Blood-Soaked Blackie!

It was a secret confrontation.

On the surface, Bei Feng had won, when in fact, Ye Qiubai still won.

He had collected so many treasures after all.

He would still earn a lot of money from selling it even if he did not need it.

It could greatly increase the Hidden Dao Academy's foundation even if he were to give it to them.

Furthermore, this also made the others a little dissatisfied with Bei Feng.

They had given them so many treasures for nothing.

Moreover, it was the kind that was not ordinary, making them feel a little heartache.

Since there was no reason to blame Ye Qiubai, they could only look at Bei Feng in dissatisfaction.

At this moment, the two Void God Realm magical beasts were already close to the spiritual qi barrier.

It was two saw-toothed white rats!

They were all at the Beginner Stage of the Void God Realm!