The next day at school, Ian was trotting slowly clutching her bag and climbing stairs. She stood at the corner of the corridor waiting for any of her friends to come. She waited, leaning against the wall when she saw Kate climbing the stairs with two more girls walking beside her. Their eyes met and Ian gave her a short smile. "Hello Kate," greeted Ian.

"Ian. It's you," Kate said looking closely at her.

"Ummm...yeah ! Definitely, it's me." Ian said feeling a bit odd at the statement.

Kate turned to face her friends and gestured towards Ian, she said, "Anne, Perrie, this is Ian, I was talking about. The damaged Ian. Arm in the sling."

Ian felt a gush of strange feelings. "I will get it out, very soon. What do you mean by "Damage Ian ?" She asked.

Kate bursts into laughter, thumping her hand on her mouth to mock Ian more.

"Seriously Ian, you look extremely funny with this huge sling and a small patch on the forehead. How did you get on with the accident? It really looked like someone gave you a tough time." She said, with a mocking grin.

Ian frowned. "You came to see me at the hospital. I'm sure Braddin must have filled you in about what happened."

Kate pretended to think about it. "Really? Must have slipped from my mind. But you wouldn't mind telling my friends here all over again."

Perrie laughed. "Yeah, tell us Ian. How did this happen?"

"Did you fall off your cycle?" Annie chimed in.

"Did you cry out for your mommy to come and cuddle you?" Perrie sang along with the mock.

"Really that's very strange to say." Ian defended, feeling herself going numb. They were definitely making fun of her. Kate laughed again, stretching herself in a post like she was the headmistress of the school.

"Too bad you weren't able to play for the game that day mostly because of the sling .I heard Braddin was getting you and Rebecca in the team. Although at first I thought I should have been registered."

"Why is that?" Ian asked, uncertainly.

Kate scowled at her. "Why, you don't know? I'm the queen, I can do anything I want."

Ian scoffed. "Really? Like needing two buttless bodyguards to walk behind you?"

Annie gasped angrily at her but Kate held out her hand to stop her. "Ah! Silly Ian. It's ok girls. She doesn't know what I am capable of."

"You're lucky you're already in a pathetic condition that Kate got mercy on you." Perrie taunted with a growl.

Ian looked confusedly at her. "Mercy? I'm sorry, are you the same Kate who visited me at the hospital?"

Kate chuckled. "Consider yourself lucky that I chose to come and visit you by myself. I don't do this often with commoners."

Ian sighed in disbelief. "My God, I wonder what Braddin actually saw in you."

"My beauty ofcourse." Kate smiled, then turning to her girls she added. "Come along girls, must not make the damaged Ian, standing for too long."

Perrie came closer, scanning Ian up and down. "Run to your mummy. Get yourself fixed honey."

"Yeah, I wonder how you'd look with both arms in the sling!" Annie laughed.

"Probably, a pitiful mummy of the year!"

Before Ian could make up her mind to shut them down, the three of them walked past her, giggling at her condition "Jerks!" She muttered. Ian was just running her mind about what had gone wrong with her. She seemed very jolly and nice when she came to visit her in the hospital but now she was truly mocking her in front of her friends. Looking down at the sling Ian felt upset and angry, her frustration leaping out. She wanted to take that out and she made up her mind that after school she will go straight to the doctor to get the sling out of her.

"Hi bugs bunny," Ash called, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Hey, morning !" Ian greeted, calming herself and brought a small smile on her face.

"How's the arm ?" She asked, pointing at the gray sling

"It's fine. Now I want to get it out. I was thinking of going to the doctor after school."

Ash stared at her looking concerned. "Like, today ?" She asked.

Ian nodded. Before Ash could say anything, Braddin came up to greet them.

"How are you doing buddy ?" He asked, eyeing at the arm.

"It's fine. Great !" Ian said, grinning at him.

"Welldone. Happy for you," Braddin said.

Ian grinned again at him. Tia came along marching her way towards them. Ash waved at her and she waved back. "Hey, what's up?" Ian asked.

"All good, you tell." Ian asked.

Tia smiled and gripped on both Braddin's and Ian's elbow in excitement, her face lightened up, her eyes shining. "You guys know what !" She said,

"What ?" Asked Braddin, Ash and Ian.

