Shi Sheng, You Won't Cause Trouble, Right?

The six Buddhas of the Buddhist Sect as well as the Buddha Lord, who was a half-step Martial Monarch Realm, had died.

The abbot of the Clear Heart Temple would take over the Buddhist Sect.

At the same time, he would purge it and change the methods of the Buddhist Sect to nurture believers in the continent!

This battle had officially come to an end.

As for the Hidden Sword Sect, the Hidden Dao Academy, the Mu family, the Li Family, and many sects and factions, they had all chosen to become subordinate forces of the Cloud Phoenix Empire!

From then on, the Cloud Phoenix Empire officially became the ruling force of the Wilderness Region.

Nonetheless, those in the know knew that the Cloud Phoenix Empire was only the strongest force on the surface.

In reality, the Cottage was still the strongest.

The eldest disciple, Ye Qiubai, developed the Qingyun Sword Ancestor in the Southern Region.