Under The Undercurrent

After the Confucian and Buddhist debate, this continent fell into a period of short and rare peace.

In recent years, major events have happened in all regions.

Moreover, it was usually caused by the disciples of the Cottage!

Some people were not used to the peace around here.

However, those giant factions had a vague feeling that this was the calm before the storm…

These peaceful days would definitely not last long.

Therefore, the various factions began to anxiously prepare to recall all the disciples and upper echelons who had gone out.

In order to have a chance to react when the storm started.

At this moment, at the Southern Region, Hidden Dao Academy.

In the Cottage, Blackie set off again to the Northern Ice Fields to hunt magical beasts.

This was to temper the third level of the Eternal Demon Body.

Condensing killing intent patterns!

Shi Sheng was still in the cottage.