Night had fallen over the in when the picnic bus of high school was heading towards the beach on a deserted road. The clouds had covered the whole sky making no stars and moon visible. The wind was cold and wet. The street light shone onto the road as the bus headed for its destination with only two or three cars passing by. The students inside were talking and chatting but as the night grew heavier and colder, they huddled together to get some sleep. Roy was half lying on the seat his eyes opening and closing and then he fell into a deep sleep. Ash shifted towards him and settled on him more comfortably. Tia was yawning very loudly that Braddin caught his eyes on her. He smiled, pulling her close to him. Tia glanced very sleepily at him. She was to much sleepy that she didn't bother what Braddin was doing. Except she just spread her arms out grabbing Braddin and laid her head on his chest. He smiled, stroking her hair, happy to be with her. But unbeknownst to them Kate was watching all the drama. She felt like boiling in anger and jealousy. She wanted to be in place of Tia. She wanted that so badly.

Rebecca was with James, chatting with him. He told her about his sister and his interests in Football and Cricket. Rebecca shared her views and interest about sport. She told him she was very happy and excited to appear in the team and play the next match. Couple of hours later, James was snoring soundly. His mouth opened and eyes closed tightly. He was in a deep sleep. Rebecca got up from him, placing his arm back which she had on herself.

"Hey," Rebecca said, coming towards Ethan.

"Hi. Sleepy ?" He asked, making space for her.

Rebecca yawned then just nodded.

Ethan smiled then shifted outside making place for her to get in. Once she sat, she deliberately dropped her head on Ethan's shoulders. "Sleep tight, Sweet." He whispered.

"G'night." She said, closing her eyes.

Skyler and Ian were playing games on their cell phones. Then after the laughter and chatting began to die, they continued to watch some horror movies.

"Alright, no more. I am very tired and sleepy." Ian said, yawning widely.

"Fine. Get some sleep. We will watch the rest later." Skyler said, turning his phone to Ultra Battery Mode.

He packed his hand carry then turned for Ian raising his arms but Ian was leaning against the window. Her head lolloped sided on the window, her glasses slipped to the end of her nose. Skyler just sat there at first in confusion. He thought for a moment that Ian might lean on him but Ian was sleeping with her head on the window. He knew she was uncomfortable sleeping in that awkward position. He waited for a few seconds, that Ian might change her position so he could guide her in comfortable mode but Ian didn't stir. Looking around, he gently and carefully slipped her hand under Ian's head and lifted it. He pulled her towards him, took her cap off and placed Ian's head on his shoulder. He gently took her glasses off her face and tucked it back safely with him in the pocket. "Shhh, it's ok. It's ok. Get some sleep."

The shifting and settling had messed with her sleep. Even though her eyes were closed and sealed she could feel what Skyler was doing. She was in her senses but too sleepy to give any response. Skyler smiled stroking his hand on her face then he did one thing he never did before in his life before. He pecked Ian lightly on her head. His lips pressed gently and delicately. Ian felt his lips come in contact with the side of her head. It was a quick peck but a sweet one. He gave all his affection in just one second peck. Ian felt unusual, she felt butterflies in her empty stomach. She tried to fight through her sleep to tell him she knew what he did but then Skyler rested his own head on her, now his hands stroking Ian's cheeks then began patting her face very gently. She smiled a little while her eyes closed. A soft shy smile that made its way over her face.

Rebecca stirred a little when the bus gave a jolty turn. She opened her eyes to look around but instead she found a very romantic scene beside her seat. Skyler pecking Ian and then stroking her face with her sleeping on his shoulder. For a moment, she was astounded to see the view in front of her. Skyler was so busy that he didn't even notice that someone was watching them. Rebecca rubbed her eyes to make sure she was gazing at the right scene in front of her. And then a small and soft smile found its way over her face. She wanted to run towards them as she felt so happy. She wanted to dance, they looked so cute, she felt butterflies down in her stomach as well. Ian looked so innocent, resting her head over his shoulder and Skyler stroking it gently like he held it so dearly. If it was some other place, Rebecca would have jumped up to them. She fished out her phone and managed to take a snapshot of them.

"Shit!" She bit her lips when the camera made a snapping sound. She forgot to turn her phone on silent mode. That was when the clicking sound caught Skyler's attention and he turned to look around and their eyes met.

"Uh oh !" He whispered to see Rebecca grinning at him. He grinned back, facing towards the window and smacked his forehead.