Tia took a long deep breath still clutching their shoulders."Skyler and I went to Costa Coffee yesterday and we had a great time !"

"You what ?!" Ian jumped up in disbelief but Braddin who knew that Tia had gone with Skyler yesterday remained in control not showing anything from his expressions.

"Yeah ! Oh My God ! I can't believe I actually got to go with him. I missed my van and he asked to drive me home but we stopped in the middle for a few minutes but those moments were the best of my life!" Tia exclaimed gleefully.

She was so happy and excited that she didn't notice both Ian and Braddin's faces. Ash however looked interested in her. Braddin was looking a little upset but Ian was listening to Tia as she told them each and every detail about yesterday's trip. She drew out the phone from her pocket and began sliding down the screen showing the pictures of her and Skyler.

"Isn't it great!." Tia said, taking her phone back from Ian.

Ian bit her lower lip but then smiled at Tia. She couldn't disappoint her at any cost; she was her best friend and Ian knew Tia, Rebecca and Ash were the first choice for her to make. She didn't even understand why she was feeling so shocked. "They are great. You look pretty and much happier." Ian said.

Tia laughed softly. "I am glad you are happy." Braddin said, smiling at her.

"Anything happened between you two?" Ash asked suddenly, twisting her front flick.

Tia suddenly went blank. "Uh..no.. why you asked?"

Ash shot her a bummer face. "You were acting like something really big happened with you two. What's so biggie about coffee?"

Tia pulled her brows together. "Well, what did you want us to do back there then?"

Ash tapped her chin. "Let's see like you know what couples do, like you know when a boy or a girl, like goes out or, like you….ok fine. I don't know."

Tia rolled her eyes, with an annoyed look. Ian, Braddin and Ash exchanged a naughty look.

The bell rang and the girls said goodbye to Braddin and went towards the class. Braddin stood there looking at Tia waiting for her to disappear from his sight then he too moved towards his class. Rebecca joined them as they were settling.

"Hi all," Rebecca said, sitting down beside Tia.

"Greetings," Ash said, raising her hand taking her place next to Ian.

They sat in a square shape with Rebecca and Tia in front and behind them sat Ash and Ian. They spotted Kate who was sitting at the front twisting her pen between her thin fingers. Kate glanced at them but surprisingly then ignored them. They spent a torturous class of mathematics with only Rebecca forcing herself to stay awake. Ash was checking her watch minute to minute. Tia had a piece of earphone in her ear and Ian was shifting positions in frustration. The three wished they hadn't taken the class. Even in the air-conditioning class they were sweating. Soon after the class ended, the students rushed out.

"Braddy!" Kate yelled, clapping her hand. She ran forward towards him and hugged him tightly. Before Tia could even reach out to shake hands, Kate swung Braddin's arms around herself.

"How are you doing ?" Braddin asked, feeling a little uneasy with Tia in front and Kate in his arms. Roy came forward, chewing bubble gum. Ash grinned and waved at him and he rushed towards her.

"Morning !" He said to the girls and immediately clasped Ash's hand.

"Hey, Roy what's up ?" Rebecca asked, clapping a high five.

"Nothing good. Hows you buddy ?" He asked, addressing Ian.

"I am ok. Healed for good." Said Ian.

Roy clapped her a high five too then, seeking a chance he took Ash with him and walked forward. Rebecca, Tia and Ian grinned looking at both of them. Roy walked across the corridor, with Ash following him. He took her to the music room and shut the door behind him

"What are you doing ?" Ash asked laughing

Roy beamed, grabbing a guitar and sat in front of her.

"I heard your favorite song was THOUSAND YEARS. I practiced the tune." He said.

"Really ? How come ?" Ash asked shifting towards the chair and sitting on it.

"Indeed. I will show you." Roy adjusted the strings and then placed the nail cover made of alumunium foil around his fingers.

"Here I go. I will take, D major," he said, setting the tune.

He plucked a few strings and they produced the music. He plucked again slowly, turning his way to the actual song tune. Ash was rocking her head slowly, going dazzling in the music and grinning very broadly in happiness when Roy began tuning the music of THOUSAND YEARS.

"How's that ?" He asked, pleased with himself.

"Marvelous. I am so happy for you !" Ash said gladly.

Roy kept plucking it with Ash suddenly beginning to hum the song

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

Ash sang with Roy feeling happy, he boosted the level becoming more and more energetic.

