A long, long time ago before the discovery of electricity, around the year of one thousand five hundred in a small medieval town of Rothenburg, where its inhabitants the medieval serfs -or the villeins- enjoyed its peaceful atmosphere and the delight it brought. Each day, they would be expressing their joy in life through diverse activities that go from the singing song of Roland, dancing the egg dance, and listening to monophonic chants to telling stories of chivalry, adventure, and romance. The serfs were also enjoying the weather and its composure including the sun. They surely admired the beams of its light and never imagined a day to live without the warmth of its rays.

Despite this great attachment to their town and active participation in it, there was a young boy named Robert who displayed timidity at its highest. He did not interact with the rest of the serfs, but rather preferred his own company while keeping his eyes as big as his interest in the world around him. Every day, Robert stood from the top of his balcony, watching the serfs perform their activities with wondering thoughts. In fact, he was too focused that he would hear even their quietest prayers. When in the morning they would wish and pray to capture a ray of the sun's light.

True that its light presented a certain divinity in it that surpassed all of the serfs' intellectual capacity including Robert who was the most person of the serfs not making sense of its extend in both charm and allure. A person can only be fascinated by its captivating sight. It is undeniable that it was something celestially magical Another element that was also too captivating was the stars of that town. Its enchanting glow was too seductive to be ignored. In fact, Robert's balcony was up high so close to the sky where he used to watch the stars at night twinkle in absolute delicacy generating an infinite ecstasy within his heart. This feeling was soon to flourish within his thoughts when he began to wonder what made the stars of his town shine that bright.

At first, he thought they were his eyes projecting their vision on it so it shone brightly. Vision is truly limited considering limitless matters such as the composures of the sky. Maybe it was dark all along. However, the wildness of his gaze only outcasted the sincerity of his willingness to know. Robert used to also pray with the serfs within his heart. His wish was to see beyond the surface – or maybe surfaces – of what is being projected to his sight. To depart from infinity crossing every border that has ever been set by humanity. True that, crossing and surpassing the borders is a matter of essence. Considering how the sky is fabricated; it is composed of limitless matters. It is no doubt that the sky will shine and the serfs' eyes would bleed from its brightness. The two elements of the sky and the stars constituted an absolute maze to the lost Robert who was trying to be found in its secretive wonders. Realizing the truth that the stars only shone the brightest because of the darkness of the sky. The strength each surface had over the other, like the night and the morning. It was a generative resemblance. There were no stars in the morning, but the biggest star – which is the sun – was there. The question is; has the sun been of an equal proportion of brightness as the stars so it would replace all of them? It is a matter of a solid composure. An essence that cannot be fragmented nor decomposed. A sudden thought came to Robert's head when he was in his profound state of thinking so he asked himself a question;

- "what if it decomposed?"

He imagined one day; a heavy rain would take away the sun's brightness resulting in total darkness. By losing its essence – which is the light- the star called the sun, would shrink into little pieces and then fall into the non-existent.

However, Robert knew that it was his imagination running as wild as his breath trying to catch the meaning of that generative beauty reflected in front of his sight. Since his infant days, he has always been in search of a boundless dimension that he knew only existed beyond the surface of existence, or at least his existence. He has always felt forced to live a life that he felt lacked adventure. His soul longed for something electric. A spark that would justify his pursuit of living. He desired to fly and never be captured. So, he manifested the pureness of his desire through his thoughts. So, he let his thoughts run as wild as they always do when he put his head on the pillow. Yet numerous questions floated unanswered in his head such as;

-" What would happen to the morning if he woke up and did not find the sun? Would it still be 'a morning' or at least a good morning?"

Robert's questions were left unanswered when he slept only to wake up the next morning with the answer in its most brutal manifest. The sun was nowhere to be found! All of the serfs' activities are, now powered off. They can no longer dance or read. The animal inhabiting the land is also in a state of total confusion. The horses, dogs, foxes, cows, elephants, tigers, and lions are, all of a sudden, cowards in front of the extent of darkness they are not seeing but rather feeling. All signs of vitality are now doomed in a place of extreme suffocation where pleasure was pleased to depart from. However, God still exists and the possibility of creating another sun is valid. But the rain kept pouring for what seemed to be an eternity and the serfs progressively lost the direction to the sky. They were freezing in the coldness of their undeniable knowing; Rothenburg will no longer have a sun.

The serfs were very unsure about the cycle of life in their town, and especially the becoming of celestial elements since they were all of a sudden, unbecoming. They all questioned; how would the moon rise? But it is undeniable that the moon will rise up to meet its destiny with or without the sun since it is bound to a divine purpose and has to finish it to its last breath. The moon still rises every night escorted by numerous stars. Thus, when serfs looked up at night to the beautiful sky full of twinkling stars, they were only looking back at a time when their shine used to exist. Only seeing the result of a thousand years of death. So it is very unlikely that any of the stars are alive.


-"Can death generate life? Will the stars compose another sun? "

This is more of a real possibility than something to question. In fact, all of the stars collide together to form the most enormous sun to ever be witnessed but despite its immensity of charm, the new sun does not shine at all, since all of the stars do not have a fragment of vivacity to outcast.

Days passed in Rothenburg amplifying the state of confusion of the serfs, which is majorly caused by their blurred vision. They were all panicking and could not believe that their eyes would hide the light from them. This state only led to getting lost in a world so dark that the stars would blind. Confusion was overspreading in all corners; who is who and what is what. But, one celestial thing keeps its stability. It is the moon. After the new sunsets, the moon rises. The cycle will not end since it is the cycle of life. It is all about moving one piece for the entire scene to fall apart. There were no more options to be considered except that of hope. Hoping that by a miracle the cycle will break and the moon would rise up to meet the new sun one day. Hoping that their mixture will form a new star, brighter than the previous one. But what would make the moon break its sacred cycle?

Rooting to find by estimating the timelines. To make their dream a reality, was the only way of living. In making a way, reality had to be altered and modified in order to meet the necessary objective. These were the techniques to be considered as the way. The fragmentation of these techniques is noticed in the serfs' habits of living and performing their simplest activities. In fact, it is their simplicity that composed their complexity. The serfs decided to reflect on themselves and came to realize that it is their faith. A mutual responsibility of living in a commonplace. The elders thought of the juniors and the juniors seek to help the elders keep their thoughts bright and their hopes forever youthful.

Under the moonlight they gathered in circles, holding hands and praying;

- "By the power of God almighty, the circle shall be broken and the moon will join the new star. The light shall be found again. And our seed of hope will grow as it is now planted, craved in the depth of earth. Our new star will rise from its lowest lows to its highest highs."

Too dreamy, maybe. However, one night, the moon shone brighter than usual, but its cycle stayed the same as always. The serfs knew that it was their prayers that led to the change. So they kept praying, keeping their hopes as high as their faith in God. Masses would gather every single day under the moonlight to pray. Their prayers were extremely loud that they reached the seventh sky.

Up to the gates of heaven and never back. For only heaven knows. Only heaven has known and will know how much the serfs were logging for something called life. To achieve this, they had to get closer to the maximum by performing the minimum effort. Knowing by heart that a collective effort will eventually lead to the desired shift. Despite their attempt, the moon kept its cycle as steady as the days. Days turned to months. Months to years and nothing changed, but the light of the moon, which kept increasing, as if it was getting prepared to outcast something, hidden, somewhere…