Five Star Executor, Liu Ziru

Lu Changsheng was frightened for a few days, after his disciples left.

He was afraid that those brats would use the jade pendant to tell him that they had offended some large faction again and had to clean up after them.

A few days later, Lu Changsheng let out a sigh of relief and resumed his normal life.

Sleep, eat, sleep, grow vegetables, sleep…

However, he could only cook by himself.

When he was too lazy to do it, he asked Uncle Qin to order "takeout" for him.

Except, good times don't last long.

This kind of slacking life disappeared when a very young-looking man came.

Lu Changsheng, who seemed to be taking a nap with his eyes closed, let out a helpless voice.

"Sigh, the good days are coming to an end again."

The young man smiled and casually sat on the stone chair.

Without saying anything, he took out the teapot and began to make tea.