"Damn. She shouldn't have seen that." He said to himself.

Taking a pause, he looked back again to find Rebecca still grinning at him. Ethan was fast asleep but Rebecca was staring at both of them raising her eyebrows again and again to tease him. She winked at him but the grin was not in a mood to leave her face.Skyler shook his head. Pleading for the first time in his life. Rebecca nodded, swinging his index finger at him.

"Shut up." He whispered to her, between his teeth.

Rebecca chuckled, rolling her eyes. Her grin turned into a smirk. "Oh, my, my!"

"You crazy woman!" He frowned at her.

"Why so shy, mushy guy!" She smirked at him again.

"You're so annoying." He groaned at her.

Rebecca chuckled. "Wait, till I tell Ian and everyone about this."

Skyler gasped, his eyes went wide with fear. "Don't you dare, wild witch. I'm gonna roast you on the grill."

Rebecca narrowed her eyes. "Oh, for that you have to survive through Ian and the whole group."

"No one's gonna believe you." He whispered.

"Really ? Because I think they can believe this!" Rebecca, face palmed him with her phone and his eyes went wide again with fear.

"You're nuts! Delete that!" He made a small grab at the phone but she held it away.

"Very funny, why should I? This is everything I could ever live for." She winked at him, with her signature look.

Skyler shook his head but then suddenly Ian gave a shiver. Turning his attention towards Ian, he cuddled Ian closely to himself. She was now in a deep sleep. Rebecca lifted her head a little, becoming worried but Skyler turned to face her and gave a satisfying nod.

"IAN IS COLD!" He mouthed to her.

Rebecca spide along the seat then saw a covered quilt in the backside of the seat. She raised her eyebrows, jerking her head towards it. Taking a pause to look for it, he gave her a nod. He picked up the cover and then sprang the whole sheet on Ian and half on himself. Rebecca smiled again. They looked so cute together and she felt her deepest desire had come true. Skyler gave a thankfull nod to her to which she grinned.

"Don't you dare show that picture to anyone." He whispered, once he settled himself and Ian.

Rebecca chuckled. "I have my ways, if you say yes then I won't but if not…."

Skyler sighed deeply. "You're threatening me. Fine, we'll see about that later."

Morning came, the students and staff were getting ready as they reached the beach.

There was a big TOON BEACH label written on the board.

"Finally, we are here !" Tia said, rubbing her hands in excitement.

"Yup. It was a very long way off." Braddin said, taking his hand from his pocket.

"Will we go to the sea ?" Ash said searching for her sunscreen.

"Ofcourse we will. I would happily throw Ian in the sea." Tia joked thumping Ian on the back.

Ian laughed, placing her gifted cap on, which Skyler had given to her. Raising her eyes, she saw Skyler beaming at her with an unusual expression of fondness on his face.And with his smile, she started to reciprocate him. Her muscles around her cheek squeezed tightly looking at him.

"Let's move, before Lady Gaga comes bouncing here," Roy said, picking up his and Ash's small bag and stepping down from the bus. Ethan jumped down beside him accidentally bumping into Ash.

"Watch it ! You ruined my Lipstick !" Ash copied Kate pretending to be like her.

"Sorry, Kate. But I will do that again." Ethan joked and they both clapped. Rebecca came down after them clinging her bag on. She put on her sunglasses and pushed back her hair.

"Has everyone got what they wanted ?" Ash asked loudly.

"Yeah. Almost." Ian said, still digging into her hand bag.

"Fine. Let's go." Ash said, taking some steps forward. Roy moved behind her. He stretched out his arm and easily grabbed a chicken size Ian and dragged her along with him. The sea was jewel-blue.The sky was like a curtain of silk. The horizon was a line of nickel-silver. The sea song of the waves soothed everyone. The heap of sea swelled silently. The waves were rippling gently. Clumps of seaweed washed up on the beach. The beach was shaped like a shepherd's hook of gold.

"Wooow. It's amazing !" Ian said, looking around. "I have never been here before."

"I think it's the best beach ever." Ash said eagerly.

She took a few steps ahead and clasped Roy's hand. He looked lovingly at her, brushing his forehead with her own.

"LOOK ! Isn't that boat riding ?" Rebecca asked, pointing at some distance.

"Yup. It definitely is. Wanna come ?" Ethan asked.

Rebecca gasped then nodded, her face swelling up in excitement. She clapped happily. Ethan grinned then taking her hand he ran forward towards the boating line.

