Blackie's Identity

The sudden increase in strength of the black magical beast shocked everyone! Why did its strength suddenly increase?

Furthermore, it had directly advanced to the Dao Convergence Realm!

Mu Qingqing, who had rushed over, saw this scene and frowned. She seemed to have thought of something.

"Retreat immediately! We can't join forces! Once we join forces, the strength of the magical beasts guarding the pass will increase greatly!"

When the golden-armored commander and the others heard this, they immediately retreated!

After everyone retreated, the strength of the black magical beast had also returned to normal.

It retracted the huge hand and quietly blocked in front of the black door.

Lin Jie looked at this scene and said, "Looks like we have to go one by one."

"They don't want other weaklings to take advantage of the situation."

Mu Qingqing nodded and said, "There's no other way. Let's go one by one."