The picnic plan had got all of them very excited. Even though Rebecca and Ian were close to dying after the punishment they too felt very happy and eager to take part in it. Braddin had managed to arrange the transport. At first he suggested going by the school bus but then, the others disputed between going alone on Roy's Land Cruiser and enjoying privacy rather than going with others in a school bus. Braddin and Roy thought they would decide later. Going back home from school, Tia had Ian come over to her and Ash with Rebecca to help them pack. Picnic for a whole week was tremendous! Seeing they were having a little trouble with packing, the four girls stayed behind at Rebecca's home. Her mother had cooked some delicious Chinese Food, which Ian couldn't resist and got herself stuffed with noodles happily.

"How many sweatshirts should I pack ?" Ian asked, placing her hand on her tiny waist.

"As many as you want !" Ash replied packing her shoes and socks in a shopper.

"Ahhh! If I pack too many then I won't have space left for my jeans. What will I wear beneath them ?" Ian asked in annoyment.

Tia and Ash laughed loudly at Ian's stupidity.

"Pack your bikinis. That will be good for you !" Tia teased and others laughed at her.

"You will look so hot ! I bet you can find someone by wearing that." Ash said

"Not just one but many 'someone'." Tia clapped Ash a high five.

"Nice one," Ian said bitterly, turning back.

Rebecca bought two of her jeans and one jacket. "Do you reckon, there will be a windy day?" She asked, holding out her jacket.

"I guess so. It's windy and cold here. It will be more at the beach and Funland. Can't say anything about Funland." Ash said.

Ian came forward and threw a set of leather jackets at her. "Keep this. Remove the goofy one." She said,

Rebecca thought for a moment then placed the goofy one back then bent down to place her jeans in the hand carry.

"Are we done ?" Tia asked, looking around the whole messy room.

"I am not. Help me do it !" Ian said, raising her hand.

"Ahh," Tia sighed, coming towards Ian and helping her. "You really didn't pack your swimming costume. Why is that?"

Ian bit her lips. "I'd like to wear T-shirts rather than blouses or swimming costumes."

Ash threw some of her discard pile aside. "If you don't have some, you can borrow mine."

"No, no." Ian waved her away, avoiding eye contact. "I just don't like to wear them."

"Girls dress like this. What are you, a boy?" Tia laughed but Rebecca shot her a quiet look and she fell silent.

"It's ok, you can pack whatever you want." Rebecca said.

"Thanks, Reb!" Ian gave her a thankful nod.

Tia scowled at Rebecca when Ian was not looking. "Why did you do that? I was just messing around."

Rebecca made a face at her. "She was becoming serious. That's why I asked you to drop it."

Tia brushed her in her moody way. "I bet anyone will mess with her. Girls don't wear T-shirts on the beach. That's men dressing. I didn't know Ian's that stupid to know it."

This time Ash felt it too. "Hey, knock it off. It's her life, her choice."

Tia rolled her eyes. " Why is everyone pointing at me? I'm just saying the facts. It's Ian who you both should make fun of."

Rebecca sighed. "If someone doesn't match your taste, it doesn't give you the right to make fun of them."

Ash nodded. "Yeah, karma's a bitch. Remember that."

"Whatever! " Tia frowned at them.

It had gone late at night, when the four girls slammed their hand carries shut. Even though they were tired, Ian and Ash forced Tia to clean Rebecca's room. It was half past nine when the others thought to go but then Rebecca and her mother insisted that they should stay back for the night. There was a single bed on which Tia, being Tia, quickly seized her chance, leaving the remaining three to find a spot on the floor.

"You know that's Rebecca's room. You should have let her take the bed." Ian placed her hands over her waist.

"Finders, keepers! " Tia stuck her tongue out at her.

"That's not fair. She let you stay for the night and this is how you repay her." Ian sighed at her.

Tia opened her mouth to make another comment at her but Ash pulled them away. " Leave her, she's being over dramatic."