"Ah ! Here comes Lady Gaga." Skyler made a face.

Tia and Braddin turned around and saw Kate descending the bus in her sleeveless half shirt and very short pants that finished up to her thigh. Her sunglasses fixed high up onto her head and her hairs opened loosely. She saw Braddin and waved at him. Braddin smiled back, raising his hand for her.

"For peace of Sake !" Tia rolled her eyes, feeling nauseous at the sight of her.

Ian tightened her trousers and ran after Rebecca and Ethan. "Wait for me !" Ian called.

"Sorry. No space buddy !" Ethan said jumping in the speedboat after Rebecca

"Hey, fill me in. I am just a chicken." Ian said impatiently. Rebecca stuck her tongue out, showing her thumbs down. Ian ceased her forehead.

"It's ok. Come with me." Skyler came from behind.

Ian jumped up in happiness almost hugging him. But then she saw Tia gazing at them. Ian froze at that moment. Skyler had spread his arms out but Ian stepped back fear of thoughts bubbling up in her. Surprisingly Rebecca caught sight of them. Her eyebrows pulled together, her mouth hanging open. Ian was a few centimeters away from hugging Skyler properly, her one arm was around his waist but her body was a little bit away, she then stopped and stepped back. Even Skyler looked confused. Her thoughts were interrupted when Ethan roared his boat and Skyler his own and sped in the sea.

The frothy, blue-green salt water crashes into the setting sun reflected shoreline in waves, then gently rolls up to the increasingly rising tide line. The wave stops as it reaches the tide line and slowly rolls back into the

churning ocean water. Roy and Ash were doing Kraken at the waves, with Roy sitting behind and Ash in front gripping the edges of the boat tightly. Roy was paddling very quickly to match up with the high tides waves.

"It's amazing !" Ash called with a spray of water sprinkling on her face. She heard Roy's booming laugh from behind. Once they were up again on the wave, Roy let go of the paddle and held Ash frimley.

"Aaaaaa! Roy !" Ash shouted as they dived down rolling along with the dazzling sea wave.

"Enjoying ?" Roy asked, the moment they came up to the shore.

Ash was taking deep breaths with her hand clutching her chest. Roy spun her around slowly. He burst into laughter looking at the sight of terrible Ash. "Really Roy. That wasn't funny at all." She said, mopping the salt water from her face. "We could have drowned!"

"You look so funny !" He laughed again loudly. Ash stumped her feet then got up to go but suddenly Roy seized her arm and jerked it. She fell on his lap and without warning, Roy engaged Ash in a beautiful soft kiss. Their lips met and then locked around one another.

Ian, Braddin, Ethan and Skyler were playing ball after they came from the speed boat ride.

Rebecca and Tia were watching them and then Ash and Roy were busy kissing. Tia was having fun passing comments on her friends but Rebecca was silent. Her mind was racing about what she saw a few minutes before and the last night's sleeping scene. She thought and thought. Her insides burned with fury. She sighed, scratching her head. She saw Braddin seizing Ian and dumping her down on the sand and they all laughed loudly. Yes or no...good or bad... Rebecca decided she must talk with Ian.

"Hey Ian ?" She called cupping her hands around her mouth. Ian looked questionably at her. "Come here for a moment." She waved at her.

"Is everything ok ?" Tia asked, suddenly confused by ger.

"Yeah, don't worry. I was just asking Ian if she could come with me to the bus. I forgot my sunscreen." Rebecca quickly made a lie. Tia nodded and turned to face her friends.

Skyler approached Ian. "You going ? What's up?"

"Dunno!" Ian said. "Rebecca's calling. I'll be back soon."

"Sure." He nodded as Ian came hopping towards Rebecca and Tia. "Hey, you two."

"Hey, wanna come with me?" Rebecca asked, gesturing with her head towards the bus.

"Of Course." Ian nodded and began to follow her.

Rebecca smiled and jogged further. She could hear Ian catching up to her. She wanted to take Ian away further from everyone so she could confront her easily. Poor Ian was falling for one of her nasty tricks and that was what she loved the most about Ian. She was always an innocent girl.

"What are we searching for ?" Ian asked, as they jumped onto the bus.

Rebecca spun around and smiled at her. "I wanted to talk about something." She said,

"Oh, sure. What is it?" She asked, calmly.

