Transformation, Divine Phoenix Bloodline!

A drop of Lu Changsheng's blood essence?

Liu Ziru was slightly stunned.

According to the willow tree, it only needed a drop of blood essence to allow the Vermillion Bird to evolve its bloodline again.

So, how strong was Lu Changsheng's bloodline power?

After all, according to the rules of the cultivation world, if one person's blood essence was required for another person's bloodline to evolve, then, this person's bloodline power would definitely be stronger than the latter!

Or rather, they could complement each other.

However, it was clearly impossible for the bloodlines of a human and a phoenix to complement each other.

Then there was only one possibility.

Lu Changsheng's bloodline was much stronger than the Vermillion Bird's!

But how was that possible?

Liu Ziru was shocked.

How could the bloodline power of a human be stronger than the king of the Phoenix Clan, the Vermillion Bird?