Wind Moves!

500 miles away from the Yang family's temporary base stops 10 people in black.

Their figures perfectly merged with the night sky.

It was difficult to discover with the naked eye.

Even their black cloaks were enhanced by concealment formations.

Ordinary people had no way to discover it!

In addition…

The location of these 10 people was a certain distance away from the Yang family's temporary base.

Therefore, it was normal for Ye Qiubai and the others not to notice their existence.

So well prepared.

Obviously, this was not the first time he had done such a thing.

One of them said, "Boss, is there a need for us to be so cautious? The other party doesn't even have a Peak Stage Void God Realm expert. Couldn't we just go over and kill them?"

The leader shook his head and said, "According to the news, the Scales Mercenary Group accepted the mission to escort the Yang family."