Rebecca took a deep breath steadying herself. Preparing herself for any type of questions and answers. "Is everything ok....I mean...all well....between you and....?" She began.

"Me and ?" Ian waited, with raised eyebrows.

Rebecca crossed her fingers. "You and Skyler? Is everything ok between you and Skyler ?" She said confidently.

Ian looked confused for a second as though she never thought of what Rebecca was saying.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Why ? Doesn't it look fine to you ?" Ian asked.

Rebecca rolled her eyes. Ian seriously had a pea size brain to understand such adult things. "I meant to say that, is there something going on between you two ?" She asked.

Ian went pink. Her nose got spongy red and her eyes narrowed to hear this.

"No. Definitely not. We are just good friends." Ian said, now clearing up in her mind what Rebecca was trying to ask her.

"You sure about that?" Rebecca smirked at her.

Ian gulped. "Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?"

Rebecca chuckled. "Don't be shy, Ian. C'mon, you know you can share with me."

"Ah! Yeah, I know I can. It's just…hang on, did you corner me for this? Was this your plan all along?"

Rebecca placed her finger over her lips. "Shhh! You're not asking. You're just answering. And yes of course, it was my plan, why would I bring you to this God damn bus then?"

Ian made a face at her. "Oh, you little twat!"

Rebecca chuckled. "Proudly. So, tell me Ian. What's up with you and that brainless guy?"

"Skyler and I are just good friends. That's all." Ian sighed.

"Good friends ? Like sleeping on Sky's shoulder with him kissing and caressing your head ?" Rebecca snapped.

Ian eye's wide with astonishment. She stared deep down into her eyes. "I still say that we are good friends."

Rebecca made a face. Ian waited but then looking at Rebecca she sighed.

"Look," Ian said. " Sleeping with my head on him. Or being closer to him doesn't mean I have something for him. He has the same mentality as me so we match up pretty nicely."

Rebecca scoffed listening to Ian. "You almost hugged Sky. But then you withdraw. Why ?" She asked.

"Oh, come on! It was involuntary." Ian said impatiently.

"Fine then, accept that he's your brother. Call him, brother." Rebecca trapped her, tricking her in every situation.

"Why brother ? I said he's just my friend." Ian tried to avoid her again.

Rebecca shook her head. A wide grin spread across her head.

"You are not calling him your brother even though Roy and Ethan are your brother, mostly Braddin, so why not Skyler ? I bet he's too then."

Ian became very red. Rebecca could trace out the red line spreading across her nose and ears.

"He's not my brother. Neither there's something between us." Ian said, flatly.

"You're an awful lair, Ian." She pooped her nose.

Ian rubbed nose, turning it redder. "I'm not lying."

Rebecca pulled her together and thumped on her back. "Fine. If you don't wanna say. But you will. I am sure of it. Sooner or later."

Ian watched Rebecca descend the steps of the bus. She stopped at the last one then glanced back at Ian. "Love doesn't need to be perfect Ian. It just needed to be true. Always remember this."

She left Ian standing at the door of the bus buried in deep thoughts. Ian knew she had lied to her. She lied to her best friend, her best mate, her best buddy. Ian looked sad and angry and frustrated. Why was she like this ? After a whole 5 years, a half decade Ian was struggling throughout the session but never always stayed happy but now, when life was giving her a second chance, she was again stopping herself. She had something for Skyler. She liked him. She wanted to be with him as she had clearly seen that they both shared much in common but again the huddles had come her way.

Ian loved Tia as well. Tia, Rebecca and Ash were the first three that came into Ian's life and made her stable, gave her a chance and gave her support of life and just for Skyler, Ian couldn't possibly hurt Tia. She knew Tia also had feelings for him and before him, Tia came first. Ian climbed down the bus quietly then hesitatingly she made her way towards her friends playing.

"Hey, catch !" Braddin threw the ball towards Ethan.

"Dropped ! You are the Donkey !" Roy shouted pointing at him.

Ethan laughed when both the boys jumped on him. They fell back into the sand pushing Ethan down. The waves swirling up to them went past them. Kate came towards them and took the ball.

"Mind if I join you ?" She asked thickly towards Braddin.

"We are playing rough." Roy said, helping Ethan on his feet.

Kate chuckled, pulling back her lips. Braddin and Ethan just stared at her. She looked hot wearing a short shirt and jeans.

"No worries. I play harder than you all." She said picking up the ball and twisting it between her hands.

