Lu Changsheng Has Been Discovered?

A month passed, Ye Qiubai, Shi Sheng, and Mu Fusheng had all passed the test.

They entered the middle three levels.

As for Blackie…

He had already gone through four tests!

These four tests represented the bones, flesh, blood, meridians, and skin!

After these four tests were completed,

Blackie's body had reached a new level!

Now, even an Intermediate Stage Martial Monarch Realm cultivator might not be able to withstand Blackie's punch!

There was only a black figure when Blackie stepped into the last room for the final test.

And this figure was the black figure that appeared in the first test!

It was a figure that looked exactly like Blackie!

The illusory black figure's body slowly solidified!

Countless black qi gathered around his body!

It transformed into bones, meridians, flesh, and skin!