Chapter 156: Goddess_1

There's a saying, silent but deadly, loud but harmless, while a chain fart is both smelly and noisy. Needless to say, Wei Heizi certainly messed up. After the gas was released, the parrot cursed and flew away, and even Guoguo couldn't stand it any longer. She pinched her nose and jumped off of Liu's stomach, ran to the bearman with a gust of wind, kicked the bearman's belly in rage, tried to run, but Vieri caught her by the ear and pulled her into his arms, vigorously pinching her little face.

"The Turtle Absorption Field can stop you from breathing the hallucinogenic smoke in Rose Temple. As for the leftover effects of the drug from before, they can at least be resisted using a Self-initiated Berserk," Small Giant Iverson looked hopefully at his boss and asked.

"What else could have happened!" Liu Zhenhan said bitterly.

"What about the Dark Absorption Technique?" The Small Giant seemed determined to find an answer.