The End

The void beast disappeared and the space returned to calm.

A void beast.

The figure in black.

The Dark Domain.

This gave Lu Changsheng a headache.

Why was he being targeted?

He just wanted to slack off. Why was it so difficult?

However, the allied army let out earth-shattering cheers!

He looked at Kong Jianghan and the other three who were dispirited.

They understood that the domain battle had already ended.

They had won!

This also meant that their future would be bright.

At the same time, he was also glad for his decision.

Dean Yan and Lin Rufeng looked at each other and smiled.

Back then, he had placed all his bets on the Cottage's future.

That's right.

As the first to support the Cottage, the Hidden Dao Academy and the Hidden Sword Sect would without a doubt, experience a meteoric rise!

They could also obtain more benefits.