Battle Between The Four Peak Masters!

Boundless Ocean Starfield.

Goose Landing City.

This place was second only to Boundless Ocean City.

Boundless Ocean City had the Boundless Ocean Sect, so it was the most prosperous place in the Boundless Ocean Starfield.

As for the Goose Landing City, even though there was a gap between it and the Boundless Ocean Sect,

However, because of the existence of the Goose Landing Sect, it was also extremely prosperous.

The Goose Landing Sect was the only sect that could be compared to the Boundless Ocean Sect.

It was much older than the Boundless Ocean Sect!

His foundation was extremely powerful!

However, now that the sect had declined, too many prodigies had been poached by the Boundless Ocean Sect.

This caused the Luoyan Sect to fall from the throne of the Boundless Ocean Starfield.

At this moment, Ye Qiubai and Mu Ziqing disguised themselves and infiltrated Goose Landing City.