I have died every day waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid.

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Ash made no mistake in singing that when she finished both Roy and Ash were feeling like dancing in the sky.

"You sound amazing. Your voice. I got lost in it." He said unbelievably.

Ash shrieked, becoming pink, dropping her gaze. Roy smiled looking at her. He sat down the guitar, took Ash's phone and began running his fingers on the screen

"What are you doing ?" She asked to look at him but he smiled without looking at her.

"Ah !" He sighed in relief. Placing the cell phone upside down, he stretched his hand towards her.

"Miss Ash Rider, do me the honours of dancing with me." He said confidently.

Ash blushed, becoming cherry red. Her face was cherry looking, her eyes watering with happy tears. She placed her hand in his and he lifted her to her feet. The song spread out echoing through the phone across the room as Roy placed his one arm around Ash's waist . Ash placed her own on his shoulders and their freehand met.

"What if someone comes in?" Ash whispered, feeling goosebumps running down her body.

"Shhh! Just enjoy." He said in a low voice.

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath

Every hour has come to this

One step closer

Ash was very pink but Roy smiled at her softly as they both danced around their hands and feet synchronization together automatically. They didn't realize how but they kept doing it drowning themselves too much in the dance and the beauty of the song

I have died every day waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid.

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

They were so absorbed by each other. Roy had an arm wrapped around Ash's shoulder while he stood next to her. He held both her hands, his thumbs rubbing the tops of her knuckles soothingly, her pinky fingers entwined with his. They were swaying gently to the music. Ash was looking into Roy's eyes, her chest rising and falling fast from the effort of the dancing. She felt lightheaded and could feel herself slipping. Roy's arms were strong and firm around her body, keeping her grounded as she swayed to the song and he followed her movements. His eyes were so beautiful, deep like the ocean, they were captivating. They reminded her of the first time she saw him… she couldn't remember when because she's Ash.… she just remembered that she has something for him… She liked Roy so much.

Her heart was pounding hard against her rib cage. The feeling was making her head spin and dizziness wash over her. She leaned forward, trying to get some air. Roy's arms remained secure around her and she felt safe in his embrace. She didn't want the moment to end. The song was ending soon enough, she couldn't wait anymore. She looked into Roy's eyes, his dark irises mesmerizing her soul, he stared right back. They were so close, she could feel his breath against her lips. Then, something happened… he moved his hand up her back, resting his palm there and caressing lightly. He pulled her closer and kissed her cheek. It was a soft kiss and a little wet, which caused the tip of her ear to burn. His lips pressed against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. He stepped away and she found herself still holding his hands, staring at them and blushing. She wanted to say something but nothing seemed to work, only silence filled the room.

Then, he broke the silence, "You are beautiful, Ash Rider. You have never been a planner in your life." His voice was low and husky, it sent chills down her back. She didn't even notice how close he was to her. She nodded silently and swallowed thickly.

He continued. "And, when you sing, your voice is so beautiful. It's so pure and bright, like the sun's rays. When you sing I can't help myself, I am drawn to you. Every single day, I am drawn to you more and more. And I have this feeling that you do too."

Her eyes welled up with tears and she bit her lip, unable to answer. Roy was staring at her, his eyes full of love. And he was telling the truth. She was beautiful, her smile so bright. And she was drawn to him. She would admit it now. Roy was not handsome like many men were but he was attractive to a certain extent. And he was honest, caring and sweet. In fact, the most beautiful person she ever knew. A perfect person. And, she fell deeper for him every second. He removed her front hair and she involuntarily held up her face. Roy bent down, coming closer....closer and closer.

Her heart skipped a beat when their lips locked together. It was a slight fine touch but then they moved forward spreading it and their lips moved. It was slow, warm and sweet, as if they had all the time in the world. And they were the only ones who mattered. They parted after a while, breathing heavily with flushed faces. Their hands were still entwined together, their foreheads touching. She was honestly thankful to him that he chose to keep the kiss gentle and quick.

Roy spoke first, "Ash…I've always liked you. From the moment we met in school."

