
Live or Die

" Papa papa.. it's lateeee come on.."

The voice of a little child is heard as it was followed by another voice which belonged to an adult " Calm down honey, we won't be late." Jora said while smiling to his daughter as he rubbed her head gently and then focused on polishing his shoe.

( ' - - ' indication of mental monologue of a certain character )

- A beautiful day it easy, i promised my child that I'll finally take care and her mother to picnic. Due to my work as a supervisor of a factory in the industry sector of the city, I don't get holidays easily as i have to work atleast twenty hours per day. The things we do to keep the Great City running. My daughter always cry we we can't go out together, but i finally can as i begged for a holiday and well they gave me one day off. Though finding a spot is difficult as the park areas are filled with homeless people or hooligans as it's not family friendly, but i was able to find a park made for family visits which are also well guarded and also have Inspectors patrolling making it really safe...-

Before walking out the man makes sure the room is locked, Jora and his family lived in an apartment as his room was at the floor 314. Apartments were vast in the civilian district as in to ensure that citizens gets to have a good housing, each apartment is an copy of eachother as newer floors are made every day. One room consists of an hall and an all purpose bathroom, this was the normal living standards of a normal civilian with job. Without job one must pretty much sleep at the park but the inspectors will kill them on sight so many just let it happen as dying is better than living in this Great City, Some just run onwards to the ancient temples used by the religious xealots basically the ones who created a new religion since even they had no clue what the temple was for. The homeless stay inside the temple, if they are lucky then they will survive a night or else an xealot will find them and torture them to death for they find it amusing.

The family walked towards the elevator which is like 450 meters away from their room. The apartment is massive as a single floor has hundreds of floor or maybe just one or two as no one cares to check properly due to how corrupt things were. They stopped upon reaching infront of the elevator as jora pressed the BUTTON. The sound of the metal cable moving was heard as jora realised the elevator might be below some floors. Usually travelling from highest levels of floors to the ground floor takes atleast an hour if no one else presses the BUTTON. The elevator finally reached their floor after some minutes as the door opened and well the elevator was indeed big as big enough to carry ten to twenty with ease, it wasn't well cleaned and was really smelly. Due to the lack of cleaning the elevator did have lots of blood stain, organs sticking onto the wall and ceiling, cum stains on the door while some condom stuck on the ground. Jora normally lifts his daughter up and lays her head on his chest untill they reach down but this time his wife does the job. Then entered the elevator as the door shut with old reeking noises following it as it finally shut.

The elevator stopped at floor 290 as a pair of man and woman entered the elevator, jora was shocked as they were half naked as he saw the woman was dripping some liquids as she entered while the man had his penis out while wearing a shirt on-top. The door closed as jora and his wife stared straight onto the door while ear muffins were used to close the child's ears. They both can hear noises hearing from behind as the pair were undergoing intercourse inside the elevator, the females moans filled the room while the noises of wet surfaces being collided and rubbing was also competing with the females moans to fill the room. Though unlucky for the family as the couple kept on it as finally after an hour they reached the ground floor. Jora turned back to see the woman laying on the ground as her legs were spread towards the opposite sides revealing her private parts which was dripping with some white liquids while the guy was sat and leaning on the left wall of the elevator, They both were tired it seem.

The doors opened revealing a group of men waiting for the elevator as jora and his family exited while the men entered but jora turned around to the men grabbing the guy and throwing him outside, he ran back towards the elevator just to see the door close. Jora stopped for a moment as his wife and daughter walked forward, he began to hear some scream and laughter as the elevator slowly moved up while the guy was crying and begging for them to come back.. " hooligans.." Jora murmured as he knew how bad the city was, he is planning to move closer to the industry zone inside the civilian district which have strict patrolling of Inspectors as there no one would dare to harm his child and wife. But it was and is expensive so jora had to get some loan just to buy an apartment as the procedures takes some time for instance ones the payment is done, a room is allocated to the buyer but the former owner is kicked out unless they are able to pay more which naturally they can't unless they outplay the buyer by double the price.

They walk out from the apartment as it had a big entrance which had many homeless people sleeping at the corner while the whole area wasn't cleaned and was filled with wastes which will make anyone doubt as in how in the world can this people sleep above such wastes. Outside the entrance the apartment has a big stairway as one must walk down to enter the streets, after that citizens can wait at the busstop or walk towards the railway station. Bus and trains were the best transport option as the roads were nearly empty as only buses, vehicles of law enforcement and vehicles of utility services were present. Jora picked a bus as he and his family travelled towards the station as got into a train as their destination was the northern sector of the city were many parks, gardens and even some hills were present, it ought to take some minutes since the train moves at the speed of 13000m/s normally as citizens who travel using long distance trains are always tasked to sit down to ensure they won't die. The train slowly moved out from the station as it slowly follows the rail which goes downwards under the ground into a tube were it gains full speed as it won't stop until reaching its destination.

