"Does it hurt a lot?" Rebecca inquired, her concern evident.

"I don't know. It's gone numb," Ian replied, attempting to maintain a smile.

Rebecca gently applied the gauze again to prevent infection, while Tia's impatience grew evident. She stood by the door, tapping her foot impatiently.

Skyler rushed in, visibly concerned, and bounced in with a worried expression. Ian and Rebecca turned their heads towards him. Skyler hesitated briefly, noticing Tia's gaze fixed on him.

"I saw you crash," he said, his tone calmer than his racing heart.

"Yeah," Tia responded, stepping aside to allow him entry.

With a reassuring smile, Skyler moved forward, crouching beside Rebecca.

"Are you alright?" he inquired, discreetly mouthing the word "BABY" to her, his back turned to Tia.

Ian blinked, her grip tightening on her injured elbow as she nodded, finding it difficult to speak. Ash arrived, out of breath, with Roy following closely behind. Ash's rush was so intense that she almost collided with Rebecca upon entering.

"Listen! Listen! Listen!" Ash blurted out, her excitement apparent.

"Hey," Rebecca said, gently pushing her away.

"I want to tell you something about Braddin…" Ash panted, momentarily forgetting they were not alone.

"About Braddin? What is it?" Tia inquired eagerly, stepping forward.

Skyler swiftly retrieved the first aid box from Ash, quickly opening it. Rebecca exchanged a puzzled glance with Skyler as Ash's entrance seemed rather unconventional. Tia's slight trembling did not go unnoticed.

"Where is he? Is he alright? What do you want to tell us?" Tia questioned, concern etched on her face.

"Um, he was asking for you," Ash offered, attempting to fabricate a story.

Rebecca swiftly discerned that Ash was withholding information from Tia, a different story concealed beneath her words.

"You saw him?" Tia pressed for details.

"He's in his room, second floor, extreme left," Roy informed her.

Tia's impatience was palpable as she eagerly seized Roy's hand.

"Could you take me to his room? This mansion is so big, I might get lost," she requested.

"Sure, no problem," Roy complied, turning to accompany Tia.

Once Roy and Tia were out of sight, Rebecca lightly hit Ash, causing her to lose her balance.

"Are you out of your mind? Coming in here like this, sobbing and saying 'listen, listen'?" Rebecca grumbled.

"I came up with a convincing story," Ash retorted.

"What do you mean?" Rebecca inquired.

Ash held everyone's attention, waiting for silence to settle before speaking. Skyler held a cotton ball with antiseptic, ready for Ash's update.

"Braddin loves Tia," Ash blurted out.

"What's dumb about that? We all know he might have feelings for her," Skyler responded.

Ash appeared anxious, shaking her head vigorously.

"No, I mean it. He really does. He confessed it himself," she revealed.

"To you?" Rebecca questioned, clearly surprised. "Could you start from the beginning?"

Ash took a deep breath, her hands gesturing as she spoke.

"While I was waiting outside for the first aid supplies, Roy asked me to stay put. As I stood there, I overheard Braddin talking to someone. I moved closer and listened to their entire conversation," Ash explained.

Rebecca, Ian, and Skyler waited patiently for Ash to catch her breath and continue.

"He was talking to Kate and he confessed to her that he's falling for Tia and he thinks…"

"He was talking to Kate and he confessed to her that he's falling for Tia and he thinks…" Ash's voice trailed off, leaving a palpable sense of anticipation.

Rebecca's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and Ian's eyes widened. Skyler's grip on the cotton ball tightened involuntarily, his expression a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

"He confessed what?" Skyler urged, his voice a blend of eagerness and impatience.

Ash took another deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "He confessed that he's falling in love with Tia," she finally revealed, her words hanging in the air.

Ian gasped softly, her hand instinctively gripping her injured elbow a bit tighter. Rebecca's face showed a mixture of astonishment and intrigue. Skyler's eyes widened, processing the revelation.

"Wait, hold on a second," Rebecca interjected, her brow furrowing. "Are you sure you heard correctly? I mean, confessions like these… they're not taken lightly."

Ash nodded vehemently, her eyes earnest. "I'm absolutely sure. I was standing just outside the room, and I could hear everything clearly. Braddin was speaking to Kate, and he was so sincere about his feelings for Tia."

Skyler exchanged a glance with Ian, both of them seemingly lost in thought. "This changes everything," Skyler murmured, almost to himself.

Rebecca's mind was clearly racing as she processed the newfound information. "But why would he tell Kate and not Tia directly?" she wondered aloud, her voice tinged with skepticism.

Ash shrugged, offering her perspective. "Maybe he's unsure about how Tia feels, or he's afraid it might complicate their friendship."