"Race you, Braddy." She sneered, pushing him with one hand and running forward. Braddin waited then ran after her.

"Wow.... someone's burning the atmosphere." Roy whispered, staring at Kate.

"Knock it off. You got a girlfriend dude." Ethan said, hitting him on his back.

Rebecca, Tia and Ash were building up a sand castle. Tia was craving out the upper part and Rebecca was pottering the below portion.

"Put some water on it," Tia said.

Ash got and snatched a plastic made mug. She went towards the sea and got some sea water in it

"Pour it carefully. Very carefully." Rebecca said, drawing back her hands. Ash waited then tilted the mug letting few drops slide onto the castle

"Speed up a little. Slow poke." Tia snapped impatiently.

"Then don't blame me if something happened to your castle." Ash fought back.

"Easy. Easy." Rebecca said watching the castle grow dark in shape.

Ash's hands were trembling as she poured a very thin line of water on it. She bit her lips, sweating down her face.

"If you ruined it. I will kill you." Tia said.

"Get lost." Ash screeched. They waited for the castle to become thick, biting their nails.

"Hi all." Someone called.

They looked up and saw James standing in his black vest and half pants. Distracting a little, Ash dropped the whole water, directly on the castle with a splash. "You dum head !" Tia growled.

"I am sorry. It's my fault." James said, kneeling beside Rebecca.

"Yours ? I guess not " Rebecca said suddenly.

James smiled at her then raised his hand to help build the castle. Tia and Ash watched him. But Rebecca seemed to be enjoying his company.

"Let me show you how this is made. Do you mind?" James said.

"Of Course not." Rebecca said.

Tia and Ash grinned looking at both of them. Rebecca looked up and saw evil grinning Tia and Ash. She jerked her head in an attempt to ask them, WHAT ? But both Tia and Ash shook their heads grinning broadly.

"See here, you built the lower floor very gloomy." James said, showing her how to make it right. Rebecca nodded with keen interest, a soft smile on her face. James smiled back looking at her then continued to get the castle straight.

"See that, now you can add some water. But only a little. Probably two tablespoons." He said, wiping his hand on his shorts.

"Right. So the mistake was..." Rebecca began but James cut across her.

"Mistake is, you didn't build the lower ground well. Then automatically your roof side was loppy."

Rebecca patted on his arms, impressed by the way he covered it up. Tia and Ash were still grinning, cracking jokes among themselves and giggling.

"That was marvelous," Rebecca nodded, impressed.

James laughed. As soon as Rebecca's hand reached down he locked his fingers around her hand. Rebecca gulped, watching her hand also clasping around it. James was smiling again at her. Rebecca grinned, and unknowingly they began to move forward, coming close to each other. They came, leaning against one another now that both can feel each other's breath. Rebecca tucked her loose hair behind her ear. James closed his eyes, pushing his face closer to her.

"Ahem ahem !" Ash coughed, breaking the two apart.

James and Rebecca pulled back, as though snapping out of trance looking around foolishly. Rebecca went pink, turning her head away.

"How did you learn that ?" Tia asked, drawing James' attention towards her.

"Learned what?" James asked confusedly.

"Learned to build this professional sand castle." Tia said.

"Oh !" He breathed, he thought that Tia was asking him about how he learnt to kiss a girl.

"My sister taught me. We played a lot when we were kids."

"Impressive. Rebecca loves castles too. She will love to get some tutions from you PRIVATELY." Tia teased.

Rebecca went cherry red hiding her face from James. But James chuckled happily then turned back to face a shy Rebecca. "Hi Ian."

Everyone turned around and saw Ian approaching them. "Hey, James. What's up?"

"Nothing, just catching up. See you in a bit." He said with a gentle hand shake with her.

Soon Ian, Tia, Ash and Rebecca got themselves flooding in the sea.

"Click good pictures of us !" Ash shouted to Ian who was trying to adjust everyone in a selfie.

"Done. Thank God !" Ian exclaimed.

Braddin came and took the cell phone from her, warning her it would get damaged in the sea water. Rebecca signaled Ash with an evil look. She took time but then understood completely. Ash whispered the signal to Ian.

Tia was splashing the water on Roy who was just sitting in the middle of the sea to annoy him. Ian, Rebecca and Ash came from behind and quickly seized Tia.

"Hey ! Stop it ! What's going on !" Tia yelled in fright trying to fight back.

