Mu Zhengting's Defeat...

Mu Fusheng was the successor of the Boundless Empire and was also Mu Zhengting's son!

Even though there was no kinship in the royal family, the Boundless Empire clearly did not have such a tradition.

The first thing to nurture in the royal family of the Boundless Empire was always not to cause internal strife.

Whichever field you are suitable for, you will take up the official position in that field.

For example, Princess Mu Qingqing was good at military combat so she led the military.

Her relationship with Mu Fusheng was also extremely good.

In the future, one of them would lead the army, while the other would lead the empire.

With the two of them cooperating, the Boundless Empire would definitely have a successor.

Hence, regarding Mu Fusheng's matter…

Mu Zhengting had always been very concerned.

It had been two months!

Why didn't she report such a big matter like becoming his disciple to him!