Skyler rubbed his chin, " Kate's a psychopath. He should not have confessed in front of her."

Rebecca nodded. "I agree."

Ian finally found her voice, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Did he mention how he planned to approach Tia about this?"

Ash shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "I didn't hear that part. They were interrupted by something, and I had to step away before I could find out more."

Skyler leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand. "Alright, let's say we believe this confession is genuine. What do we do now?"

Rebecca crossed her arms, deep in thought. "Well, the obvious choice would be to somehow get Tia and Braddin together, to give them a chance to talk openly about their feelings."

Ash chimed in eagerly, her eyes shining. "And we have to make Tia a bit jealous, so she realizes her own feelings."

Skyler raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea. "Using jealousy as a catalyst, huh? It might just work."

"In doing that, we need to find someone else too. A girl who will pretend to get close to Braddin and flirt with him in front of Tia. That is the only way she could understand," Rebecca stated restlessly.

Ash shuffled excitedly in her chair, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Skyler can be that girl. We can make him the girl," she suggested.

"Yeah, yeah. Anything else. Me and Braddin doing romance! YUCK!" Skyler groaned angrily.

Ash made a face and sat back, crossing her arms. Silence hung in the air until Ash suddenly jumped again, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Ian! Ian can be the girl. She hasn't got any boyfriend. She will do the work perfectly," Ash said happily.

"Are you out of your mind again, Pea Brain? There's no way I am going to let Ian do this. Ian's not even an inch like Kate!" Skyler protested loudly.

"KATE!" Ian's voice boomed, causing everyone to startle.

"My God, you scared the hell out of us, Ian," Rebecca exclaimed, clutching her chest.

But Ian seemed unfazed. She immediately stood up, stumbling slightly. Luckily, Skyler was nearby and caught her. Ian playfully pushed him away and regained her balance, pushing her glasses back up.

"We can use Kate. She will be the best choice. She's already obsessed with him. It will be easy to manipulate her emotions," Ian suggested.

Skyler grinned, understanding Ian's point, and began devising their plan. Ash took a moment to think, ultimately agreeing with the idea. Rebecca, however, appeared somewhat dismissive.

"Guys, we've all seen how badly Kate wants to be with Braddin. But manipulating her emotions like this… it's not right," Rebecca cautioned.

Skyler rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "Oh, come on, Founder of Human Rights. This isn't manipulation. We're helping Tia find her true love."

"Yeah, just look at how well-structured and robust the plan is," Ian added.

Rebecca's frustration was palpable as she retorted, "You're also using this as an outlet for your own anger and frustration, aren't you? Don't play dumb with me, Little Thomas."

Ian couldn't help but grin mischievously, flashing her canine-like Dracula teeth.

"Fine, but it doesn't sit well with me. We should explore other options," Rebecca conceded.

"I say we stick to this plan. Kate will be the bait. Done!" Skyler declared enthusiastically, clapping Ian a high five.

Rebecca looked at Ash helplessly, silently seeking her opinion. Ash listened intently to the discussion, and Rebecca gestured for her input.

"Well… Kate has been getting on my nerves too. I think Skyler and Ian have a solid plan," Ash admitted shyly.

Rebecca rolled her eyes at Ash, placing her hands on her waist.

"PLEASE!" Ian, Skyler, and Ash pleaded in unison, their expressions alternating between mischievous and innocent.

Relenting, Rebecca made a face as she looked at the three of them.

"Fine, do whatever you want," she conceded, her tone sour.

An hour later, Ash went for a walk with Roy. Meanwhile, Ethan approached Ian, who remained seated on a chair, accompanied by Skyler.

"Hey there, how are you feeling?" Ethan inquired, inspecting the small bandage adorning Ian's elbow.

"I've been better. What's going on?" Ian asked.

"Nothing much. Just came over to check on you. Are you sure you're alright?" He questioned.

Ian nodded, raising her hand to offer him a reassuring high five. "Everything's fine, bro."

Ethan playfully ruffled Ian's disheveled hair, further tousling it. He then reached out and took Rebecca's hand, leading her out into the sunshine.

Turning his attention back to Ian, Skyler inquired, "Do you want to rest?"

"Yeah, but before that, I want to grab a bite to eat," Ian replied, hopping off the chair.

Skyler gripped her hand tightly, making sure she was steady. Ian chuckled. "Sky, my legs are fine. It's my elbow that hurts."

Skyler blushed slightly, chuckling to himself. "Do you want me to let go of your hand?" he offered.

