Chapter 192: Sword Chant Ultimate Skill_3

Recently, Mage Liu's severed arm had grown significantly, resulting in one arm longer than the other, giving him a rather odd appearance. His terrifying nostrils also began to close up a bit, and his sharp facial contours were becoming clearer. His wildness was unchanged, but bizarrely, he also seemed to carry a certain scholarly charm unique to elven men—a charm not easily noticed without paying close attention. One might wonder if his foreign elf identity was causing mischief.

Liu Zhenhan took out his cherished copy of the Moore Sword Chant Atlas, scratching his head as he studied it closely, showering his shoulders with a large amount of dandruff.

It turned out the boss was preparing to learn Sword Chanting. Yitiaobar nearly passed out laughing, and the surrounding militiamen clearly saw the boss's intention, each of them covertly turning their heads to stifle their chuckles.