
The evil clans outside the territory in the Cold Night Realm were not very strong.

However, the other party still had an evil king-level evil races and 10 evil generals.

Among them, were several commanders and evil soldiers.

Honestly, it was already beyond his expectations that the Cold Night Realm could still defend to the death for so long under such circumstances.

Han Qianye said with a serious expression, "We don't have much logistical resources now. We're even more tight on pills, seals, and arrays."

He Zidao nodded.

After sizing up Han Qianye, it could be discovered that even he had already reached his limit. The spiritual qi in his body was already extremely barren, and his aura was even weaker.

Just as He Zidao was thinking about how to resolve this,

Dong Xiaoqin suddenly stood up and said coquettishly, "Don't worry about the resources. I'll settle it."

Everyone looked at Dong Xiaoqin and nodded.