She didn't know what to say, her brain was still reeling from the kiss. She looked up at him, her heart racing, and her head spinning. Roy had such lovely eyelashes and his hair was really soft too. Roy chuckled at her lack of response,

"Come on Ash, don't make me spell it out for you." He teased. She laughed nervously, embarrassed, and she hid her face in his chest, blushing even more. He squeezed her hand, kissing the top of her head affectionately.

"I like it when you do thisl.'' Roy said, releasing her.

"Hmm. Feels great." Ash whispered, surprised to find she had her voice after all. Roy took her hand again and kissed it then they both walked out of the room feeling very happy and light headed.

Ian was in the game field watching Braddin, James, Ethan and Skyler doing practice. The wind had become very cold around like snow forcing Ian to huddle more closely in her jacket. A few minutes later, Skyler came running towards her and sat down beside her, taking that water bottle and drinking it."What's up ?" He asked.

"Cold." Ian said, wrapping herself.

Skyler laughed gulping down again, he pressed the plastic of the bottle for more water. Ian watched him drinking and struggling to get the last few drops in his mouth. He made failed attempts to drink it. Ian chuckled at his stupidity then quietly held out her own bottle.

"Oh ! For me ?" He asked

Ian nodded, not saying anything. Skyler threw his plastic bottle. He held out his arm taking it. He opened the cap but just then, he brought the bottle close, he accidentally spilled the water on his sweatshirt.

"Oh God !" He said, cursing himself and the bottle.

"Skyler ! What have you done ?" Ian squealed looking at his wet shirt.

"The cap. It slipped out. I don't know how it works." He said making a lame excuse.

"You opened the big cap. Open the straw one dummy !" Ian pointed.

Skyler got engaged again but he again made failed attempts. Ian rolled her eyes but then burst into a laugh. "Stop laughing and help me." He cried helplessly.

Ian laughed again but then held the bottle upwards for him to drink. He stuck his mouth at it and began drinking. Ian kept holding it until he had done then pulled it back. "Thanks," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He got up and asked Ian to come with him.They walked inside the building. "Where are we going ?" Ian asked.

"Boys common room." He said carelessly

Ian looked sharply at him. "Boys ! What am I supposed to do there ?" She asked.

He chuckled at her now climbing down the stairs. "You can stay outside and hold my things while I change." He said.

"Right now I have got to do your PA stuff." Ian joked and he laughed. Ian halted, tightening the strap of her sling. Seeing that she was left behind Skyler came to her.

"What's wrong ?" He asked, looking at her.

"My strap. It's loose. Wait, I have to find Ash, Tia or Rebecca to fix it."

Skyler held out his arm. "No, no. Wait, wait. Let me help you." He said.

Ian opened her mouth to argue but he lowered himself and took the dangling strap. He carefully spun it around Ian's shoulders and attached it gently. "There. Is it tight ?" He asked.

Ian checked again but shook her head. "No. I think it's fine." She said,

Skyler beamed at her then winked. "10 problems....1 solution." He said pointing at himself. Ian grinned at him. "Thanks Sky."

"You all girls....all of you have different types of personality." Skyler said, pushing back his hair.

Ian chuckled, leaning against the wall. "So do you boys." She said,

"Yeah ? Tell us then what we are ?" He asked, crossing his legs and shifting more close to her. They were sitting on a bench outside the boys common room. Skyler had changed his sweatshirt but now he was in a half sleeves shirt which looked as though it was sleeveless with his big muscular arm pounding out from it. Ian was sitting next to him leaning against the wall.

"I think Braddin, Roy and Ethan. Braddin is like someone you would look up for. Like a big brother to all. Roy is innocent and simply the truth lover. Ethan..... he's sweet. He takes care of everyone..."

"Especially Ash," Skyler pointed, making both of them laugh.

"Yeah, indeed. He likes Ash." Ian said grinning. Skyler nodded then turned sharply at her with his leg still crossed and sat facing her.

"And what about me? Do you like me? Am I a good person ?" He asked eagerly.

Ian gaped at him, when he said DO YOU LIKE ME. She felt as though he had become serious but then a thought of Tia liking him paused her to say anything. Ian made a naughty face looking at him. "You are a slimy, ugly creature who knows how to tease others." She joked.

Skyler made a face that made Ian laugh out loud. He pretended to be crying, fighting like a child but then laughed out loud. "That's cheating. It's not fair. Well you are too, old hag. A lousy trouble maker."

