Being A Guest In The Imperial Palace

Sharp-toothed white rats were magical beasts in the depths of the Northern Ice Fields.

It was a Void God Realm existence.

The teeth in its mouth were the sharp-toothed white rat's strongest weapon, extremely sharp and hard.

Even a Void God Realm expert could not withstand this attack head-on.

Currently, Blackie's aura was already extremely weak.

His stamina had long been depleted after staying in the Northern Ice Fields for a long time resisting the extreme cold and also constantly fighting magical beasts.

Now, seeing the sharp-toothed white rat's attack, he, who was flying in the air, could not counterattack in time!

Just as the sharp-toothed white rat's bloody mouth was about to close, just as it was about to bite Blackie into pieces…

A white-robed phantom suddenly appeared in front of the sharp-toothed white rat.

He extended a finger which landed between the sharp-toothed white rat's eyes.