Memory Puzzle!

North of the Northern Region was an icy plain.

Here, the spiritual qi was extremely thin and cold fog filled the air!

The temperature was extremely low.

Even martial cultivators could not stay here for long.

Countless ice-elemental magical beasts were rampaging here.

It could be said to be a forbidden area for life.

In the depths of the Northern Ice Fields, there was a place where cold winds swept.

The temperature here was even lower than the icy plains outside.

Even a Qianyuan Realm expert would not be able to stay here for long.

Just the low temperature was enough to make it impossible for people in the Qianyuan Realm to survive.

It could be seen how harsh the environment was.

Among them was a naked man standing there.

Accepting the baptism of the cold wind!

The cold wind was bitingly cold, like a sharp blade.

It continuously pierced through the naked man's body.