Finally they reached as the train slowed down as it moved out from the ground as stopping inside the station, the family exited the train as the station was quite beautiful and cleaned, the northern part was were the banks of the wealthy Richards family lies as this areas had buildings and other commodities constructed by the Richards or atleast had their watchful eye and kind donations. Also the inspectors here were more active in their duties as well making the crime rate really low. The family moved out from the station while three shadows following their trail. The family got into a bus and travelled towards a park under the hill, it was peaceful as made specifically for families as has trees hiding the private moments of families and couples alike. Due to the luck of jora the the park has minor amount of families since it was a working day after all. The child was just happy as she smiled while escorting her parents towards their spot. They slowly walked in as they placed the carpet down onto the ground, they were surrounded by trees with pink petals which are known to be Sakura.

The warm breeze embraced them while the sun shine on them but that was actually fake, the park was inside a miniature dome, the whole city is covered by the dark clouds as only the tower of high borns at the center peaked through the clouds as having the glimpse to witness the mighty star at the sky, to ensure families get true picnic enjoyment the dome pretty much lights up the whole area, the sunlight is fake, the wind is fake, the trees are fake as it shows how much humanity has lost. The family enjoyed their time as they decided to eat the food while the beautiful petals fell onto them. But unfortunately fate is always cruel to the ones who wishes for a better peaceful life. From the bush three men appeared as one of them were a tall man, followed by a fat man and a man with thick beard. The tall man reached for jora as grabbing his neck and pulling him back while the fat man grabbed both the wife and daughter, " Hey jora, did you really think you can hide from us..".. the man spoke while holding the neck of jora from behind..

"Yerick... No.. no.. i wasn't hiding..". Jora spoke while gasping for air as the tall man named yerick replied with an bored yet slightly angered tone " Sure sure your not hiding but your indeed avoiding us after taking money from us, you haven't paid back for six months.. you do know that we can slice you open and sell your organs or sell your wife and daughter.. jora are you underestimating us.".. as soon as yericks words reached the ear of jora the fat man slowly ripped the cloths of both the wife and daughter while the bearded man was recording this on a camera. " noo please noo don't do this yerick i promise to pay up please don't let us go please please please.". jora pleaded as yerick just sighed.. " you risked it, you expected to evade us and escape.. you asked for this jora..".. the fat man dropped the wife as he ripped the clothes of the daughter while smirking.. " oi, not the kiddo.. try the wife, that'll teach him.." Yerick told his henchman who simply nodded as slapping the child dropping her unconscious on the ground and then moved towards the wife. The guy immediately grabbed her leg as pulling her closer to him and ripped apart her clothes.

Yerick forced jora to watch as his henchman was basically committing an forceful intercourse on the wife " see, this is what will happen if you take loan from a loan shark and forgets to pay up... Your an idiot.. now suffer..". the screams turned into pleasureable moans as jora's face was turned towards yerick by Yerick himself. " seems like your wife is enjoying it jora, guess she belongs to that fatso.. oh well a loss is a loss.. now if you think about suicide well we will not let your corpses be cremated but sell it.. eitherway you will be paying our debt back.. even in death.. " Yerick dropped jora down and kicked his henchman as indicating the guy to stop fucking the woman as it's time to leave. " stand up you big oaf, punishment time is over. You can do it with someone else now let's go and also did you got all of it on camera.." The fat man slowly stood up while wearing his clothes while the bearded man with camera nodded to yerrick while smirking. The three men left the family broken as they moved out quickly before the law enforcement appears..

The three men went back towards the southern region of the city as they walked into an alleyway as from there they entered an abandon building which seemly stopped construction midway. " Yah yah yah, we collected half a million.. but some are still tryina escape as if they have chance.. tell me now boss, why do we do it.. like we get money and we give them it just to collect it back and give it to the people who give us the money. I mean they gave us money to give the people money which is weird.." yerick spoke while walking forward towards the a bald man who was smiling and waiting for yerrick. " boy, how many times do i have to say, we don't question the ones who pay us.. our job is to ensure this weird game always happens...".. Said the bald man who just tapped yerrick's shoulders. " but why.. are they that powerful.." yerrick muttered while staring at the bald man who stopped smiling but just let of a deep sigh. " yes, we are paid by wealthy donors.. they want us to give the money to those who wish to live. Of course we have to get the money back and record how we get it back and send the recordings along with it to them. That's how it works, if we don't i am sure they'll find someone even worse.... We just threaten them or just fuck their women.. if they get someone else to do it, they will torture them in ways which we can't even possibly imagine..." the bald man replied with concern as he slowly grabbed the money bag. Yerrick scratched his head.. " You think r-ping children or women is better, they either kill themselves of pride or try to run away more... This isn't saving it's equal to mental fuckery... Man i am done with this shit.." he said in an annoyed tone as he was indeed annoyed by how his world works.

