Chapter 91: Double Crazy Battle_1

Although Ardu felt great in the air, the old boss was nevertheless sweating bullets for them.

Newton's giant birds fly like bats, making use of air currents to glide effortlessly. Fast flight has never been their forte. Long before the battle, Liu Zhenhan, with the help of Gortani, the Sky Authority, had compiled a comprehensive statistical data table on the flight speed of Newton's giant birds.

The average speed of a Newton giant bird carrying Musketeer cavalry is about fifteen miles per hour, and it won't exceed twenty miles per hour at its maximum speed. According to Liu Zhenhan's visual estimation today, the human falcon knight's speed would not be less than twenty-five miles per hour. After converting the unit of measurement, the falcon knight's hourly flight speed has reached one hundred and sixty miles, which is nearly seventy miles faster than the speed of Newton's air cavalry.