Rebecca came into the room and saw the three of her friends almost on the verge of a bursting lava. " What did I just walk into?"

"Nothing, just someone kicked you out of your own bed." Ian rolled her eyes.

Rebecca patted Ian. "Relax. I can sleep with you and Ash on the floor. No biggie!"

The week went like this, with everyone busy packing and getting ready for their picnic. The eight friends finally decided to take the school bus. Rebecca and Ash thought that they would enjoy the bus much more. Skyler and Ethan were constantly busy with the arrangement that gave James more time to spend with Rebecca. Kate was also keeping a very keen interest in Braddin. Whenever she would see him anywhere near Tia she would zoom in and divert him from her. The weekend went by just as quickly as the other day of the week. At Sunday night, the girls couldn't sleep with excitement jumping side them.

Finally the day came. It wasn't the usual morning. No students were dragging their bags to their class with tired faces looking. But they were excited and happy.Everyone was rushing to the school building. The freshers were directed towards their classroom. Sophomores were directing the students and helping the staff.

"Freshers, please in this class !" Braddin boomed, raising his arm towards the left side of his class.

"Please be quick and take care of your belongings. The staff will not be responsible for any loss." James announced who was standing at the other side. Ian, Rebecca, Tia and Ash walked with the mob of students. They saw Braddin and James standing as a sort of Prefect booming at the juniors.

James glanced at Rebecca and winked at her. She too flashed him a big smile. Tia and Braddin eyes met and they both nodded. Braddin smiled gently at her.

"Hey, come here," Skyler appeared and gripped Ian's hand.

"What ?" Ian asked.

"Come with me." He said tugging at her hand.

Ian hesitated looking at Tia present but Rebecca grinned and pushed her roughly towards Skyler. Ian turned back angrily and Rebecca smirked at her.

"What is it ?" Ian asked as Skyler continued to drag her out towards the bus.

"How's that ?" He asked, drawing out a big football and bat and ball from the back seat.

"What about it ?" Ian asked.

"Well. We are going to play there. And I thought of getting your advice. Are these good?" He asked eagerly.

Ian took the ball, aimed a few kicks and then tested the cricket bat. "They are great." Ian said with the cricket bat still in her hand.

Skyler chuckled, drawing out a P-cat and placing it over Ian's head carefully tugging her untidy hairs in.

"I have got mine with me," Ian said watching him settle the cap.

"No. But you are gonna wear this one. It's my favorite. And I want you to wear it." He said.

Ian laughed, stepping back to take a look at herself in the cell mirror. "You look amazing," he complimented making Ian go pink.

Back in the class when the teachers called the students out to settle in the bus, Tia, Rebecca and Ash quickly ran to get a new seat. Roy came and took Ash's hand before leaving.

"Hey sweetheart," he said, pecking her on her forehead.

"Hi baby," Ash said, resting her head on his chest.

"Ready for today ?" He asked.

"Definitely." Ash whispered.

Roy bent down his head. Ash shot upwards and they both shared a quick kiss.

"Let's go, Love Birds. Got a lot of time to do romance on the way !" Rebecca shouted at them.

"Where is the bug bunny ? I can't find her." Tia said, looking around.

"Oh, she's already up to the bus. Come on, let's go." Rebecca said, not specifically mentioning that Ian was with Skyler.

Within an hour the students were seated comfortably in the school. There were 3 buses that accommodated all of the students with the teacher staff settling in one separate vehicle.

When the group entered they found both Skyler and Ian stretched on the seat, booking them for their friends.

"Nice move !" Ethan said, sitting down and tapping the place beside him for Rebecca to sit.

She smiled and then sat down. James climbed up the bus. He saw Rebecca sitting with Ethan. He eyed them for a minute then sat down three seats away from him disappointed. Roy and Ash sat behind Rebecca and Ethan. Ian was already sitting beside Ethan's seat with a passage in between. Seeing the space beside Ian, Skyler automatically slid himself with her leaving Braddin and Tia to occupy the seat behind them. Rebecca saw this act of Skyler. And when he sat down, he clapped at Ian's hand and both of them looked happy to sit together. "Where are we going first ?" Tia asked.