Yerrick was formally part of three different gang factions as he had done gruesome works as he was also a former nobody who are sleeper cells working to end the different factions as they will do whatever they can to end their enemies and they are literally no one in the society hence they are known to be NOBODIES. Though he stopped being one after his family got massacred by one of the gang faction which created an trauma for he ran away from his duties and decided to whatever he can to just survive.. but fate placed him here a much more disgusting job as in working for the ones who he sought to end.. irony..

Yerrick just sighed as he knew he ni choice as he looked at his henchmen as waving his hand indicating it's time yeet boys, but suddenly one of his men's head blew up as multiple accurate shots coming from the shadows. As from the shadows two men walk out as one was wearing a black fedora, a long coat and in full suit holding a gun which fires shots not only penetrate but blows upon entering an target. The man was none other than Inspector Donovan as he murmured " Five of them eliminated, Boris... Take those who are running away and I'll handle the rest." another inspector was right behind Donovan as that man was holding an assault rifle which had similar exploding bullets. Yerrick seeing inspectors arriving immediately ran as he got hold of a money bag placed atop a table as he used the chance to escape with it due to the commotion caused by the inspectors. " Six.. Seven... Eight.. Nine.. Ten..".. Donovan was just murmuring the headshots he was gaining as the inspectors were well trained to not waste bullets and hit the head all times no matter what. Meanwhile inspector Boris chased yerrick and some other men as Boris was able to shoot down many but yerrick made out with mere seconds of getting into boris's firing range. " Fuck... He escaped- Boris cursed a bit as he did miss a criminal though he just walked back inside the building.

The first thing Boris saw was Donovan fighting the remaining two fighters who seem to were guarding a bald man as it indicated the bald man was the ringleader or maybe maybe as Boris watched the action. Donovan placed the gun back inside his coat as he walked forward to the bodyguards as he immediately ducked the a fist thrown onto him by one of them as he countered it immediately by punching the guy's guts in heavy force to send the man flying onto the wall. The second bodyguard charged onto donovan as the man threw multiple punches as Donovan simply evaded those punches as he opted to grab the man's head the moment his fist went back to punch Donovan as Donovan without wasting time immediately launched his left leg's kneecap onto the second bodyguard's chin as in Donovan jumped thrusting his knee onto the guy's chin as breaking the chin in the process.

The first bodyguard slowly stood up and charged at Donovan as Donovan evaded the charge as in going to the side to avoid the charge and grab the bodyguard's shirt and pulling the man back which forced the man to fall down.. Donovan simply stomped the guy's face untill it got bloodied meaning he kept on stomping for more than 5 minutes or so as it was to get the baldie scared. Then Donovan cleaned his show by rubbing his feet on the guy's shirt as if it was a carpet laid down on the ground and then he moved towards the bald man. " Mr. Frederick your under Custody of an inspector as your charges with crimes against the City and humanity.. which means you'll die now but before your death your given the chance to tell anything you know anything important anything related to the game live or die.." Donovan spoke as his words struck the bald man who was trembling in fear of what he just witnessed.

" i.. i... i.. don't know anything.. pl.. please let me g- Donovan shot the baldie on the head the moment the guy begged for mercy as it was pointless to keep the guy alive since he will practically waste time. Boris walked over towards Donovan looking at the corpse.. " ugh, baldie has no head anymore... By the way, what is live or die..." Boris asked for which Donovan replied.. " it's a game conducted by the High Borns, they find it's amusing to watch the poor choose between live or die.. if they die they die but if they choose to live then they must suffer so they are given money lots and lots of money which they can't pay back.... Then they send this kind of people to torture those people and record it as the high borns watch it... A game ... Of fate...." Donovan muttered with high quantity of disgust in his voice.. Boris just shucked it off " oh well it's nothing compared to what the low life xealots does.. they eat people who sleep at the temple... Everyone is a bloody asshole.. i wish i could kill them all but well we can't... Anyways it was nice meeting you Donovan again.. also don't come here without permission even if it's an investigation and if you get any evidence then leave ASAP I'll handle the cleanup and all okay..." Boris tapped the shoulder of Donovan before walking away to call the clean up team..

Donovan just did look around be he knew their won't be any proofs here since they are expendable men. But he did find what faction gives them money as which faction acts like the middle man between high borns and such games as Donovan slowly walked over towards the window looking outside.. " High Borns are truly the main problem of this society..."... " yes they are and you ain't gonna do anything about it Inspector.." a voice was heard behind Donovan as he looked back to see a man holding a gun pointed towards him as Donovan couldn't see the face as he was shot which send him through the glass -