"Where are we going ?" Ian asked.

"To see our Blind Beggar," Skyler said, holding Ian's hand tightly. Ian thought he might break it.

"Rebecca ?" She asked.

"Hmm." Skyler nodded, a wide grin still spread on his face.

"Why her ?"

"You will know. We have to tell this big happy news." He said reaching out for the door and opening it. Ian looked around again carefully to make sure no one was there, especially Tia. Skyler let go of Ian and placed his arms around her.

"Don't do this in public ! You're gonna tell the whole of Britain !" Ian shierked.

Skyler grinned but did not take his hands off. Ian made a face but did not protest further. They made it out of the backside of the LongHouse. Skyler drew his hand away taking out his cell phone. Ian kept a little distance between them although she never liked that. Coming around, they saw Roy and Ash sitting together. Ash was sitting against an apple tree and Roy was laying on her lap. He had his eyes closed and he seemed to be napping. Ash had one hand in his hair and the other one busy in her cellphone.

"Where are the others ?" Ian asked.

"Don't know about others. I just want to see Blind Beggar." Skyler said.

Ash looked up and saw them. She smiled and waved energetically. Ian and Skyler walked towards her. Ian sat down beside her, careful not to wake Roy.

"Is he alright ?" Ian asked in a low voice pointing at him.

"Yeah. He's in hibernation." Ash joked effectionally running her hand in his hairs.

Ian chuckled, waving her hand above Roy's face to make sure he was asleep. Skyler was standing irritably beside them texting someone and looking around. "What are you searching for ?" Ash asked.

"Have you seen Blind Beggar ?" He asked.

"Yeah. She was here a few minutes before but then James came and both went for a walk." Ash said.

"With James ?" Ian asked.

Ash nodded, looking down at her boyfriend. He looked so innocent when asleep that Ash shoved her phone in Ian's hand and leaned down her face asking Ian to take their photo.

Skyler spied again, placing her hand above his eyes to look further when at last he saw Rebecca climbing up the hilly part alone and coming towards them. He whistled, making Ian turn around too.

"I will see you soon." Ian said before taking off again towards the backside of the LongHouse.

"About time !" Skyler said angrily.

"Sorry, I got held up." Rebecca said, placing her hands over her waist.

"What's new ?" She asked, raising her eyebrows in secret. He whistled again winking at her

"Will you stop whistling ? Roy's asleep here!" Ash scowled.

"Sorry, sorry. We will just go." Skyler said, raising his hands and pushing Rebecca out of the sight. They quickly ran exactly where Ian had gone.

"Are you serious ? What's going on ? Where's Ian ?" Rebecca asked running, becoming very impatient.

"Come along. Keep up to me !" Skyler boomed.

"Rotten Egg !" She said,

Ian was waiting for them in a small wooden room at the back where Ian and Skyler had been. Rebecca could trace out the whole story from Skyler's Barbie doll-like shy happy face. She became more and more excited. As soon as they reached the wooden door, Rebecca grabbed the handle and bursted in.

"IIIAAAANNNN!" She bounced in.

Ian spun around and immediately she found herself in a very tight bone breaking hug.

"Oh, Ian. I am so proud of you, baby. I love you. Muahhhhhh!" Rebecca grinded her in between, unable to control her happiness.

Skyler was standing behind, laughing at the two girls.

"Yeah-----hey----you're gonna----crush me !" Ian choked fighting hard to keep alive.

Rebecca pressed her again and finally let go of Ian. She laughed and settled her glasses back to position.

"Oh My God ! I literally can't believe it. Did you both confess ? I mean....." she asked, wanting to talk about the kiss but she felt a little bumpy.

"Yeah, we kissed !" Skyler said impatiently coming around them. Rebecca grinned becoming red and pink, freezing her hand on her cheek but Ian interrupted her.

"You are not gonna tell anyone. I mean ANYONE !" Ian said, determined. Rebecca had to press her hand on her mouth to control her giggle but couldn't help herself. She just nodded. Her eyes narrowed and her face pink and red as if she was proposed by someone.

"She won't. She was the one to plan this all." Skyler informed, knowing that Rebecca was too much in her thought clouds that she couldn't get Ian straight.

"What do you mean ?" Ian asked confusedly.

"Well, you remember that song sequence and today's dance scene ? It was her plan. I was afraid to confess in front of you but she was the one to push me up to you." Skyler said.

