategically closing our distance, I began to gather Ki in the shape of a disk in my right palm, making sure to sharpen its edges as much as possible.

Making my way behind the monster, I jumped up in the air, launching the disk at the monster's glowing left eye while it was distracted.


"That's right, you bitch."

I smiled, feeling slightly victorious that my attack had landed… But, I soon realized that even though my attack had landed, Hirudegarn remained unfazed.

I couldn't even describe the amount of apprehension that I felt in words As I watched his red radiant eyes slowly drift towards me without even bothering to turn around, staring into the windows of my soul.

'That useless balled-headed midget fuck.'

With that thought crossing my mind, Hirudegarn's tail shot up faster than the speed of light, swiping me away as if I was nothing more than a fly.

And like a fly, I could do nothing but fly helplessly through the sky, crashing and tumbling down to the ground.

My ribs… They were broken again and had punctured my lungs.

Speaking from experience… Having one of your lungs collapsing was one of the worst pain that a person could ever experience. When I tried to inhale, I felt like billions of fire ants were eating away at me. On top of that, since my ribs had impaled me, I felt like I was drowning, which I technically was, but in my own blood.


Trying to pick myself up, I looked up to see Hirudegarn had disappeared from his spot.

"Where did he…"

Clutching my chest in pain, I swiveled my head from left and right, but I couldn't sense him… he was gone.

The moment I felt like I could finally sigh in relief, I felt Hirudegarn's energy radiating like a beacon from behind me.

Snapping my head around, the 164-foot monster towered over me, with his eyes locked onto my person.

He was taller than most buildings. He was more durable than anyone or thing that I had ever come across. Just how was I gonna stop him?

Luckily, for some reason, he didn't move, as if waiting on me for my next move…. Or perhaps, he was toying with his food. Either way, his delay worked in my favor.


Taking a deep breath, I jumped back, clasping my heads together. As I slowly pulled them apart, a giant yellow 6 foot double edged broadsword that was one foot wide manifested.

The reason why I made it so long was because having a longer reach on the weapon allowed for me to handle either larger enemies, or multiple enemies.

The reason it was so wide was because the blade doubled as a shield for incoming damage.

Holding it by the hilt, I swung it around a few times, gaining a feel for my new weapon.

"Too light."

Condensing more Ki into the weapon, I made sure to further refine it which caused the blade to gain a metallic glare, increasing its weight and sharpness.

Giving it a few more swings, I deemed that it was now perfect for combat use.

This wasn't the first time I had used a sword this large. I had trained with every type of sword known to man ranging from the claymore to the scimitar. From raiper to tantō. I mastered various sword forms as well.

Because I was a Saiyan with super strength, I was capable of swinging the heaviest weapons with ease, utilizing all of my knowledge with minimal ramifications, no matter what shape my weapon took.

I was a swordsman at heart and made it a point to learn everything that I could about swords. The only reason why I had even bothered to keep the weapons that my mother gave me was for sentimental value, and the fact that they were excellent weights for training.

Other than that, my Ki alone was good enough to handle my problems.

Tightly gripping my sword's hilt, I charged a the monster before me, ignoring the pain that I felt, leaving behind a cloud of sand behind me.

Right when my sword was about to make contact with his leg, as I expected, he disappeared, remetarlising behind me, preparing to kick me.

Quickly rotating my body, I slashed away at his foot.

Upon slashing him, sparks flew off of his body as if it was made of metal… But that metal now had a scratch on it, which caused me to smirk.

Although I hadn't completely stopped his momentum, he did react to my little jolt of stimulation.


Continuing with his kicking motion, I was pushed back, but most of the recoil was taken in by my sword. Even so, from just his one half-assed attack, my arms were shuddering while my hands now felt incredibly numb.

With my sword planted in the ground, I tried to catch my breath, but then, that's when I noticed him doing the same thing…

No… He was taking a deep breath with enough sucking power that sand was going into his mouth.