Ian scrutinized him briefly, then nodded. Skyler released her hand, raising an eyebrow in surprise. He took a few steps forward, only to be caught off guard as Ian playfully jumped onto his back and planted a peck on his cheek.

Grinning, Skyler raised his hand, gently stroking the back of Ian's head. "Be careful. You're hurt," he whispered.

"I'm fine, really. Just a bundle of nerves," Ian confessed, still clinging to his back.

Skyler leaned in, playfully kissing her nose, which was conveniently close. He then wrapped his arms around her, allowing Ian to perch herself on his back comfortably.

"Just go on, just go on, leaving all our worries behind. No concerns weighing on our minds. Finally, finally!" they chimed in, their voices harmonizing.

Suddenly, both Skyler and Ian spun around, startled by a noise behind them. To their relief, it was Rebecca, grinning mischievously as she poked her head in to observe them. Ian managed to steady herself just in time to avoid tumbling.

"Enough with the serenade," Ian laughed, her grin matching Rebecca's.

Skyler cheekily stuck his tongue out at Rebecca, while she swiftly took a snapshot of the two of them. Ian playfully squirmed, attempting to free herself, but Skyler's grip held strong. Rebecca chuckled, pleased with the candid shot she had captured.

Rebecca and Ethan emerged from the Long House, stepping into the garden. Overhead, the sky was once again covered by dark and heavy clouds, suggesting an imminent rainfall. As they strolled, a drizzle began, prompting Rebecca to extend her hands and twirl around. Ethan watched her with delight, his face lighting up as Rebecca danced and frolicked in the light rain. Drawing nearer, Ethan gently grasped Rebecca's hand, and she circled around him, her laughter ringing through the air. With a grin, Ethan held his hand aloft, allowing her to spin gracefully in front of him.

She laughed heartily, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he reciprocated the embrace. Though there was no music playing, Rebecca swayed and moved with abandon. Ethan's joy was evident as he relished this moment spent with her. Amidst their laughter and playful banter, their attention turned to James, who was seated in a corner, absorbed in his phone. Ethan's expression fell, and as Rebecca's hand slipped out of his, he nodded toward James, silently indicating her presence to him. Rebecca gave Ethan a quick peck on his cheek before walking over to James, taking a seat beside him. After a couple of minutes, Ethan chose to depart, his departure noticed by James.

James glanced at Rebecca, his face breaking into a warm and affectionate smile. He removed his earplugs and greeted her, "Hey."

"Hi," Rebecca replied, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ears, only to have them fall back into place.

Seeing her struggle, James grinned and reached out to tuck the strands back himself. Rebecca blushed, hiding her face by turning it away.

"Thanks," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

"You're welcome," James nodded.

Their eyes locked for a moment, and then they shared a laugh, readjusting their positions.

"So, how's your friend Ian?" James inquired.

"Oh, Ian's doing better now," Rebecca responded.

James ran his hand through his hair, ruffling the spikes and then smoothing them back into a slightly rougher style.

"Her elbow was grazed and bleeding," he explained. "If it's still bothering her, apply some antiseptic."

Rebecca nodded, her hands clasped together.

"Yeah, I already did that. I've bandaged it now. Hopefully, it'll heal," she assured him.

James leaned back slightly, his gaze locked onto Rebecca's eyes. They both sat there, a comfortable silence enveloping them as the raindrops continued to fall gently around the garden.

"You know," James began, his voice soft and thoughtful, "I've always admired your kindness, Rebecca."

Rebecca's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and she looked down, suddenly shy under James's gaze. "Thank you," she mumbled, feeling a mix of emotions fluttering within her.

James chuckled, his smile widening. "No need to be bashful. It's just something I've noticed."

Rebecca peeked up at him, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Well, you're not too bad yourself, Mr. Observant."

They both laughed, the tension between them easing as their conversation flowed effortlessly. As the rain continued its gentle dance, Rebecca and James exchanged stories, thoughts, and dreams. It was as if the world around them faded away, leaving only their connection in the midst of nature's serenade.

Meanwhile, Ethan found himself wandering through the garden, lost in his own thoughts. He watched a pair of birds take shelter under a tree, their feathers ruffling with each gust of wind. The sight somehow mirrored his own feelings, a sense of uncertainty and longing mingling within him. He paused near a blooming flowerbed, his fingers absently tracing the petals of a vibrant rose. His mind drifted back to the image of Rebecca and James conversing, the laughter in their eyes, and a twinge of jealousy gnawed at him. He shook his head, trying to dispel the unwelcome emotion, reminding himself that he and Rebecca shared a connection that was unique and special. As time passed, the rain began to subside, and Rebecca and James reluctantly stood up from their spot. With a final shared smile, they parted ways.