Senior Brother? Scapegoat!

At this moment, in the Imperial Palace of Sunset Monarchy.

In the main hall, Huang Yitong, who was sitting on the dragon throne, frowned when he heard the report from the people below. "You said that the Shadow Kill Pavilion has been wiped out? What about the Shadow Kill Pavilion Master?"

The eunuch below replied, "Pavilion Master Shadow Kill is missing."

Huang Yitong's frown deepened.

Based on the strength of the Shadow Kill Pavilion Master, Huang Yitong would definitely not believe it if he died for no reason.

However, Shadow Kill was now a subsidiary power of the Sunset Monarchy.

If the Shadow Kill Pavilion was really destroyed by others, it was impossible that the Shadow Kill Pavilion Master would not come to seek help!

This made Huang Yitong have no choice but to think negatively.

'Who the hell is it?'

To have the strength to destroy the Shadow Kill Pavilion?