Gathering Of The Cottage

Northern Plains City City Lord's declaration confused everyone.

He was also a little puzzled.

Northern Plains City was located 500 kilometers away from the Northern Ice Fields and there were no factions around.

There would be no conflict of interest.

The moment Bei Feng came out, he drew a line with the Cloud Phoenix Empire.

Something was clearly wrong.

Bei Feng seemed to have seen through everyone's doubts and said with a smile, "As the first line of defense of the Northern Region, Northern Plains City has always stopped the fiend beasts that sneaked out of the Northern Ice Fields."

"Therefore, I don't want to make a big fuss and start a war. I only want to develop peacefully."

"And the purpose of the Cloud Phoenix Empire's reconstruction is naturally to restart the plan to conquer the Heavenly Road. This is inconsistent with our Northern Plains City's philosophy."