The First Item On Auction

The Sacred Hidden Chamber of Commerce.

As the most powerful chamber of commerce in the boundless world, the auction they held was naturally extraordinary.

As a result, countless people from the inland factions traveled thousands of kilometers to this border city to participate in the auction.

When the people below saw Dong Xiaoqin appear, they could not help but reveal infatuated expressions.

"I didn't expect Dong Xiaoqin to personally host this auction."

"That's right. Dong Xiaoqin's identity is the daughter of the Sacred Hidden Chamber of Commerce's president. Her identity is extraordinary and she's famous in this boundless realm."

"Looks like this auction item is really valuable!"

Only the people on the second floor knew.

Dong Xiaoqin was the most suitable person to host the auction.

It would only be abnormal if someone else was in charge.

The legacy of a Dao Convergence Realm expert as well as that divine item.