Chapter 86 Fairy Dragon_3

This golden vine armor looked like iron plate to two bat-human descendants.

"Rely on the slingshot alone?" Count Totti wanted to laugh, but didn't dare, timidly pointing at the impressive musketeer whose waist was adorned with a giant moose horn slingshot.

Looking askance at Count Totti, Liu Zhenhan's malicious eyes immediately made the young bat-human shiver, rib cage throbbing in inexplicable pain.

The Feilengcui Lord's next move made the young bat-human even more fearful. Piegel snapped his fingers and a musketeer appeared, handing him a large moose horn slingshot and an egg-sized pebble from a deerskin bag.

"You... what are you going to do?" Count Totti, upon seeing him test the slingshot, grew nervous.

Liu Zhenhan pulled the slingshot taut, targeting Count Totti, who immediately sought refuge behind his uncle. The slingshot may not be lethal, but the thick leather string ascertained that a close-range hit would certainly not be pleasing.