At 3:30 the final bell went off, as the students rushed towards the outside, intending to go home. Rebecca, Ian, Tia and Ash walked to the parking lot where Rebecca was to hopped onto her dirt bike and Ian to climbed her bi-cycle. Tia and Ash began to make for their van.

"Did you get my number? I forgot about that." Ash asked, turning to face Rebecca and Ian.

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah, I got it."

"So do I." Ian smiled at her. "You learnt anything new about your iPhone?"

Ash giggled. "Yeah, I guess so. Let's see how much of it I remember till I get home."

Tia snickered at her. "I wonder why the hell did you land yourself with it when you didn't know how to use it. "

"Beats me. But hey, there ain't no loss in trying something new." Ash shrugged her shoulders.

"Fair enough."

Rebecca patted Ash on her back. "Don't worry, you'll catch up upon it soon."

Ash grinned with happiness. " You'll help me with me? Jeez! Thanks alot."

"Anytime pal!" Rebecca winked at her.

Ash leaned a bit closer to Ian and raised her brows. "You can use it as well, Ian. There's no shame in asking.".

"What?" Ian stumbled back, realizing she wanted to take the iPhone in her hands as well and explore it like others but didn't dare to ask. "No, sorry. I didn't mean that."

Ash rolled her eyes. "C'mon silly. You don't have to be modest in front of me. I'm the same as you. You can play games on it tomorrow."

Ian nodded, a happy smile finding it's way along her face. "Yeah, sounds good. Thanks."

Tia clapped Ash on her back. "Anyways it was nice getting to know you and both as well. I caught up with Ash in the van."

"It was nice meeting you too. I'm glad we got along." Ian chimed in.

"Hah! The feeling's mutual." Rebecca agreed, tightening her grip over her bag.

They looked around the school at everyone running along to tag in their vans or their own vehicles. Ash tucked her phone carefully inside and patted Tia. "C'mon let's go. We won't find any good seats if we're late."

"Later buddies!" Ash waved at the duo.

"Bye!" Ian and Rebecca said in union.

They watched as Ash and Tia hopped down from the stairs and began to make their ways for the van. As soon as the duo was out of sight, both the girls turned to head for the parking lot.

"Where do you live?" Rebecca asked, swinging her bag around her shoulder.

"A couple of blocks away. You?" Ian replied.

Rebecca stopped in her tracks that Ian accidentally bumped into her. "Sorry."

"You mean, you live on Pine Street?" She asked.

"Yeah. Is it a bad thing? " Ian asked confusedly.

Rebecca gleamed with excitement. "Gosh! This is so cool. I live right next to the block. 12th Albert Street."

That seemed to bring some bright colors on Ian's face as well. "Really? Awesome! How come I never got along with you if you lived so near?"

Rebecca chuckled. "Oh that's because we recently moved in, like about a couple of months before. I wanted to start high school from here, so here I am!"

Ian grinned. "Yeah. Well, glad to see you're on the same bus."

They walked a little further until they reached the parking lot and Rebecca made her way towards her dirt bike. "It was great meeting you buddy. I look forward the same way as today." Rebecca said, putting on her helmet.

"Me too. I have almost forgotten what it's like to have friends in life." Ian said, unable to control herself. She felt happy, a real short happiness after a very long time. The vibe coming from everyone, especially Rebecca, made her feel comfortable. She felt as if she could trust her.

Rebecca seemed to have been reading her mind that she opened her mouth to speak but closed it shut. Maybe, she'll save her queries for another time. "Do you want a ride or something?"

"Oh no, thanks. I got my bicycle here." Ian smiled, gesturing her head at the back.

"Great. See you tomorrow then." She said and with a roar her bike came to life. Ian jogged back to where her manual vehicle awaited. She paddled it out of the lot and found Rebecca was waiting for her. "We share half of our ways."

"Nice of you to drop in." Ian giggled. Rebecca and Ian share half of the way, then they parted in opposite directions. Ian reached home, tired and exhausted. Sleep and hunger began to creep over her as soon as she stepped home. It was then she realized how hungry and exhausted she was.

"Hey, mom. I'm home." She announced, slipping the keys back in her bag.

"How was the day, dear ?" Asked her mom.