Both Ash and Ian had grabbed her by her waist and Rebecca was holding her legs. They swing Tia, going deeper and deeper into the sea.

"Hey ! Knock it off. Ian, leave me !"Tia kept shouting

Roy stood to look at them but the funny sight of the girls made him burst into laughter.

"Roy help ! Do something!" Tia cried..

"Ready ?!" Ash shouted seeing a large heavy wave coming towards them.

"No! No! No! No! No! DON'T!" Tia yelled, shutting her eyes but too late, Ian, Ash and Rebecca threw her in the waves. They all laughed when Tia appeared completely soaked, dripping all over, wiping the water from her eyes and face.

"YOU BLOODY BUNCH OF BABOONS !" She shouted running after them.

She hit Ian first then aimed for Ash then jumped on Rebecca. But still the three of them continued to laugh out loud. They stood up, when Tia calmed down even she giggled, remembering what happened with her. They stood in a line grabbing each other's hands and waited for the wave to come.

"Here it comes !" Ian said.

"GOD help us !" Ash mumbled.

"Oh my God ! Oh my God !" Rebecca closed her eyes tightly.

The waves came splashing all of them. Ian turned her face away holding her breath. Ash did the same but Tia let go of Rebecca's hand, making her slip and drowning into the water.

"Rebecca !" Ash cried seeing one of them was lost. "My poor Rebecca drowned away !"

"I am right here, DUM DUM !" Rebecca emerged out of the sea, soaked like Tia.

Later as the midday fell, the students and the staff gathered in the hut to have lunch. Ian was quiet at first but then Ash engaged her in things telling her about the cute James and Rebecca scene. Rebecca was busy talking with James when suddenly she saw Skyler taking his sneakers and heading outside the hut.

"I will see you soon," she excused.

"Sure, I will wait for you." James said, parting his hands away from Rebecca.

Rebecca ran after Skyler. She found him near the shed putting his sneakers on. "Hey, how are you doing ?" Rebecca asked, sitting beside him.

"Fine. What's got into you? " He joked. "Are you flirting with me?"

"Oh, shut up! I was wondering if I could talk to you." Rebecca said.

"Seriously. With me ?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes in annoyment.

"Yes seriously. If you don't mind, joking around while we talk. It's very important." Rebecca said, her face very seriously looking.

Skyler waited then sighed nodding at her. "Fine. Go ahead."

"I want to ask you....be honest....I wanna ask...is there something between you and....you and Ian." She asked, trying to keep things light but concerned.

Skyler looked confused as Ian, circling his eyes and making a pouty face. "Translate please." He said.

"You know what I am talking about!" Rebecca said, losing her temper. "I said to be serious. Please be serious."

"I know. I am serious. Now translate. What do you mean ?" He said.

"Ahhh," Rebecca clapped her hand on her forehead. "I am asking whether you are interested in anyone, romantically."

Skyler pouted again, then ceased his eyebrows. "Nope. No one. I like to stay single." He said.

"Are you forgetting that I saw something on the bus last night?" Rebecca reminded him.

"That wasn't me. Must be my doppelganger." He said, tearing his eyes off her.

Upon hearing this, Rebecca wanted to kill him. She wanted so badly to kick him away from the shed.

"Are you serious ? Or should I tell Ian ?" She said, trying to trick him.

"What about her ?" He challenged her.

"Fine, you don't wanna be serious then I will probably tell Ian, that you don't have something for her, and she should find someone else." Rebecca threw a flook, trying to sound truthful.

Skyler dropped his one sneaker with a blank expression. Then he suddenly turned happy.

"She has something for me ?" He asked, jumping up in excitement.

And that was all Rebecca ever wanted. Skyler's happy and eager expression clarified her. A broad grin spread over her face. "Don't know. But I think you do." She said,

"Hey, what are you trying to do ?" He asked, thinking hard then suddenly as if it came into him. "You tricked me !" He jumped again

"Crack pot." Rebecca said. " Now, There is something going on between you two isn't it ?"

Skyler scowled at her but then relaxed. He sat back again, taking a deep breath. "Yeah. I guess so." He said.

"Do you like her ? " Rebecca asked directly.

Skyler waited, looking down then turned to face her. His eyes burning into her and nostril flattening up with deep breaths. "Yes." He whispered.

Rebecca clapped in excitement and for the first time, she threw her arms around him and hugged him. He got confused at the sudden hug. It took perhaps a few seconds for him to round his arms too, smiling lightly feeling someone was there to understand them.

