The Evil-eye Tyrant, transformed into a Netherworld Fire Skeleton, dutifully took over the mission from the Tide Lord, catching his master from the air. Staggering under the immense weight, he patrolled the ground below. As a Super-level Warcraft, it managed not to embarrass itself as the Starry Sky Gate had done, proving able to bear the heavy burden of its master Liu's body.
The Tide Lord Gerein staggered back into the sky, his massive body covered in a thick layer of red ants, making him resemble a red monster whose skin writhed all over. Although he knew Ring Spirits did not feel pain, Liu couldn't bear to watch any longer. With a wave of his hand, he summoned Gerein back into the "Ring of the Death Lord." As a halo of black flowers twisted through the air and vanished, the tiny red figures fell towards the ground like a revolting spring rain.