"Yeah. Went well." Ian said, walking towards the couch and taking her shoes off.

"Did you make friends ?" Her mom entered, already dressed up and holding out a glass of water for her.

"Yes I did." Ian said, before telling her about Tia Rebecca and Ash.

Her mother smiled happily at her. "I told you dear, one day you'll be happy. You'll find good friends and even someone special who'll make you realize your life is worth living."

Ian suddenly turned beet red with shyness that she began to look here and there just to avoid eye contact. Her mother patted her back and offered the water glass.

"You going somewhere? " Ian asked.

"Double shift, honey. I'm sorry I won't be home early but I cooked you dinner. Make sure you don't to get sleep empty stomach. Not good for your health."

Ian got up and hugged her mother. "Thanks mom."

"Well, I should get going. Tally's staying with Hailey so you have the house to yourself."

I grinned. "Oh, I won't blow it. Don't worry. Any calls from dad? "

"Yup, he said he'll be back in town ASAP. Now be good, dear."

Ian walked her mother to the car and watched as she drove away. Sighing heavily, she went back and headed for her room. She threw her backpack in the corner and drew out her phone, shutting the mobile data off and connecting to WiFi. Grabbing some pressed comfy clothes she got in for some hot shower while her phone was on charging. It didn't take her long that she got off and dried her hair and went downstairs to have some dinner. She got her left sandwich as well and heated that up in the microwave. Turning the TV on, Ian made herself comfortable on the couch and a plate of spaghetti and sandwich and a glass of water. Her phone beeped three times. She grabbed her phone and a small smile found it's way over her face.

Rebecca added you to the group

Now that was something she was never used to because she had no friends to make WhatsApp groups with. She opened the chat and saw dozens of messages already shooting at. She found Rebecca the admin, then Ash and then a long set of unsaved numbers which she assumed was Tia.

Ian: Hi all.

Rebecca: Oh see, Ian's in the army too.

Ian: Thanks for the add ups.

Rebecca: No need, buddy.

Ian: Where are the others?

Ash: I am here. Let me eat pasta in peace.

Rebecca: You're having Pasta and you didn't care to invite us.

Ash: Duh! Maybe later.

Ian: Whoops Rebecca:)

Rebecca: Don't worry I'll get my pasta soon enough 😃

Tia: You guys text too much! It's crazy.

Rebecca: Look who's talking.

Ian: ???

Rebecca: Tia's the one who started the Convo in the first place.

Tia: All I just did was announce that I'm in the group.

Ash: We already know that since Rebecca's the one who added you, dumbbell!

Ian: Props to Rebecca.

Rebecca: I know I'm the best 🤣

Ian laughed at the way her new friends were. Deep down she was happy, she was one of them. Well, that pulled off the first day. Nice and easy, which was surprising for her.

After a while Ian went back to her room and laid on her bed. As soon as her mind sensed the silence around, she diverted again to her horrible experience. Ian couldn't sleep well because her terrible mistake repeated itself in front of her eyes.She just wished and wished that she could go back into the past and change whatever happened. Just say a word of SORRY and tell her cousin how much she loved her. She thought about taking a stroll outside but realized she was home alone, it was dark and her bullies might be lurking around any corner to hurt her and she was not in the mood to freak her mother and new friends out to see her in bruises and wounds.

It was way past midnight and Ian laid in her bed, thinking and thinking, trying to jerk those horrible, tormenting images and her bullies away and dozed down into a deep uncomfortable sleep. Even in her dreams, Ian couldn't find any easiness. She kept shifting her position trying hard to adjust but whenever she closed her eyes the only thing she would see was a bike and her cousin in front of her.

Ian couldn't possibly remove those dark brown, but red swollen eyes of her cousins that came tormenting her memory.

Morning came, and Ian shuffled up, seized her bag and went downstairs. Her mother had prepared breakfast for her before leaving.

Quickly, gulping her tea and taking a couple of toast, Ian went out for a fresh day.

Reaching the high school Ian marched in, going through her time table. She was to have chemistry first. Feeling a bit more relief than having physics, Ian felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hi buddy," Rebecca said happily, shaking hands.

"Hey, how are you doing ?" Ian asked.

"Awesome ! But I think you don't..." She remarked becoming serious. "Haven't you slept again ? Your eyes look tired."

