Sword Slashes Thorns, Physical Body As A Carrier

Back in the Wilderness Region, the classification of weapons was generally the same as cultivation methods and medicinal pills.

It was divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow, where each of the levels was divided into upper, middle, and low-grade.

There was a Heaven Class and above in the Boundless World. It was called a Spiritual Weapon.

As the name suggested, a weapon with a spirit was a Spiritual Item.

As for the Dark Demon Sword, it was originally a Peak Stage Heaven Realm sword. It transformed into a low-grade spirit artifact after absorbing the wild ice sword spirit in Mu Ziqing's body.

However, low-grade spirit weapons were clearly not enough in the Boundless World.

If not for Ye Qiubai's physique cultivation technique and the support of his Sword Intent,