"Funland I guess." Braddin said, checking the schedule.

"Great! We will go in the train first." Ian said.

"You bet. You guys sit, I will watch." Rebecca said grimly.

"Why ? What's wrong ? Don't tell me you are afraid !" Ethan asked, eyeing her with a crooked smile on his face.

Rebecca turned her face to hide her redness. She never wanted this specially for Skyler to hear. He will ruin all her life by teasing her.

Tia slapped her hand on her arm and laughed loudly. "Deary Rebecca is scared. I can see that." She teased.

"No way. I am not !" Rebecca fought back.

"Yes, you are. Look at your face !" Skyler grinned evilly looking at her.

Rebecca stuck her tongue out at him and he smirked more evilly at her.

"Ok, don't bother her!"' Ethan defended curling Rebecca in his huge muscular arms.

"Aww, thanks Ethan." She thought of nothing and hid within him. Ethan stroked her hair smiling at her. He felt happy as she leaned against him and he was able to get a chance of running his fingers in her long silky blond hair. The fragrance filling his nostril he placed his chin on her head.

Skyler looked at Ian grinning. "I bet we will have lots of fun." He said.

"Yeah, we will. Full enjoyment." Ian said.

Skyler changed his grin into a smile and gripped her hand. "Together." He said

Ian stared into his eyes and a soft smile spread across her face also. "Together," she whispered.

"How come you two are sitting together? " Tia asked, suddenly interrupting Skyler and Ian's moment.

"What do you mean? " Ian asked, confusedly.

"You could have sat anywhere. Why with Skyler? " Tia frowned at her.

Ian gulped, as the whole group suddenly began to stare at her. Skyler shifted forward so that she could easily hide behind him. "You got any trouble with that? "

Tia shrugged her shoulders. "Next time, you ask me, Ian."

Braddin grabbed her by her elbow and pulled her back. "Relax. What's up with you?"

Tia rolled her eyes. "Nothing. Just saying the facts!"

Skyler turned to face Ian. "Did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

Ian scrunched up her face. "Ignore her. She has been fussing around the whole week."

"You should shoot back at her. Otherwise, she'll take you for granted." He whispered somewhat annoyed at her.

Ian sighed, patting his arm. "C'mon chill! We're going out for fun. Don't let her get to you."

The engine had roared to life. The wind was cold but was very fresh. It was drizzling,some heavy deep black clouds surrounded the whole Spring Field. The sky had been perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-gray. Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold color of the sun. And in between those wet gritted streets and lanes of the Town, rode a fully occupied packed High School Bus with the students hooting and cheering just like the football match. Each and everyone were extremely happy first for the victory of the Football match then the field trip for a whole week ! The bus moved quickly over the wet street, sliding the wiper over the windscreen. In between the chaos, sat the eight friends including two couples.

Rebecca, Ethan, Ian, Skyler, Tia, Braddin and the couple, Ash and Roy sat in a square shape clapping and hooting as the bus went on.

They were busy clapping and enjoying the road trip. Rebecca leaped out of her seat and held out her hand from the window to enjoy the slow shower of rain. She laughed when the rain drops puddled on her palm.

"Hey you," Kate approached them. "I have been looking all over for you."

Braddin shifted in discomfort but kept a weak smile for her to see.

"Hi Lady Gaga." Skyler called, raising his hand in respect.

"Shut up," she pushed him away.

Ian and Skyler laughed pounding their fist together. Even Tia also covered her face to avoid her giggle. Kate looked around to find a space hoping Braddin would shift but just then reading Kate's looks, Tia wrapped her one arm around Braddin's elbow and tugged at him. He looked at her and she smiled.

Tia felt an unusual feeling about her and then for Braddin. Her thirst and lust for him sparked immediately when she saw Kate looking for Braddin and wanted to sit with him. It forced her to grip Braddin and that moment was something she herself couldn't understand why she did this. Kate stared at Tia, her eyes burning into hers and pushing an innocent Wade sitting in front of their seat, Kate sat down.