Ian laughed more loudly. Even Skyler relaxed, both of them laughing and enjoying teasing each other.

"Man, you are the second after Rebecca whom I love teasing." He said.

"So are you. Laughing bag." Ian smiled.

"Yeah. We'd make a great team together. Partners !" He said turning his hand into a fist and shook it a little.

Ian made her hand a fist too and they both slammed it against one another. "I want to get this thing out of me. I am going to the doctor after school." Ian said becoming serious.

"Why so die hard in taking this out. You should wear it for a week until it's completely healed."

Ian pounded her hand in frustration becoming short tempered. "No way! I can't stand the chance of people saying "damaged Ian" all over the school to me." She cried.

Skyler looked at her in confusion. He blinked twice trying to get to the point. "Who said this to you ?" He asked.

"Who will ? The only one Kate DeMelo !" Ian murmured under her breath with more angry words which made Skyler beamed at her.

"Ah Kate! Don't take her seriously. She's like this the whole time. I know her before you all." He said, placing his arm around Ian.

"She's really Braddin's childhood friend ?"

Skyler nodded, his eyes roaming like he was thinking. Ian waited, her heart beating rapidly in her throat for him to say anything.

"Braddin and Kate once lived together when they were kids but then Braddin got admission here and Kate was a year younger than him. They made a good friendship, except that she's a little boastful. I think that's probably because she has four brothers and she's the youngest of all." He reported.

Ian dropped her gaze, looking at the well tiled floor. "Yeah, she told me about that when she came to see me at the hospital." Ian said.

Skyler lowered himself more on Ian with now Ian huddling close to him. "It's just like, Kate is someone else in front of Braddin and something else.... not in front of Braddin...like just around us." Ian continued.

Skyler nodded again without looking at Ian.

"Yeah, I know that. Let me tell you something. She likes him. And being in love she has become cranky. She wants Braddin ONLY and ONLY for her. That's my theory about Kate."

Ian leaped up from him and looked at him in confusion. "If she likes him, why doesn't she tell him ? She's too open with him."

Skyler shrugged his shoulders. "And ruin the fun of attaining importance? C'mon, Ian, you know how she is."

Ian rolled her eyes. "So in short she wants Braddin to go down on his knees and propose to the queen bee."

"You bet. Something we might as well know." He said, making Ian lean back at him with his arms around her again.

Ian bit her tongue in a funny way. "Eww! That's gross! Even my imagination couldn't handle them being a couple."

Skyler chuckled. "Believe me, I feel the same."

They sat in silence for a few seconds, Skyler's arm still around Ian and she rested comfortably against him. "Whom you are interested in ?" Ian said, suddenly becoming naughty.

Skyler laughed, shaking his head. "I don't know. Why don't you help me find one?" He joked.

"You might have found one?" Ian smirked at her.

"Who ? Enlighten me for the one to get on with it." He chuckled.

"Like taking Tia on a date ?" Ian said raising her eyebrows, her face becoming more and more naughty and like teasing

"What did you say ?" He asked, looking at her.

"Taking Tia on a date ?" Ian repeated, flatly.

Hearing the word DATE, he burst out laughing very loudly. Ian thought that he would make the whole building shake with his laughing cracks "Seriously, that was definitely not a date. I never thought of that !" He said trying to gain control.

"Yeah? I saw pictures of yours. Tia showed me while having coffee."

He grinned while still looking at her. "Fancing a coffee and having close pictures makes a date? I have my arms around you, would this be a date too ?" He joked.

"No," Ian said, becoming pink. " I guess not."

"Were you jealous?" He sneered at her.

Ian shot back at him. "What? Shut up!"

Skyler laughed, smacking her on her healthy arm. "Gotcha!"

Back in History class Ian, Rebecca and Tia were sitting on their favorite seats. Ian and Rebecca were in front with Tia sitting behind Ian leaving a vacant seat for Ash. Rebecca and Ian had turned around talking to each other waiting for the teacher to come. Suddenly they saw Ash, trotting towards them and sat down on the chair. She was bright pink and had a constant smile on her face. Her eyes were brightening and her ears were pink. Even her nose was red.

"What's the big grin about ?" Rebecca asked.

Ash giggled, shaking her head vigorously.The three looked at each other and eyed Ash suspiciously.

