Sword Intent Across The Skies, Killing Intent Rising!

Jian Chaomian practiced the sword at the age of three.

At the age of six, he could release sword beams.

Possessed the sword qi at the age of 12!

Now, he had touched the threshold of the Sword Dao.

A grand elder of the Northern Region's Hidden Dao Academy was also a sword cultivator.

He was also the strongest sword cultivator in the Northern Region now.

He had once said that Jian Chaomian could become a Sword Saint when the opportunity arrived!

And what achievements did Ye Qiubai have?

Nothing in particular.

He was only at Peak Stage Purple Mansion Realm.

Even though Jian Chaomian's actual strength could allow him to fight above his level, he was still a Sea Flow Realm expert.

Furthermore, Jian Chaomian could also fight those at a higher level.

Moreover, it was a suppression at a higher level.

Under the suppression of these layers of halos, how much chance did Ye Qiubai have of winning?