Ian quickly rubbed her eyes, turning her face away. "Yeah...maybe some dirt or something went into my eye and .....I don't know."

Rebecca placed her hand on Ian's shoulder.

"Buddy you look really tired. Do you want me to carry your bag ?" She asked.

Ian smiled weakly. "No, no. Thanks, I am fine. Yeah...No I mean...I didn't sleep." Ian managed to scratch her head. Rebecca wanted to argue more but they heard the bell ring and they both went into their class. Inside they found Tia and Ash sitting, saving them both seats.

"Thanks !" Rebecca said.

The four of them sat down in a square shape and took out their books and copies.

"So Einstein. Ready to outclass again ?" Tia asked Rebecca.

"Very funny. Except I am weak in chemistry." She said, raising her eyebrows.

"Morning class !" Mr. Daniel walked in, taking off his jacket and placing it on the rostrum.

"Morning sir." The chorus bellowed.

"Please start copying. Ionic bonds. Before we begin, I will be giving you equations to balance and complete. Let's see who can do this."

And with that, Mr. Daniel wrote 4 types of big equations and waited for the class to solve. Tia was busy concentrating. Her pen rolling in her hands. Ash was trying to sneak-peak into Tia or Rebecca's copy while Ian was running her pen like Rebecca fastly.

"Has anyone done it yet ?" The teacher asked.

"Have you ?" Ash asked.

"I have already told you. I am weak in chemistry !" Rebecca hissed between her teeth.

"Well, I can say, Miss Thomas here has completed it. Good job, Thomas." Mr. Daniel said proudly.

Tia and Rebecca gasped at her. "You didn't tell us, you like chemistry !" Tia said in excitement.

"I do. Somehow. Better than physics'" Ian said.

"Good. Now you are going to teach me this stuff." Tia said in concern.

Ian nodded looking at her. Rebecca also gave Ian an encouraging smile, making Ian happy. Few hours later, thankfully the girls found themselves free at 11 am. Remembering their appointment with boys they ran towards the ground.

"Hey, can you get some juice for me ? I'm thirsty." Tia asked Ian.

"Yeah sure. Which flavor ?" Ian asked.

"Apple or Mango. Bring anything that is available." Tia drew out some money and handed it to her.

"Ok. Catch you later." Ian said, turning in the opposite direction for the canteen.Rebecca, Tia and Ash went towards the football ground. They found the boys in the field. They had arrived on time, the boys seemed to be getting ready.

"Hey guys !" Rebecca said, walking at them.

Ethan turned around sharply at Rebecca's call. "Rebecca ! Hey wow. It's great seeing you all." He said.

He felt so eager to be with her that his emotions were leaking out. Rebecca felt drained, her eyes scanning Ethan's handsome body. His large heavy body...his half shaved face and green eyes were killers and Rebecca wished she could just sit there and stare at those pairs of eyes. Braddin moved forward giving a big smile at Tia. She became a little blush seeing a very handsome Braddin coming towards her but behind him, she spotted Skyler, the mischievous among them.

His funny hair looked dashing to Tia and his muscles in sweatshirt was melting her heart. In front, Braddin, Tia couldn't take her eyes off his biceps and triceps, his heavy body and extremely handsome figure.

"Happy to see you around," Braddin said, holding out his hand.

Tia hesitated but then raised her own to shake. The warmth of both of the skin contacting Braddin felt light headed as he enclosed his fingers around Tia's hand. His lips turned into a smile. As for Tia, her cheeks turned pink as soon as her hand was in Braddin. "Me too." Was all she could say. Roy smiled at Ash. He came forward and took her bag.

"I will keep it with me." He said softly.

Ash blushed trying to find words to talk to him. She only nodded but her nods were so vigorous that her hair tucked out from behind her ear.

"Where is the 4th one ?" Skyler asked, looking around.

"Oh, she went to get me some juice." Tia said her hand was still in Braddin.

"Oh Crap ! James went there too." Skyler said, punching his fist.

"James ?" Tia asked.

"That husky brown haired one who wanted to become captain. His name is James." Skyler replied.

"Go check Ian out ,will you?" Braddin said.