"Ash, why are you laughing ?" Rebecca asked again, stretching out her hand towards her.

"What? Leave me alone!" Ash said, shoving Rebecca's arms away but again burst into fits of laughter.

"Are you drunk ?" Ian asked, now grinning to look at her silly friend.

Ash shook her head, clasping her fingers on her lips tightly forcing herself not to giggle.

"What's happening to you ? Did you inhale some laughing gas ?" Tia asked, becoming impatient. Ash shook her head again.

"Afternoon class !" The teacher came into view.

"Good Afternoon Madam Percilla." The class responded in chorus.

Rebecca and Ian turned forward, still suspicious, their hearts pounding fast. Both of them kept turning their heads to look at Ash who still had a constant smile. Tia had her eyes fixed on Ash waiting for her to say anything.

"Take out the 4th Chapter, TUDORS THE HISTORY. Now who can tell me about the Tudors Era ? Anyone ?" Madam Percilla asked.

Rebecca wanted to answer even Ian was concerned but at that moment, the only thing that mattered was Ash and her suspicious grins.

"Will you tell us what happened ?" Ian whispered to her, turning a little. "We can sense something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong, just look forward." Ash said.

"The Tudor period is the period between 1485 and 1603 in England and Wales and includes the Elizabethan period which ends with the completion of the reign of Elizabeth I in 1603." Kate said, proudly happy to see Rebecca was not taking interest.

"Excellent. Class, get on with the 1st paragraph. That's the intro." Madam Percilla said, pacing up and down the class.

"What's got into you ?" Tia asked in a low voice.

Seeing Madam Percilla busy, Rebecca turned to face Ash. "Is it about Roy? You were with him the whole time !" She said,

Upon hearing his name, Ash turned very bright pink. Tia and Rebecca grinned together. Ian looked astounded but happy.

"It IS about Roy ! Nice catch, Rebecca !" Tia said.

"Nothing about him. Just shut up! He asked me not to tell !" Ash spoke.

"What's not to tell ?" Ian asked.

"That we kissed !" Ash spoke again blindly.

"You both KISSED !" Rebecca and Ian jumped in excitement.

"Shit!" Ash growled, realising her mistake.

Miss Immanuel and Miss Thomas, I would gladly appreciate it if you two put your mind to the lecture!" Madam Percilla taunted.

The class snickered at them, especially Kate. Ian and Rebecca turned back quietly and looked down at the book but from the inside they were dancing. They couldn't wait for the class to get over and listened to Ash.

"How did this happen? How did you kiss ?" Tia asked, her voice low enough for Ash, Rebecca and Ian to hear.

"I shouldn't have told you that !", Ash said, realising that she had spoken blindly.

"Tell us, come on. " Tia repeated again, nudging her in the ribs.

"Fine. We both kissed. In the music room. Roy played the guitar for me. Then we dance..." She said, her eyes were shining brightly as she spoke. Seeking the chance again, Rebecca and Ian turned a little back again to glance at both of them.

"Then you both kissed !" Ian asked in a whisper.

Ash nodded trying to keep a firm grip upon herself but failed in every attempt.

"Did he kiss you or you did ?" Tia asked.

"Both at a time. He started and then it happened." Ash said.

"Oh My God ! Ash has grown up. You and Roy!" Rebecca said gleefully.

"Awesome! So are you both official or what ? Something, something?" Ian asked happily.

"I guess so. He said some comfy and surprising stuff. He really caught me off guard." Ash replied

Tia shifted a little towards her. "Comfy stuff ? Care to explain?" She asked.

"Yeah, c'mon. Don't leave us dangling like this." Rebecca hissed quietly

"He made me happy, that I admit. He played the guitar just for me." Ash said shyly.

"My God!" Rebecca jumped up in excitement.

"That's it. Immanuel and Thomas. Detention tomorrow. At my office at 11 sharp !" The teacher screeched loudly.

Kate shirked to mock them. She rolled her eyes at them when both Rebecca and Ian glanced at her.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. We didn't mean…."

"You better keep that to yourself Miss Thomas, before I change my mind for a whole week detention."

Ian sat back, zipping her mouth, earning another chuckle from the class, but who cares, they were so happy that finally Ash and Roy were together. Both of them had always made a sweet couple and eventually they were together and for that, Tia, Rebecca and Ian were so happy.