Primordial Sword Scripture, Peaceful Mountains And Rivers!

The Primordial Sword Scripture was originally filled with endless life.

Now that Huang Zhengzhan had used the Blood Ignition Demon Technique, his strength had increased several times and was comparable to the Qianyuan Realm!

Even though Ye Qiubai had killed an expert on the Ranking Of The Four Regions, he still relied on external objects and the element of surprise.

Ye Qiubai didn't know if he was a match for him but he wanted to give it a try.

Huang Zhengzhan could not help but be stunned seeing that Ye Qiubai's body was filled with battle intent and his eyes were incomparably firm.

Then, blood rushed to his head and washed away his rationality. He was furious!

This was also a side effect of the Blood Igniting Demon Technique.

Once left unchecked and without suppression, the Spell Caster's soul would be invaded by that monstrous killing intent and become a machine that only knew how to kill.