Skyler nodded then raced back inside. Ethan and Roy invited Ash and Rebecca to sit down. Ethan quickly cleaned the bench and raised his arm in a gesture for Rebecca to sit. Roy gave his seat to Ash and Braddin helped Tia walk in the camp side also.

"Make yourself comfortable." Roy said, trying to address all three girls but his eyes sticking on Ash all the time.

"Honestly we weren't expecting you girls to come along." Ethan said, brushing the back of his head.

"Why is that?" Rebecca asked smoothly.

Ethan shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, you guys are freshmen and we are sophomores and it's hard to get along with seniors."

Roy smacked the back of Ethan's head a bit hard that Rebecca suddenly flinched. "Excuse this shit head. He always brags along whenever he sees… you know… "

"Women?" Ash asked, laughing.

"Girls, actually. He's a shy boy." Roy winked at her.

Ian stood in the line of the Cafe waiting for her turn. She checked her watch then again at the counter. There were still two more people to go. Ian felt someone come behind her. Turning around she found the husky brown haired boy she saw yesterday on the field.

"Hi," he said, smiling at her.

"Hello." Ian said formally turning around but a girly voice caught her ear again forcing her to turn and look.

"Hellooo, James !" A girl said.

Ian looked closely at her and suddenly realized she was the one in Physics class. James also turned too see but his face fell looking at her.

"James. What a surprise ! I mean! Oh My God I can't believe I am seeing my Captain in front of my eyes !" The girl said. James rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Kate? You are Kate, aren't you?" Ian asked.

"Yeah so ? Anything wrong ?" Kate asked arrogantly

"Nothing, just asking." Ian said disliking the girl at the first point.

"Will you please allow me to move further ?" James asked.

"Sure. Anything for my Captain !" Kate said, giving him space.

"I am not the Captain yet. Braddin is." James said in annoyment.

"So what ! Look at you. You are so handsome. You should be the Captain. I will vote for you." Kate boosted trying every possible way to make her way in James arms. Ian felt disgusted at her attempts at flirting.

"Thanks but excuse me." He said, shoving Kate away. "It's your turn, kid."

Ian looked up at the counter ordering a mango juice. The counter was high enough above Ian's reach. James was watching Ian struggle for payment. At first he tried to ignore it but then, he felt he should help. He had barely taken a step forward when suddenly Skyler appeared from nowhere breaking into the line covering up for Ian. Their eyes burnt into each of them. Skyler into James. Brown turned into Black as they stared at each other then Skyler turned, took the money from Ian's hand and paid. He took the juice then placing his one arm on Ian's shoulder he led her out and away from James.

"What was that about ?" Ian asked who didn't understand anything.

"That's James. Husky is his nature. Always trying to compete." Skyler mumbled in frustration.

"What's so bad about that ?"

"You don't know. But you will learn soon about him." Skyler warned, giving Ian back her juice and money.

Kate watched the whole mess. She watched how Skyler and James just had an eye to eye fight. She knew Skyler was Braddin's friend and that Braddin's team mate doesn't go well with James. Rebecca saw Ian and Skyler emerging out together. She watched as they came forward both talking and chatting. Absent-mindedly she smiled to herself. To her, they both looked cute and lovable together. But then her eyes fell on Tia who was laughing with Braddin but her eyes were searching for Skyler and seeing him coming, Tia grinned widely. Braddin looked fondly for Tia but she seemed to be dangling between Skyler and Braddin. Either it was right to be with both of them or just one but Rebecca was sure, a triangle had begun to form between Ian, Tia and Skyler. Skyler brought Ian back to the field. Braddin nodded at him for bringing Ian away from James.

"All of us are here?" Braddin clapped his hands together.

"Yeah, we're all here." Ian said, earning a thumbs up from the mischievous Skyler.

"Right, so you guys know the rules and all about soccer?" He asked, looking at the girls.

Rebecca and Ian nodded their heads while Tia and Ash remained silent.

"You can teach these two," said Ash. "Tia and I are good as spectators."

Roy raised his brows. "No interest in sports."

"Not in the slightest. I just like to watch and enjoy." Ash said.

"Same." Tia chimed in.

Roy gestured at the bleachers. " Why don't you girls have some seats while we could see what Rebecca and Ian have got for us."

"Sounds good to me." Tia agreed.

