The life of a young man (2)

As Ling Tian walked towards his girlfriend's house, he was completely unaware of the state in which he had left Jia Li.

After walking for about 30 minutes, she arrived at the gates of a 3-story mansion. There were some guards at the gates of the house guarding, but they did not say anything to Ling Tian and let him pass, after all this was not the first time they had seen him.

The guards recalled their first interaction with Ling Tian, ​​just remembering that scene, made the hairs on even their buttocks stand on end. The beating they received that day from Ling Tian haunts them to this day.

They thought that Ling Tian was yet another young master who had come to propose to their young miss, they wanted to teach him a 'lesson', so he would leave Shao Miao alone, but what they never thought was that Ling Tian would beat them up.

They were sure that if it weren't for their pleading cries reaching Shao Miao's ears and luckily she heard and rushed out of her house to stop Ling Tian, they were sure that they would still be lying in the hospital or maybe worse, they would be dead, they could only remember the sadistic smile when Ling Tian hit them and smiled all the while watching them writhe in pain.

In the end they couldn't say anything, not only had they tried to stop the real boyfriend of their lady, but they messed with a crazy guy who specialized in all the martial arts that existed, they had seen him use everything from Karate, Taekwondo to Muay Thai. The crazy bastard even used Capoeira and Sumo moves!

Ling Tian rang the doorbell and waited for his tige-*ahem* beautiful bride to come out.

Not even 5 seconds had passed and suddenly the doors were thrown open to reveal a beautiful young woman.

The girl was 18 years old, she was beautiful with thin pinkish red lips. Long black hair that cascaded to the middle of her back, her eyes were a grayish black color. She wasn't very tall but she wasn't short either, she was 165 cm (5'4 ft) tall. She had B almost C cup breasts, a beautiful butt, and most importantly, a tiny waist with thighs all you wanted to do was lie on.

But the girl's beautiful face was a bit spoiled because she was frowning, but she still looked adorable.

"You're late again." The girl said though it was more like a mumble as she crossed her arms and pouted.

"Haha, come on Little Miao, I'm 30 seconds late, you can't get mad at 30 seconds late right?" Ling Tian could only smile wryly when he saw her girlfriend how angry she was just for being a few seconds late to pick her up to go to her date.

"I'm not angry, besides I already told you not to call me Little Miao, I'm older than you." Shao Miao said with a pout, although she said that she was not angry, really, she was, since for her every second she lost with Ling Tian was torture, for others 30 seconds may be nothing, but for her, It's 30 days without seeing him.

"But you are older than me by only two weeks, besides…" Ling Tian said as he lovingly hugged Shao Miao and whispered the last part in her ear.

"Besides… you'll always be my little kitty, no matter what happens." He said as she nibbled lovingly on his ear.

Shao Miao flinched, her anger evaporating like water in the sun, and she hugged him back tightly.

As Ling Tian and Shao Miao pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes, they began to bring their faces closer to kiss.



"Ahem, it's good to see you Ling Tian." Said a man who was inside the house and approached them along with a woman.

"Oh, father-in-law, mother-in-law, I didn't see you, sorry haha, father-in-law you should learn to read the atmosphere and have waited a bit to say hello, we were about to kiss- ah... Haha it's good to see you too" Ling Tian greeted warmly to his father-in-law as he extended his hand to greet him.

Earlier, he was about to say a lot, if it wasn't for Shao Miao pinching him, he would surely end the sentence hinting 'I'm fucking your daughter' or call him bald directly, Shao Miao's pinch means only one thing, don't make a scene.

As Shao Miao's father and Ling Tian greeted each other cordially by shaking hands, each applied their own strength indicating how much they loved each other.

The two women who were watching the scene could only shake their heads, they couldn't do anything for these two to live together, they were like cats and dogs.

"Well dad, it's time for me and Tian to go, it's time for our date." She hurriedly said as she grabbed Ling Tian's hand and dragged him out of the house and her mother grabbed her husband as she pulled him away from Ling Tian, ​​even though they pulled him apart the two of them still kept eye contact.

They seemed to be speaking telepathically while making gestures that only they understood.

'Take good care of my daughter or else...' Shao Miao's father threatened with signs.

'I know baldy, don't worry, she'll be safe with me, and you know it.' Assuring Ling Tian with signs as well, he also made sure to call him bald a few more times. After all she couldn't leave without first reminding him how bald she was.

'See ya, bowling ball.' (Ling Tian)

'Goodbye, pretty boy.'

'Tch, light reflector.' (Ling Tian)

'Tch, little shit.'

After saying goodbye to his mother-in-law like he always did, Ling Tian and Shao Miao went on his date.

They started by going to a movie first, Ling Tian bought sweet popcorn and Shao Miao salty popcorn, they each bought their favorite drink and the action movie they went to see began.

After the movie ended, they went to eat ice cream and after that they went to the amusement park where Ling Tian played a game where he ended up winning a stuffed shark, even though it was a stuffed animal, it wasn't very cute and it was a little scary, because it was realistic, but Ling Tian chose it because he knew that Shao Miao loved sharks.

Girls usually like smaller things and cute furry animals. But Shao Miao was the opposite, she liked all the animals that caused terror to anyone, from sharks and scorpions to snakes.

Shao Miao gladly accepted the shark stuffed animal and planted a tender kiss on Ling Tian's cheek.

Then they went to dinner where Ling Tian ate everything on the menu including dessert, and Shao Miao only ate steak with salad.

Shao Miao when she finished eating, she put a hand on her chin and began to look at Ling Tian with a look of love. Ling Tian found himself devouring all the dishes that were brought to him.

He loved to watch him eat because it seemed like Ling Tian's stomach was bottomless, no matter what he ate, Ling Tian always kept a fit body, even if he trained little or never, his muscles and 8 pack never disappeared, it seemed that he had a magical body.

After Ling Tian finished eating and paying the bill, Shao Miao took his hand to walk to a place Ling Tian hadn't been before when he asked where they were going, Shao Miao only answered.

"Secret." Although her face had a slight blush, he did not go unnoticed by Ling Tian.

Ling Tian, ​​not wanting to ruin the surprise Shao Miao had, I don't ask and he let himself be dragged by her.