"That Lady Gaga is a creep !" Ash whispered to Rebecca. She nodded, watching the trio closely.

"Fun Land going first, right ?" Kate asked, ignoring Tia.

"Yes. We are." Braddin said, trying to lighten up the awkward situation.

Kate grinned, leaning back a little and pushing Wade towards the window.

"Oh I am so excited ! Do you remember that MOON STAR RIDE Braddy ? If it's still there. We will have fun together." She sparked.

Tia turned red on listening to this. She sharply turned at Braddin, tugging him again. "Which ride will we have together ?" She asked lovingly.

Braddin smiled at her. He loved the way she smiled and especially when because of him, he just wanted to hug and peck her. His eyes searched for Tia every time. His only desire was to stay all the time with her.

"How about thunder mountain ? Or the tunnel ride." He suggested shrugging his shoulders.

"You can go to Devil's Snare." Kate mocked Tia

Ian felt an intense feeling of anger. Even Rebecca was getting a bit uncomfortable. Ash was looking like she would throw her slippers at her any time.

"Easy," Skyler warned, gripping Ian's hand tightly. "Don't mess with Lady Gaga."

"She's a creep!" Ian mumbled with anger flooding in her.

"Correction. Not a creep but a crap !" Ash whispered from behind them.

Tia ignored the red hot Kate but her insides were dissolving from jealousy. She wanted to punch her but stayed put just for Braddin.

"I loved to go to the tunnel with you. That will be the best," Kate said.

Braddin just smiled but did not say anything.

They were out of their area and were speeding very quickly towards their destination. When Kate was gone with her friends, the boys exchanged the seats, sitting together and gave the girls a time to sit alone. Rebecca saw James sitting two seats away. She saw the looks on his face when he ascended the bus and saw her with Ethan. Feeling a little bit weird, she got up.

"Woah, where're you going?" Ian asked, looking at her.

"I'm going to see James." Rebecca said, motioning with her head in his direction.

"Oh, say hi to him from me." Ian smiled.

"Sure thing." Rebecca nodded and went off towards him. "Hi James," she said

"Hey Rebecca. What's up." He said with a big smile on his face.

"I am fine. Enjoying the ride ?" She asked, holding a thin rod pillar to steady herself.

James got up allowing her to take his seat. She sat down and he stood bending a little towards her. "Yeah. Good ride. Great weather." He said.

"I saw you sitting here so I came, oh and, Ian said hi to you."

James looked up and caught Ian's eye. He raised his hand to greet and Ian did the same.

"I'm glad to see Ian a lot better now. Her sling's gone too."

"Yeah, she's ok. Thankfully." Rebecca nodded looking out of the window. Ben was sitting next to James and he stayed at his place even when Rebecca sat beside him. They exchanged smiles.

"That's Ben. If you are on the team, you must be familiar with our teammates." James said

"Sure, I do. This is Ben, that's Wade and...." She said trying to find everyone. James laughed to mock her. Determined, she stood up to look for her teammates.

"What's the matter ? Can't find them ?" He asked again, laughing.

"Give me a sec. I will find them. THAT'S Carl." She said pointing at him. Carl saw her and waved at her.

"That's three! You have to find all 11 players." James said.

"Ben, Wade, Carl, adding you, Braddin, Ethan, Skyler and Roy. How about now ? That's eight." She smirked.

James eyed her. His lips twitching into a crooked smile. "Pretty smart." He said.

"See. I am smart and intelligent." Rebecca pushed her blond hair back with a winning smile.

James nodded, still flashing a crooked smile.

The bus bumped into a speedbreaker making the whole bus shake like an earthquake inside. Everyone got disbalanced. Kate fell forward and Tia was thrown forward. Braddin held her, placing his arms around her. Skyler and Ian spread out arm to hold Kate but then sneering they held back letting Kate fall. "Dumbass !" She screeched.

