Qin Tiannan: Am I seeing things?

With the destruction of the Sunset Monarchy, the battle in the Northern Region came to an end as well.

This news also spread throughout the entire continent.

After hearing this news, all the sects and aristocratic families were shocked.

The master behind Ye Qiubai was exposed to everyone for the first time!

However, no one knew the exact process.

However, there were two Void God Realm experts supported by the Buddhist Sect in the Sunset Monarchy!

They had all died in this battle!

It was all done by Ye Qiubai's master!

Everyone was shocked just based on this point alone!

What realm was Ye Qiubai's master at to be able to kill two Void God Realm experts?

Just how powerful was he?

No one knew.

He only knew that his cultivation level was definitely at the Intermediate Stage of the Void God Realm or above!

As for Lu Changsheng…

Naturally, it was called by everyone.