Chapter 1: Zieck

One sunny morning at the orphanage,

"oi! what are you doing in our turf huh?!" says a kid who was slightly taller than others,

"I'm sorry please don't hurt me!" answered a weak looking boy, as he was cowering in fear hoping that he would get off easily from Gabriel,

Gabriel who was one of the oldest in the orphanage is a total douchebag, who likes to pick fights all the time and bully some of the kids for fun.

"too late for that your already in my territory, so you better pay the price by crossing here," Gabriel said while clenching his fist,

"hieee!!!!" said the boy had no choice but to close his eyes waiting to get hit by Gabriel's fists,

just as Gabriel's fists was about to hit the kid, he heard a shout,

"stop it!" a girl yelled while trying to hide her fear, her name was Olivia the most beautiful girl in the orphanage and everyone's crush, except for one person,

Gabriel stopped and turned his head towards Olivia and he smiled then proceeded to walk towards her, almost as if he was some kind of prince charming,

"hey olivia, I was not trying to hurt him, we were just playing right guys," Gabriel said

his goons also agreed to what he said, while Olivia still afraid kept her calm and said,

"playing?! this is playing to you? if I was a second late you would've beaten that kid to a pulp, look at yourself Gabriel your one of the oldest here you should be mature for your age, and not pick fights or bully other kids just because you're bored," said Olivia, then she proceeded to help the child who's legs have softened because of fear and with the smell of urine in his pants,

everyone laughed at the child except Gabriel he was one of the oldest children but he was never humiliated in his life, he turned to Olivia

and said,

"fine I will stop! but on one condition"Gabriel said,

"what is it?" Olivia answered,

"you have to become my wife" Gabriel said with a smile

this angered Olivia, she walked towards Gabriel angrily, while Gabriel thinks she just agreed with no question and readied his lips thinking she would kiss him, but instead was greeted with a slap,

Gabriel was shocked, because Olivia have slapped him embarrassing him in front of his goons,

"who do you think you are Gabriel, how dare you ask me to be your girlfriend, I will not date you even if I die single my whole life, listen closely Gabriel as to what im about to say,

N-E-V-E-R never!!!" said Olivia as she walked away from Gabriel,

"You bitch! how dare you reject me!" Gabriel said, as he charged towards Olivia, Olivia saw this and closed her eyes as she saw Gabriel's fists coming towards her,

but just as Gabriel's fists was about to Land on Olivia's face, a black haired boy suddenly appeared in front of them and blocked Gabriel's attack with ease.

both were flabbergasted as they recognized the person right in front of them,

"Zieck!" they both said in an opposite tone,