The Stone Tablet Is Famous!

At this moment, the deeds in the Land of Hundred Refinements had already spread.

At this moment, on the 34th floor, a sword cultivator at the Beginner Stage Qianyuan Realm was fighting two half-step Qianyuan Realm demonic beasts alone!

Furthermore, his Sword Intent had actually reached the level of a Great Sword Master!

This obviously piqued everyone's interest.

In the main hall.

A middle-aged man looked at Qin Tiannan and smiled. "He's a good seedling. Why don't we let him stay in the Main Academy to cultivate? After all, the conditions here are better."

Qin Tiannan smiled and said, "I'm afraid that's not something I can decide. Qiu Bai probably won't be willing either."


The middle-aged man was rather surprised and said, "In the Main Academy, there are not only three trial grounds, but also the Daoseeker Mountain and various resources. Cultivating here is only beneficial. Why wouldn't he agree?"