As he inhaled more air, his chest… It began to glow red.

"Shit… You can breathe fire."

Standing up, turned around, sprinting as fast as I could to get out of his line of sight.

As I ran, I made sure to shoot Ki blast in every direction, attempting to conceal my presence in the sand clouds.

But Hirudegarn wasn't having any of that.

I was already hundreds of miles away in just a few seconds, but none of that mattered. Even with how far I was, I could hear Hirudegarn's wings begin to flap intensely like an army of cicadas.

As I ran, I could hear him getting closer and closer until he was directly above my general area.

I could feel the rise in his Ki. Not only that, I could feel the intensity of the heat within him.

Looking up, I saw his inflated chest cavity, appearing to be ready to burst.


With no other choice, I clasped my hands together again, creating a large ring that I used to layer myself in the Adephagia shield. With a layer of purple Ki surrounding me, I then waved my hand in the motion of an arc, creating a yellow Ki dome that protected my body which was something I had never done before.

Uncertain of its durability, I reinforced the dome several more times.

Finally, I crouched down into a ball with my Ki sword covering my body as a shield against the oncoming flames.


Hirudegarn then released his horrifyingly hot flames downward, melting through my Ki dome, hitting my Ki sword as if my defenses meant nothing to him.

He intended to convert me into nothing… But unlucky for him, my sword was just barely managing to hold on. The more the

Adephagia Shield was hit by attacks, the more potential energy was built up within my body. I directed said potential energy into the Ki sword, which only got more defensively powerful the more Hirudegarn attacked.

but still, even with my preparations, his fire breath was so extreme and intense that my skin was melting off.

Looking at my arms was mortifying. I watched as the flesh on them continuingly peeled and mended back together. But just because it mended back together, didn't mean I was healing. I was still burning.

"Aghhh!" Screaming at the top of my lungs, I stayed strong and fought off the pain that I was feeling with the rage I felt building inside of me.

At the sight of watching my body get boiled alive, I realized that there was only one thing that I could do now… I had to go Super Saiyan.

Although I feared losing control again, I knew that down here, I didn't have to worry about collateral damage.

'Screw it. If I don't transform, I'll die.'

With that resolve, I began to increase my power level, channeling my rage.


Ragefully, I screamed at the top of my lungs. As I did, the sand beneath me started to slowly rise. My body started to grow larger… My fingers started to elongate while also becoming thicker.

My limbs started to grow in size while purple and yellow electricity started to pulsate off of my body.

I could audibly hear my bones snapping and reconfiguring so that my body could withstand my own power while I transcended to a more optimal form.


My voice was becoming deeper while all of my senses were enhanced.

While I held up my sword to combat the flames, the ground became further. The flames… The pain I received from them, it was all becoming more manageable.

Instead of fighting the rage monster within me, this time around, it was time to embrace it and use what I learned earlier.


My hair… It became more wilder than what it already was, but now, I had yellow streaks in it. My aura was now royal purple with a black outline.

My muscle fibers had become far more durable than they were. My pain tolerance had increased by an exponential amount.

I was now in a state where I no longer had to worry about gaining a halo.

Most importantly, I was in control.

Standing upright with my sword covering the top of my head, I increased its scope to be more fitting of my new form.

It was then that the flames finally stopped.

Looking up, Hirudegarn had vanished once more… But I knew, he wasn't yet finished with me.

It was then that for a third time, he had teleported behind me, attempting to smash me with both of his gigantic hands…. But I was different now. I wouldn't allow this bug to bully me anymore.

To his surprise, instead of getting hit by his attack or dodging, I went with the third option and blocked his strike with my blade while holding it with one hand.

Although he wasn't human, the expression on his face very much was.

Confused and slightly irritated that I had the nerve to block his attack, he raised his arms up once more, but this time, he put more of his strength into the attack.

