Playing The Good Guy, Bad Guy Poly

Ye Qiubai and the others continued downwards from the third level of the Demonic Abyss.

They could only see a little bit of the black sky while looking up and had already walked for an unknown period of time.

At this place, they could no longer care about time as they had to focus on their surroundings to prevent themselves from being ambushed by magical beasts!

However, even so, it was still bottomless.

There seemed to be no end to these stairs.

It was despairing.

There were also people who began to retreat in the team!

In fact, some people even started to say, "Why don't we go up? Who knows how long we'll have to walk like this!"

How many people had died along the way?

There was no hope!

Mu Qingqing's face darkened as she tried to calm the troops down.

The number of people in the team decreased as time passed.

There was still no end to the staircase.