Sword Domain!

Daoseeking Mountain.

The edge of the sword.

It was said that there was a huge secret about sword cultivators hidden here.

Even the people of the Hidden Sword Sect did not hesitate to pay a huge price to enter the Daoseeking Mountain to comprehend the sword edge stone wall!

At that time, the previous Principal of the main courtyard had discussed conditions with the Sect Master of the Hidden Sword Sect.

The conditions are as follows.

Every ten years, the Hidden Sword Sect could send a disciple here to comprehend the sword edge and stone wall.

At the same time, the Hidden Dao Academy could also send a disciple to the Hidden Sword Sect Sword Tomb to comprehend the will of the ancestors!

Sword Tomb.

When generations of experts of the Hidden Sword Sect died, their swords would return to the Sword Tomb.

The remaining Sword Intent and Sword Dao comprehension were all things that sword cultivators sought in their lives!