Braddin spread his right arm to make way for the remaining girls. "C'mon, let's get going. You know Ethan Scott, Skyler Smith and Roy Ushawn, my teammates… ."

"And buddies.. " Skyler added with a smirk.

*And buddies!" Braddin rolled his eyes. "We have a bunch of more teammates as well. And I'm Braddin Andrews, captain of the team."

Ian waves at them all. "Hi, I'm Ian, the one you guys met yesterday."

"And I'm Rebecca, the one you guys met yesterday as well."

Ethan and Skyler laughed at them. "Man! I like your humor."

Braddin cracked a smile then asked Ian to join him in the center. "Okay, let's take a toll."

The boys including Ian and Rebecca stood up to play with them. They were determined to train the girls. Braddin suggested he would talk with the coach and see if he could put Ian and Rebecca for net practice. Ash and Tia sat on the bench, eating chips, drinking juice and watching their friends playing. Roy seemed very happy during the match. Whenever he scored he would look up to Ash and grinned when Ash cheered for him.

Tia Rebecca and Ian, all three were noticing their blossoming relationship. Even the rest of the boys were giggling but Roy and Ash looked so innocent together, Ash cheering for him and Roy's happiness could be seen from his face.

"Someone's in love !" Tia tease.

"Who me ? Nah ! He's just a boyfriend." Ash said.

"BOYFRIEND !" Tia jumped in excitement.

"No. No. I mean. Boy and a friend." Ash said quickly covering up for her mistake

"There is something going on between you. Love at first sight."

Ash shook her head. "Second sight." She corrected me.

"See...you accepted again !"

Ash thumped her hand on her forehead in annoyment.

"He is not my boyfriend !" She clarified.

"We will just see about that....sooner or later." Tia smirked.

Ian came towards them out of breath and sat down between Tia and Ash.

Tia handed Ian a towel and Ian brushed it against her sweaty head.

"How's the game going ?" She asked.

"Tiring." Ian whispered, stretching out her legs.

"Your shoelaces are open," Ash said, pointing at it.

Ian nodded but continued to brush her hairs removing her glasses. Ash waited but then knelt down, and began tying the shoelace herself.

"Thanks." Ian said with a soft smile.


Half an hour later, the boys and girls sat down on the field panting and out of breath. Skyler and Ethan were doing push ups. Ethan raised his eyes to see Rebecca. She saw him and involuntarily a smile spread across her face. He grinned back,forgetting he was only on one arm and suddenly fell down.

"Are you ok ?" Rebecca asked, stepping forward.

"Yeah. I'm good." Ethan said.

Rebecca held out her hand and Ethab happily stretched his own and with her help stood up to his feet.

"Hi Braddy !"

Everyone looked up, and saw Kate beaming at Braddin.

"Kattie ! Hi !" Braddin said, throwing his towel away and coming forward.

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. Ian stared in disbelief. A moment before, she was flirting with James and now with Braddin. Tia Ash and Rebecca were also staring at him but the other boys remained easy.

"Hi all. What's up ?" Kate asked, raising her hand to greet them.

"Hey Kate," Skyler said, with an eye roll.

"Can we spend some time together ?" Kate asked Braddin

"Yeah sure." Braddin said and then they turned went away

Ian scratched her head."She was flirting with James 40 mins before. Now with Braddin ?" She asked.

Skyler laughed. "Kate and Braddin are close friends. Somehow childhood friends." He said

"They greeted each other as though they had never seen each other before." Tia said.

" Braddin knew she was in fresher year but never got a chance to meet her." Ethan said.

"Are you sure they are just friends ?" Tia asked, making everyone laugh.

Braddin and Kate, walked towards the next ground, walking and talking.

"How are you doing with James ?" She asked.

Braddin sighed, giving out a tiring whistle.

"He's just the same. Competing and trying every move he can to beat me and my team." He said.

Kate chuckled. Running her hand in her hair. "You know what ! I teased him in the cafe today." She said,

Braddin eyed her in surprise. "Really ? How?"

Kate gave a very big laugh. "I tried to flirt with him and he was just like, red spice trying to piss me off. Then Skyler came and that heated the moment more than before." She explained in excitement.

"Yeah. I sent Skyler for Ian. I saw James walking there and Ian went to that Cafe."

