The Evil General Was Speechless...

Mu Fusheng was the heir to the throne.

His brain was naturally good.

It was a head-on confrontation.

He was definitely not a match for this Soul Divergence Realm evil general.

Nonetheless, there was a way to stall him.

As a Soul Divergence Realm expert, the evil clans had an abnormal sense of superiority in front of the human race.

When facing the Peak Stage Mu Fusheng Mu Fusheng, he was naturally very arrogant.

Thus, Mu Fusheng took advantage of this.

He took the initiative to reveal an insignificant trump card.

It blocked the Evil General's attack.

However, at this realm and status, naturally, he was not stupid and would not be rash.

Therefore, if he only used it once to run, the other party would definitely not be fooled and chase after him.

Thus, Mu Fusheng used it a few more times to control the other party's emotions then he released the message that he no longer had that defensive jade pendant.