Chapter 84 Men are like mountains in the jadeite cold, women are like water in the jadeite cold_2

The twenty-blade high step passageway had become a true death tunnel, the melted armor of a platoon of heavy scythe-wielders coated the steps in a layer of silvery iron liquid.

"How can this be? How can this be?" The Fairy Dragon Daisy hovering at the top of the Red Earth Highland was completely stunned by the scene before her.

The resounding chorus of "My Home is on the Red Soil Slope" sung by thousands answered the Fairy Dragon's question, echoing over the wilderness for a long time.

From a time no one could recall, all Feilengcui citizens, including the slaves, had taken to expressing their emotions through song, much like the Overlord himself.

The Beamon-translated version of "My Home is on the Red Soil Slope" lacked the power of a war song, but the impassioned vocals held a longing for their homeland. For this belief, the citizens of Feilengcui could brave any threat.

The unyielding belief incited by this song was no less compelling than the infectious power of a war song.