"As usual, a protective man." Kate complemented.

Braddin chuckled while sitting down on a swing with Kate sitting on the next one.

"What is this big shy smile about ?" Kate asked.

Braddin blushed, pushing his hair into spikes, his smile spreading more and more wide.

"What's up?" She hit him playfully.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

Rebecca reached her dirt bike, when the bell went off. Ian was standing beside Tia's van talking to her and Ash was with Roy. They left Ash with him giving them some privacy. All of them were beginning to notice a small spark that was coming into the light. Rebecca put the keys on the engine but her bike toppled over and fell to the ground.

"Ahhhh ! For God's sake !" She sighed leaning down to reach it. She had barely reached it when another hand appeared out of nowhere and took the keys.

"Here you go," he said.

"Thanks." Rebecca mumbled thinking it might be Ethan or Ian but to her surprise it turned out to be James.

"You ?" She said automatically.

James raises his eyebrows. "Sorry but were you expecting someone else ?" He asked.

Rebecca took a deep breath then gave out a small smile. "No no. I mean. I thought you were someone else. What's up James ?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. Nothing. Just heading for the gym." He said relaxing at the awkward moment.

"Right. I'm heading back home."

"So you like to play football, huh ?" He asked, trying to make things comfortable.

"Yeah. Ian and I. We both like to play so we took a blow." She said,

James nodded, grinning at her. "Wel..umm....if you want I can give you some match tips. It will be easy for you." He said.

Rebecca found no words to put forward for the sudden offer. She didn't want to disheart him so instead she just nodded.

"Rebecca !"

James turned around and saw Ethan standing sternly. "Braddin's pet is here." James said quietly for only Ethan to hear. "I'll see you around."

Ethan didn't say anything but waited for James to depart. Rebecca watched Ethan come close to her. As soon as James was out of sight, he began smiling just to be with her.

"Team rivals." Rebecca joked

Ethan sighed, nodding at her. He spread out his hand on her bike and leaned against it.

"Are you free on Friday night, after school ?" He asked

Rebecca thought for a moment. "Yeah. I guess so. Any problem ?" She said

Ethan shook his head rapidly. "No, no. We were planning an outing. I was wondering if you wanted to come."

"I'd love to but I don't know. What's about the party?" Rebecca asked.

Ethan smiled. "No biggie. Just us four boys and you girls. Everyone thought it would be good if you guys tag along."

"I see," Rebecca bit her lips.

Ethan pointed towards Tia and Ash's van. "Don't worry, you see Skyler and Roy there? They are convincing your other three friends, which I'm sure they already have."

Rebecca suddenly raised her hands in surrender. "Oh, it's not like that I don't trust you guys."

They heard Ethan's phone beeped twice. He fished out his phone and his smile broadened."Look, they are in." He faced his phone for Rebecca to see. It was a simple text from Skyler saying the girls were in.

"Please come." He said. ".....now are you in ?" He asked, assuring her.

Hearing that her friends were coming, she sent out a relief sigh. "Sure then. Count me in." She said,

Ethan's face brightened in happiness. "Great. I will pick you." He said.

"Ok," Rebecca said, becoming pink. Ian came galloping towards them. Ethan gave her a high five.

"Coming on Friday night ?" Ian asked.

Rebecca nodded, still lost in thoughts of Ethan coming to pick her. "Great. Me too." She said.

"Where do you live Ian? Do you want me to pick you?" Ethan offered kindly.

Ian shook her head. "It's fine. I can manage. Skyler said, he'll text us the address."

Ethan blinked. " I am already coming to pick Rebecca so if you want a ride, I'm all in."

Ian glanced at Rebecca. " Woow! Well in that case I live near her. Just two blocks away."

"Awesome!" He grinned. "We will tell you the time. You both have my number?"

"Nope! " Said Rebecca and Ian in union.

"Punch it down, then." He said, narrating his number and the girls followed. " Just gimme a miss call and I'll add you both up. See you later then. "

" Bye! " Ian said, waving at him. She turned around and saw Rebecca still staring at him with her phone opened in her hand. "Can we go home if you are done daydreaming ?"

Rebecca snapped out and laughed at her own stupidity." What? Oh, yeah! Sorry. Let's go." They both hopped up and rode away to their home.