A Little Inflated

To be able to make Ye Qiubai trust him so much…

Who else would think that the other party could solve the problem as long as he came?

There was no doubt about it. Lu Changsheng was the one.

Shi Sheng was stunned. "Senior Brother, when did you contact Master? Why didn't I know?"

Ye Qiubai smiled and said, "Two days ago. After all, the other party is so powerful. We have to make preparations early."

At the side, Blackie said in a muffled voice, "Senior Brother, I'm afraid you'll be scolded again."

Ye Qiubai spread his hands helplessly and said, "So be it. I'm already used to it anyway."

Looking at Ye Qiubai's fearless expression,

Blackie and Shi Sheng couldn't help but laugh.

The two Divine Transformation Realm experts who were charging towards them saw the three of them chatting and laughing.

He could not help but feel a little angry.

Can't you give me some face!