Battle Of The Earth Immortals, Yuan Shou Strikes!

At the side, the Boundless Ocean Sect had already summoned all the disciples and elders outside and were heading in the direction of the Goose Landing Sect.

Killing intent filled the entire sky!

On the other side, the higher-ups of the Goose Landing Sect did not do anything.

They only issued a notice without much fanfare.

"The Boundless Ocean Sect will arrive within 15 minutes."

This also made everyone shocked and puzzled.

Isn't the Boundless Ocean Sect stronger than our Goose Landing Sect?

Why don't the Sect Master and the five Peak Masters look anxious at all?

Could it be that they have already given up resisting?

Or is there a countermeasure?

The outside forces were discussing animatedly.

Similarly, the first-rate factions of the Vast Ocean Starfield also looked at the Goose Landing Sect with the attitude of watching a good show.