Ian's eyes widened in astonishment. She looked at Rebecca who was just dancing, twisting her waist and jerking up.

"You little Ritwik ! You pushed me too. And after all this happened....you both were behind this ?" Ian demanded.

"Yeah, so ? This Rotten Tomato was like a girl. I had to hold his fingers and make him walk through his love life." Rebecca said again, clinging on Ian.

Skyler laughed but then frowned when Rebecca called him Rotten Tomato. "When you went away, I was literally thinking about how to kill the Blind Beggar !" He joked.

Rebecca showed her palm to him. "Stop calling me this Blind Beggar." She shrieked.

Ian smiled, but then hugged Rebecca back tightly to feel her presence and her warmth. As soon as Ian engulfed herself into Rebecca closing her eyes, Ian again began doubting who she was hugging. Rebecca or someone she lost a long time ago Both had the same mixture of warmth and comfort.

Feeling this, Ian couldn't control except she rounded her arms around more tightly, digging her face into Rebecca with her eyes tightly shut. Rebecca patted Ian, smiling at her. She understood at once what Ian was feeling and trying to get to. She knew Ian wanted her as an anchor.

"What do we do now ?" Skyler asked, breaking the two apart.

"Simple....romance !" Rebecca said, thumping on Ian's back and pecking her cheek.

"My little Ian has grown up."

Skyler rolled his eyes, sitting down on a carton box. "I meant to say, should we tell everyone else?" He asked.

"NOOO ! " Ian shouted in horror. "Not anyone. Please. This should remain only between us three !"

"Why are you so afraid ?" Skyler asked.

"I don't want others to know and get upset. Especially Tia. I don't want her to get upset with us or with me or with anyone. You know if SHE gets upset then everyone else will too." Ian said.

Skyler gaped at her. "But….she doesn't get to choose. I chose you and you chose me. Isn't that enough."

Ian nodded. "It is enough. But you know the drama queen."

Skyler rolled his eyes. "Okay, what if I go talk to her and end this confusion for good."

Ian sighed. "How are you gonna do that? You know she's not someone to talk through easily."

"Then why are we giving her so much of priority? She's a nut. Let's deal her the way she is."

"Wait." Rebecca held up her hand. "As much as I agree with you," she gestured towards Skyler. "Yet I couldn't disagree with Ian as well."

Skyler frowned. "What do you mean?"

"There's no need to tell anyone unless we find someone for her." Rebecca said now becoming serious.

Skyler and Ian looked at each other in surprise.

"What do you mean find anyone for her ? Are we opening a Marriage Beuoru ?" He asked, scratching his spiked beard.

Rebecca shook her head. "No dum dum, we have to wait for her to settle down. Ian's right. We cannot afford her melodrama over this." She said,

"Exactly because I had noticed her, that she's somehow interested in you. And if she finds out that we are together then it's gonna be a rumble in the box." Ian said.

Skyler sighed, scratching his head like he had lice in them. He looked confused and worried.

"Fine, then we will keep this all a secret. Damm! " He sighed again.

"Calm down. One mission was successful. Other will also. But right now let us get outside before anyone starts a search party for us." Rebecca said.

Skyler got and turned to go. He held open the door for the girls to get out. Rebecca got out first whistling and singing. Ian and Skyler walked sideways behind Rebecca holding hands

"We are really stuck in a triangle." Skyler said.

"Yeah, we are but it sounds like fun." Ian said jokingly.

Skyler made a face in disappointment. Ian noticed this, she pressured his hand.

"Come on....we can make it. Remember ? Together ?" She said,

Skyler blew a whistle again then smiled at her. He raised her hand and kissed it. "Yeah together !" He whispered.

"Opsss. Shouldn't have seen that !" Rebecca sneered at them.

Ian and Skyler laughed.

"Here I go here I go

Leaving all the things behind

Not a worry in my mind

Finally finally" Rebecca sang dancing around.

"What type of song is that ?" Ian asked.

"One of my favorites.." Rebecca said.

Ian made a face the same as Skyler. "Ugh !! Please don't sing this. It's getting on my nerves." Ian said, pressing her hands on her ears.

Rebecca laughed, swinging around twisting her waist.

Here I go here I go

Leaving all the things behind

Not a worry in my mind

Finally finally

"HEY ! Cut that out, Will you !" Ian shouted.

Rebecca laughed again. Even Skyler beamed at both of the girls as they walked towards the front of the LongHouse