Chapter 82 - Duel of the Two Heroes_3

Not all of the 105 militiamen from Heilongcui were involved in the charge. The Newton Giant Birds ridden by the Musketeers didn't have the running ability of ostriches, so they occupied the riverbank and together with Guoguo and Katusha, used firepower and scroll suppression on the remaining knights. Rovi and four Mantis Monks watched them play with arms folded, while Cranes and Parrots were preening themselves on the sidelines.

A large group of cavalry became the practice targets for the Musketeers. The Musketeers were too reluctant to use their "Morading's Fury" against these small fries. They carried four deerskin pouches around their waists. Apart from the two pouches containing "Morading's Fury", the remaining two were full of pebbles.

The giant slingshots made of deer antlers and cowhide ropes, when launched, could deliver a solid blow. No matter who you were, if you were hit by one, you'd get a big bruise.