While he did that, I pulled my sword back, pivoting my feet and preparing to make a counter.

As his fist came down, I slashed, slicing off 3 of his fingers on his left hand, avoiding his right fist that completely missed my body.


The titan, recoiled in pain, holding his hand that was shooting out green blood.




His fingers were launched off a couple of feet away from the battlefield.

Being in combat in this form, it was odd… It was like me being angry was what allowed me to move the way I wanted to. I had to swing my sword with hatred if I wanted it to even be slightly effective. Getting angry was the only way I could actualize my power now. It was like I was a samurai version of the hulk

Or some weird edgy anime character. But if it worked, it worked. I wasn't gonna question it. Especially right now.

Hirudegarn was enraged. As he licked his wounds, I could see in his eyes that I was currently the thing he hated most. He wanted to get rid of me… But I wasn't about to allow that to happen.

Hirudegarn then leaped into the air, using his wings to hover in the air above me, probably understanding that he was the only one capable of flight in this dimension.

He then took another large breath, preparing another fire-based attack.

Unexpectedly, instead of firing another breath attack at me, he shot one into the air. As he did, he used his Ki to create an orb that captured the plasma.

As the moments passed, the orb had increased more and more in terms of size until it rivaled something akin to a sun.

Prior to my transformation, I would have been shitting bricks… But now, my strength rivaled his… And if I was being honest, the only feelings I felt towards the situation at hand were excitement, and anger.

The anger derived from me being upset from the fact that I was in hell and would have to worry about escaping later. The excitement came from my wanting to test my limits as a Saiyan.

Launching his sun orb at me, I tightly gripped my Ki buster sword with both hands, and coated it in my specially crafted ability, the Adephagia blade.

Jumping up, I met the attack head-on, piercing the orb precisely enough as not to cause an explosion.

Holding the sun in place, my sword began to shine brightly, becoming hot to the touch.

The greedy blade drank and drank the energy contained in the sphere, causing it to rapidly shrink.

Even if he was a mindless animal, Hirudegarn sensed the danger of the situation.

Teleporting behind me, he slapped me with his tail, pushing me into his sun attack, halting the energy absorption process which detonated the blast.

Luckily, my sword had taken most of the power away from the attack, but that wasn't to say that I wasn't still hurt by the attack.

The blast had sent me flying so far that I could barely see the monster from my new position.

I was hurt… But alive. I still had my sword in my hand as well with all of its built-up energy.

I could hear Hirudegarn out in the distance, stomping on the ground, roaring to the skies… He had used enough strength in his last attack to destroy dozens of Jupiter-sized planets. He was convinced that he had become victorious over me and was animalistically celebrating… The thing was… I was still very much alive. Damaged… But alive.

Another thing was, right as he hit me, I had placed a Ki marker on his tail. The same way berserker me had placed one on my father's shoe.

Dusting my aching body off, I struggled to stand upright.

Then, slowly, I slowly traced a vertical slash in the air. What followed was the manifestation of a glowing purple arc in front of me, which looked like a tear in reality.

Once the arc was stable, I traced over it once more, pouring my steadily rising Ki into the slice.

The moment I completed my strike, said purple arc was launched, warping the air around it, splitting the hell scape like Moses parting the red sea. In this case, it was me parting with the red sands.

Everything the Adephagia strike touched was vaporized. The ari around it combusted and gave it a purple flame aspect.

Immediately sensing something was wrong, the arrogant Hirudegarn turned around… But it was too late. His body was split into two and both sides were consumed by purple flames.

I knew that with the amount of power that I had exerted, he was dead.

I still didn't know what or who bought him here, but they did heal me. This entire debacle was most likely a test. For what? I didn't have the answer to… But when they popped up, I intended on dealing with them in one way or another. But for now… I needed to rest my eyes. I was tired. Too tired to even stand.

The world started spinning for me… My eyelids became heavy…

I then dropped to the floor, losing consciousness again.