Roy had Ash clad under him also. He held her inside him like a small furball not letting anything hurt her. Ash went onto him, feeling his presence and closing her eyes on the impact. And over the front, when the impact came, Rebecca and James too got disbalanced as they were standing. James held Rebecca's arms to make her steady. She clinged onto him, her heart beating fast.

"Are you ok ?" James asked scanning her for any sort of injury.

"Yeah, yeah. I am ok." She said, pushing herself up to her feet.

She faced back to see her friends. Tia with Braddin, Roy holding Ash, Skyler and Ian booming with laughter and Kate on the floor but Ethan was watching her. He was looking at her closely, his face expression unreadable.

Rebecca looked at him, her mouth hanging open seeing him. They both were rooted in their places. James tapped her on her shoulder. "Are you sure you are ok ?"He asked, sounding worried.

"Yeah, I am good. Just give me a second." She said and left him staring at her. When she reached to the back, Ethan stood up and placed his hand on her arm. "Are you alright ?" He asked with concern.

Rebecca nodded, not understanding what to say next. She had seen the look on his face. The look of despair, the look of thirst for her and longing that kept in his eyes.Braddin stood up and to them. Kate scrambled to her feet and quickly grabbed his hand before Tia could reach him.

"I think we are almost there," Braddin said, checking his watch.

Ethan and Rebecca broke apart from the odd situation. Braddin checked his phone and moved forward to look out of the window.

"Yeah, we are almost there." He announced happily.

"We will go first !" Kate said, pulling him towards her. Ian galloped outside, pushing Skyler back and went towards Tia and Ash

"It's still drizzling. Great weather." She said then making sure Kate wasn't looking Ian crouched low. "Did you see her fall ?" Ian giggled.

Tia and Ash smiled then broke into fits of laughter clapping their hands over their mouths. "Whose idea was that ?" Tia asked.

Ian proudly pointed at herself then at Skyler.

Tia beamed at a laughing Skyler then clapped Ian a high five

"She's literally getting on my nerves.", Tia said hotly looking at Kate clinging onto Braddin.

"Yeah, me too. Lady Gaga." Ian mumbled.

"She's a creep. Idiot!" Ash muttered then reached up to settle Ian's cap that was falling on her eyes. She packed it tight according to Ian's head then placed it back. Roy also stood up and came to stand where Ash, Tia and Ian were.

"Finally Funland !" Roy said, lurking out to catch a glimpse.

"Yeah. We are slowing down. Means we are here." Tia said.

"HEY !" Ian screeched looking at Ash sliding her cell carefully from her pocket.

"Selfie time." Ash said grinning, pulling Ian into a hug and clicking multiple snapshots.

Braddin shifted picking up his hand carry.

"We are here. Grab whatever you want and shove the rest on the deck." He said, throwing his large bag up.

Roy took his and Ash's bag and kept it with Braddin's. "Keep them close together for safety." He said.

Ethan bent down and threw his and Rebecca's bag. Ian picked her own but Skyler stopped her. "Let me do the honours." He said.

But Ian shoved her bag and grinned at him. "Together, Remember ?" She said

Skyler looked confused but then grinned himself. He picked his bag and Ian took her.

"Together " he repeated and they both threw their bags at the same time.

"I won !" Skyler said, pounding his fist. "Mine went the furthest "

"Very funny," Ian snapped. They had reached the Big Funland. The buses parked in the parking lot and the door opened. The mob of students and staff descended in excitement chatting to themselves. The eight friends also made their way with happy balloons swirling inside them. The boys went to get entrance tickets while the girls waited outside. Ash again fixed Ian's cap more tightly and this time it settled properly.

"Great, we are done." Ethan came showing them the entrance ticket.

"Yaaaayyyyy !" Ian jumped up.

"Let's go !" Braddin said.

Ian and Skyler were the first one to run then came Rebecca and Ash happily behind them ready to have energetic fun