"Didn't you tell Ian ?" Rebecca asked eagerly.

Skyler shook his head. "Nope. I am just scared. I don't know if Ian feels the same way for me too. What if we land in a crash? I will ruin my friendship with her also."

Rebecca smiled, she understood the fear Skyler had was reasonable and he was quite right. She had talked to Ian before and didn't get a positive response though it was clear from her expressions that Ian had feelings for him too.

"But you do like her, don't you ?" Sue asked.

"Yes. More than anything." Skyler confessed.

"Tell you what," Rebecca said. " You should go and tell Ian."

"What ? Are you mad ? I will tell her when the time comes." Skyler jumped again, becoming hot.

"Like....when you are sitting on the JUDGMENT DAY in front of God, then you will tell !"

Rebecca lowered his raised hand and shook her head steadily. "Listen. I know everything now but if I go, then it won't make any sense to her, if you will go then I bet she will be happy."

Skyler scowled again. "Either you are trying to put my life together in a second or ruin it in a second." He grumbled.

Rebecca shrugged her shoulders then pounded her fists with his own.

"I am scared !" He said slowly. "I'll ruin it."

"I leave you a choice....if you go and tell her or I will tell everybody out here."

Skyler pulled back in shock on hearing this. "Ok ok. Blind beggar. I will go and tell her." He said standing up.

Rebecca was now struggling to control her happiness. She again wanted to come and hug him but she backed out. "Go on then !" She encouraged.

Skyler ran and ran all around the hut then found Ian sitting alone, playing something on her cell phone. He came quietly and sat down behind her. "Hey," he said gently.

"Hi," Ian said, hesitating a little.

She looked around to see if anyone was there but to her relief they were completely alone.

"What ya doing ?" Skyler asked.

"Playing Soccer," Ian replied.

Skyler nodded his heart beating in his throat, his mouth going dry. Even Ian was feeling the same. She was sweating fearing someone would see them like this. What if others were also thinking the same way as Rebecca ? What if Tia also thought of that ?

"Ian," Skyler breathed. " I want to talk to you."

"Hmm ?"

Skyler took a very deep breath as though he would suck whole sand and sea up together. He took her hand and locked it between his own both hands and gave Ian a fondly smile

"Ian, you know we became friends and then best friends. I have been noticing, like I have been trying to figure out that as the time goes on I felt myself attracted towards you. You are reason,that I have seen and you are always here when, I wanted someone to talk to me." He said looking directly into her eyes.

Ian gulped hard. She froze at the moment.

"I want to say, Ian...I...I like you. I like you so much that I am ready to spend my whole remaining mischief life with you. You are my partner always and forever. I have been seeking chances to tell you that but never ever got one."

Ian's eyes widened as she blankly stared at him. Not realizing she was tightening her fingers around his hands. He waited for her to say anything. At that moment Ian had a mixture of feelings. She wanted to say how much she liked him even though she loved him back. She opened her mouth to say I LIKE YOU TOO but her words died away on her lips.

"Say something please." Skyler pleaded.

"Sky," Ian said with exertion. " I don't know what to say."

"Say you like me too." He said, stroking her face.

Ian wanted to say YES. Wanted to jump up to him. Wanted to speak that she loved him too but the fear of Tia bubbled up in her. She pulled back

"Sky, I... seriously....I want you to give me some time. I need time. To think..." Ian looked very much upset.

"Time? For what? I know we have something." He whispered.

Ian nodded slowly. "I know we do, I just don't know. Anything. It all came so suddenly, I have to figure things out."

"You know, you can always come talk to me." He gently brushed her cheek.

Ian gave a soft smile that disappeared quickly. "I know. That's why please. I just need a little bit of time."

Skyler stared at her black eyes. They were so sad that he decided not to push her too much to extend.

"It's ok. As long as you want." Was the only thing he could.

Ian stood up to leave. Skyler copied the same.

"I will see you soon." She whispered then turned to go.

Ian had walked a few steps but then suddenly turned to face him. Skyler was still gazing at her. Ian's heart cried. It was so loud that it could only be heard by her. She wanted to run to him. Even Skyler, who was standing, wanted nothing to run after her into his arms but they both stopped as though an invisible barrier was blocking their way. With huge effort Ian gave him a very weak smile then turned to go. Skyler smiled back but then his heart dropped like a stone as he too headed back. Both of them are heartbroken.